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Sometimes this crushing loneliness really gets to me. Especially at night. If I hadn't left you we would be together every night and I wouldn't feel lonely. But I have to remind myself I was right to leave. This loneliness will be gone in the morning. Your infidelity won't.

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My goodness. I miss you. I'm down a glass of wine and all I want is to be near you. to apologize. I acted on insecurities and the long distance was getting to me. Your work schedule of 16 hour days in a row was getting to me. I'm so sorry love for being stupid, for throwing tantrums and harassing you. I have so many faults I'm willing to work on and I miss you. I miss our dreams, our plans, our future, our kisses, our silliness, our dates, our holding hands in public, our adventures so so much. I emailed you so many times reminding you why we worked, with reasons of inside jokes. You're flying back to town and I know you won't contact me. The last message you said you wanted me to be happy and that I deserve more than I give myself credit for. Why the h*** am I not worth a second chance? Why not see me in real life? We worked when long distance wan't an issue. I realized I loved you too late. I'm still in love with you. I hate waking up empty. I hate going to sleep empty. I hate that I get excited when my phone rings bc I think it's you. ugh. day 5 no contact. I'm activating this for 100 days. going to get so hot for myself. what will I feel like in 95 days from now.

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Remember that time when you said that you need to get an MRI to check if the lump on your head was cancerous or not, you were so scared, and so was I. I prayed deeply and deeply and wished that you'd be okay, and you were, and it made me so happy. Now thinking if this was the price for that wish, if letting you go to our separate ways was the price for that wish, then I'd still pray everyday and wish that you'd always be okay.

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I know stupidity and foolishness needs to stop... have to accept its really over, no matter what I do.. no matter what I say there's no reaching out to you. I have no more pride, self-worth and respect left. My heart and soul is all empty now, drained to every battle... I fought so hard... but you have beaten me every step of the way.


That she, who ever she was, made you forget everything. It hurts that what we had... its long gone now, that she have your heart now. To where me.. I don't know if I'll ever love again, its sad, its lonely... and I miss you tremendously.

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It’s been two weeks since our falling out. Two weeks since I've said a word to you. 7 days since you’ve said anything to me. It feels longer than that. Talking with you used to fill my day. Now I have nothing to look forward to. According to you, we don’t belong. I’ll never know why we couldn’t work out. I looked at your instagram four days ago. There were a few pictures of you with some new guys. I don’t want to know if you’re dating one of them. You looked sad though. In three of your pictures, I could tell. It’s in your eyes. I’m sad too, but I’m working on moving on. That’s the last time I’m looking though. I promise. Seeing your beautiful face and smile is too much to bear. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. We were going to see each other that day, remember? Did you find a job yet? How’s acting classes? How are you? I don’t know anymore.

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I don't hate you but thanks to you I hate myself. I don't miss you but I feel lonely and devoid of hope of finding love again.

I really regret too many things that perhaps were normal everyday things that you blew out of proportion, even so I should have understood you but I never did. Shouldn't have been impatient for your inefficiency, your self-consciousness, your laziness, you used to say you will miss me if I am not with you anymore. I don't miss you exactly but I do miss all the years I was with you, doing sacrifices and efforts for somebody who at the end didn't really love me. Maybe you would still be with me if I didn't nag you for helping me out but cheated on you. Well, who knows? What I do know is that you have ruined my best years and my chances to happiness. ThanK you. I just hope you have some disappointments and will realise I was not bad at all.

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I regret putting so much of myself into being with you when I knew deep down it would never be the same for you. If you just would have made an effort, we could be happy together. I did everything for you. Me feeling like I did everything just made me resent you more and more but I still love you. It's been over a month since we broke up now and I have no idea if you are feeling any regrets or if you are doing fine and happier without me. You used to tell me that you would always need me and want to be with me, and then suddenly it was like I was nothing to you. Being in a relationship takes work and the problems we had weren't just going to fix themselves. I guess you not wanting to work with me is just a better reason for me to believe that this is for the best. You were my best friend, and now we might as well be strangers. But I am not going to let you control my life right now, but I still hope that in time you will miss what we had and realize that you messed up.

