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Hair or bare? Is it a generational thing?


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Generally I would say that what a person prefers down stairs is a generational thing, however there will be some that will be exceptions to the general rule.


I think that each of us needs to decide what to do with their own bodies. I cannot understand the obsession that people seem to have with doing whatever their partner desires. This is a personal issue and a significant other can have some input into the situation but doing simply what their significant other desires is silly.

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Yeah, porn is definitely a factor in preferences. I'm kind of on the cusp of when things changed, so I actually like both. But it's weird, I don't like a lot of the "in betweens" you sometimes see in porn, with little patches or runway strips. I like bare because it's very stimulating visually and feels smooth & sexy. I like hairy because it's natural and primal and stuff. Trimmed (uniformly) is sexy too .. it's neat and it's like the best of both worlds.


For myself, I never heard much one way or the other from my partners, except that my ex-wife preferred it trimmed because the hair would irritate her during oral.

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If you're invited to paradise, don't knock the decor.



hahaha, that's so funny..!


I'm in a habbit of waxing, lust leaving a line. I don't do it for a guy, I do it when I'm single too. Feels cleaner, nicer.


I like to feel like an animal with zero inhibitions.


one day, I might meet a man like this, one can only hope. Whenever I've been like this it hasn't helped matters much. sorry, straying off topic.

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It's nothing new LOL.


Hair removal for pubic hair has been a common practice for people in some Middle Eastern and Muslim societies for centuries.


The jurists discussed the proper etiquette of removing the pubic hair and said that it is recommended to start shaving the pubic hair from beneath the navel, and to start on the right hand side, and one should also be concealed from the sight of others when doing this.



The reasons behind removing this dirty hair could also be applied to the hair on the scrotum and around the anus, if impurity gets attached to it, because the purpose is to be completely clean and pure and keep away from anything that may cause dirt and impurities to cling to the body. In this case, removing this hair is a good thing. With the regard to women, the rulings on removing the pubic hair are the same as the rulings for men."



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Yeah, I think if I had to, I'd wax...not shave. Those little bumps...ouch ouch ouch.


There are many products that keep you smooth, razor burn-free, and no little bumps ^_^ I shave every other day and use TendSkin, it hurts a little but I enjoy feeling clean shaven especially during that time of month. I don't know about anyone else, but being bare also keeps a lot of body odor's away.

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