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What were some of the crazy things love made you do after your break up?

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I only did this once but I set my alarm for 4am. Got in my car drove 30 min to her house to see if her car was there...it was, so I got out and put my hand on the hood to see if the engine was warm.


LMAO... oh this is good. I could see myself doing that and probably feeling a whole lot better. I loved her Jeep and yeah... it would've been nice to give it a hug and kiss before slinking off. LOL.. god, I was mucked up.

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Lol I guess compared to some of the things posted on this thread, mine are pretty tame but embarrassing to think about nonetheless.


My first ex:

- texting almost every day and then sending angry texts when he didn't reply (luckily he is such a nice guy about it all lol)

- sending an abusive barrage of texts... Literally hundreds. But to be fair, it wasn't actual texts and more like texting with a phone app... More like chatting.

- flying overseas to see the ex (it was also a holiday for me and it gave me closure so I don't regret it)

- crying daily for about a month

- I was a depressed, lifeless mess for at least 2-3 months

- slept with a guy I didn't even like all that much just to feel attractive and wanted again

- logged onto his facebook to see if I could find out what was going on in his life


Recent ex:

- slapped him. Dunno what I was thinking... Guess I just hoped that he would remember it forever

- cried hysterically and tried to argue my way back into a relationship

- got drunk at night and went to his workplace where I know he sometimes works late in hopes of seeing him. I was going to hide somewhere and peep at him on his cigarette breaks but he wasn't there lol

- breaking NC: 5 phone calls (2 hurried "I'll call you back" type calls and 3 short convos). Texting 3 times (a good luck text for his exam, and 2 "I'm gonna stop contacting you and move on" texts)

- refused to get out his car until he practically begged me to leave

- checked both of his social networking sites on a daily basis in case he updated something even though I'm not friends with him

- checked his ex's site in case they got back together

- going on ENA practically everyday to come to terms with the BU (don't regret this, it helps)

- being a mess for three weeks


On second thoughts, my list isn't tame at all lol. It's appropriately crazy.


Suffice to say, I wasn't exactly classy when I was in love. Lesson learnt now though and I'm never doing a lot of those things ever again.

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Miss Molly, did he ever contact the "imaginary girl?" A friend of mine has done the same thing many times..with the fake profiles...and always felt like shyte afterwards. I got into my ex's email account for a couple of days..but she must've had an epiphany, because her password soon changed....


No, thankfully I came to my senses and took the profile down before he could respond. It's crazy, I have been thinking about doing it again, but I haven't. Good sense has intervened.

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