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Day 7


WOW, I really didn't think that you would not reach out to me by now! We never went more then a day without talking and that was rare. I guess that means that we are done seeing each other? I thought we talked about letting the other know if we were not wanting to see each other again. You just went dark. Would not answer my question about you being distant, why? I would of at least like to know that you didn't want to see me any longer, then at least I would know it was over. This just has me at a wow stage, like what happened?


I know you had a bad health scare, but come on. You are on FB still and are posting away. Your fingers aren't broken. Why did you refuse to answer my question?


I have now deleted your phone number from my cell and unfriended you on FB. I just don't want to have any reason to reach out to you even though my whole body and mind is saying DO IT!! Ask him one more time why he is being so cold. I just want to know why you stopped contacting me. Yikes! This feels awful.

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I haven't really thought about you for a long while now, but for some reason walking to work this morning our last (and final) fight popped into my head. But it was actually a good thing. It gave me real clarity.


I realized that I was well within my right to act and respond the way that I did. You turned on me for what? For holding myself in a higher regard than an F buddy for you? When you boil it all down that's exactly what occurred. And we have never been just friends. Just friends simply doesn't fly with us and you know it. It never did. We always end up flirting and sexting and you sending me some enticing pics etc... we love(d) turning each other on. Always have. We have always had an intimate connection. And because I don't want to be just another F toy for you, you turn on me with that vial side of you trashing me. You f'ing show your friend our text exchange and spew that garbage at me because I don't want to be another F toy for you? You really do make me sick when I think about it. You suck so bad and you were wrong in every possible way. You have no honor. No respect for yourself, or for people who actually care and want to be real in your life. You give no effort and you are so selfish and self absorbed its amazing that I even gave you the f'ing time of day for as long as I did.


And you had the audacity to ask me (out of the blue) to crash at my place that first night because you weren't feeling well. I took you in and let you sleep on my couch. I fed you and treated you with kindness because that's who I am. After all the crap you have put me through I still did that and welcomed you with open arms. You take advantage of kindness. I have no idea what I was thinking. I should never have answered your text. I never will again.


The decisions that you make in life and the way you treat good people around you, define exactly who you are. And you are a piece of garbage in my eyes now. You deserve no forgiveness this time. And you will never have it from me. And if you show up on Sunday just know that I basically despise you. And so does every one of my friends. You don't belong there. Stay the F away.

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So, another revelation. I'm not scared anymore. I couldn't understand it either. Why couldn't I just let you go at the end. I held on when it was so clear you were just tolerating me after the break up. I was scared of being alone as my 'friends' were not there for me and you were the only one who sorta cared.I was also scared of doing the whole finding someone who wanted a family thing again at my age. You took away my dreams and stopped being my only real friend. That's a hella long way to fall.

But I'm not as scared anymore. I've released the anger too and it's just hurt left. But I never want to be with you again.


I don't know what to believe anymore about who you are. I think you're that kind sweet guy I met but you also have a dark side. There's lies and admissions in there and also a blank wall. You 're the kinda guy who will use someone's insecurities which they confided in you as a reason to break up with them. You'll say you don't have time for a relationship and you need to work on yourself and your depression but join a dating site 2 months after we split to 'date.' Surely it would be better to say no commitment? As you really don't have the time, you play in a band and see your son @ weekends and work shift work, it was too much pressure for you to fit someone in when we're together. Just get a F buddy and stop screwing girls mentally and emotionally!! you're the kinda guy who will bad mouth your sons mum for being obvious about her love life and then flirt openly on fb with the girl you're now 'dating.' Which your soon can see! You're the guy who wants someone else to make his life better but won't be there when the other person needs support. Lastly you're the kinda guy who cheats on his ex before me, doesn't tell her and is best buds with her.


