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Everything posted by burningred

  1. You could have at least just told me you dont want to hear from me anymore than make me look desperate by texting you so many messages. What ever happened to you, what turned you into that monster? How can you not give at least a little respect to someone you once love so much? Why?
  2. I feel like a very bad person to deserve this kind of pain. If i am being punished, isnt 7 months enough? Sometimes i feel like fading away. Its so unfair. I have loved and with what im dealing with right now, i feel like i never should have.
  3. Cried on Christmas, cried again last night, new year. Im so miserable.
  4. i really miss you a lot. this morning i felt really furious about my insensitive workmates and i dread to let you know how i felt but i didnt coz you dont care like you used to.
  5. day 10 of NC. still thinking of him everyday.
  6. I remember when you told me that the whole room isnt just the same without me, and that you were so lonely and missing me like crazy. Made me cry remembering all the good times. Its tough
  7. so happy for the others who made it work, it never happened to me though. when he left me all i got from him was rejection. he said he doesnt want to be with me anymore because he is guilty and unsure if he wont ever hurt me again. oh well, in short he doesnt love me. why cant he just tell me that to set the record straight. coward and selfish.
  8. day 3 i always get the urge to contact him.
  9. Thank you so much staypositive1 and to all of you contributing some positive stories. It helps. =)
  10. Is there a story about a guy who was so deeply in love with a girl and then for some strange reasons fall out and broke up with her? And after some time, he comes back and they get back?
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