I'm not even angry as I write this. It's kinda funny to see the real you. I do feel sorry for the girl you're dating though. You'll expect her to sort out the unhappiness you feel,you won't take the emotional risks, you'll dump her if she's not perfect in bed or have the right body. If she lasts past the 'date' phase you'll make your family you're first priority, feel under pressure cos of work, get the commitment phobia around 8months! Push her away, dump her and blame her. You are stuck in a cycle and you've been that way the last 5 relationships... If you didn't lie about those as well. I'm praying for the girl you're dating, that you'll treat her properly!!!! I wonder how many times you said 'you're different from the rest. I've never felt this way before.' I believed you when you said it... I think now it was just an act!!!

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Just what's on my mind...not looking for a critique or if its even good. Just need to get it out


Through magick’s veil in astral realms;

I thy presence still doth seek,

Time passes without claim on enchanted mystique,

Though spirits waver and sorrow overwhelms.


2 darkened cups brilliance now gone;

For me your luster never waivers,

Stinging texts tear me far from favour,

A union of shadowy corpses still carry on.


My goddess muse how I pine for thee;

A grave my endless state,

The love I hold shall never abate;

Despite silence be the spoken decree.


1 more turn of thy attention grant;

A pleasing ode to thee my spirit yearns,

Fate draws constant my soul to thee it burns;

On Tattooed skin and heart your are forever stamped.

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Hey. I don't know why, but my mind always wonders if you're thinking of me. I'm not going to contact you anymore now, I know we ended amicably and I thought it'd be easy to stay friends but it's not that easy. I can't handle not having all of you. I don't think you ever didn't respond to any message I ever sent you, even if it was something small, you'd always reply last, I liked that. Now it's not like that, and why should it be because I'm not your boyfriend anymore. But I can't handle just being that. So I can't stay in touch anymore.

Part of me thinks you think of me fondly, and miss me, but the other part of me thinks that you probably still hold some resentment, and are having a great time being single and being able to hang out with your work friends, it certainly seems that way. I'm sure all those lads who were texting you when we met are back on the scene, and you're just enjoying the attention.

I really really hope that one day soon you remember just what we had. Why is it affecting me so much and not you? I wanted to end things with you. We should have been looking forward to a long summer together now, and moving in together soon - but just because of a bad patch, those dreams are all gone. Why aren't you bothered? Why aren't you fighting for that. You wanted it just as much as I did. I miss you so much xxx

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You're on my mind all day long and I have no idea why. I hate to say it, but you're not a good person and you were right, we don't belong. You're insecure, attention-seeking, and insincere. I wouldn't be surprised if you cheated on me. I'd actually be more surprised if you didn't. You moved on from me in 6 days. You went on a date with some guy 6 days after we end and decide to share it with everyone by posting it on your instagram. You still had the nerve to text me that day too. And why? Because that's how you're going to get over me? Instead of dealing with the sadness and the reality that I, someone who actually really cared for you and liked you for who you were, am no longer with you. You didn't appreciate me. Did you post those pictures of you holding hands with him on Valentine's Day because you knew I'd see it? Or do you genuinely like this guy? Sounds to me like a rebound and that you're too scared to be alone. It still hurts that you're no longer in my life. More than likely, I'll never hear from you or see you again. That's probably for the best, but it's not what I ever wanted. But I am working on moving on, and I will find someone who appreciates me as much as I appreciate them.

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I don't understand why I can't let you go. You made me feel so miserable and at one point I thought us breaking up would be a good thing. I truly cared about you, and you know that. You told me that I was the only one who really did. That I was your best friend. I don't know what made you feel differently all of the sudden. I loved every detail about you. You would spend hours telling me how much you loved me, and now you just pull the plug and leave me behind. Have you been talking to another guy? I asked you that, and you said no, but I don't know if I believe you. I just want you back in my life but I have to let you go. We had something special, and I don't think you realize what you threw away. I should have detached myself from you earlier like I knew you were doing with me, but I wanted to keep fighting for us. I just want to yell at you, but I know it isn't your fault.

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As each day goes by I know that I'll heal from this. You will not hear from me ever again. This is what you wanted. Im now coming to realize some of your flaws and I don't think I want to deal with them. I will move on and find someone better. I'm sure of this. You will keep running from relationship to relationship looking for sparks. You think you have it all when it comes to relationships, you don't. You were such an ass towards ending. I can't stand you right now.

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