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I'm making huge changes to my life and I've wanted to talk to you about them so badly. I wish you'd just talk to me. I won't pressure you into anything. I won't try to kiss you. I won't try to get you in bed with me.


I wish I had the answers. I wish I knew why it is so easy for you to walk out and forget everything we'd talked about for the future, while I'm still here dwelling on it. You know I am not a bad person. You know that I've never done anything to hurt you, and I never will. So I don't understand why you wouldn't want to be with me, love and respect me. After all the bad relationships you've had in the past with nasty endings, crazy stalkers and people completely disrespecting you - don't you see that I've been the one person who has simply loved you unconditionally? Every time I was being "dramatic" or "crazy", I was only trying to get you to communicate with me. I never called you on being "dramatic", though you were 100x more so than I. You didn't want solutions, you just wanted to yell about the problem. Noone ever solved a problem by saying "I can't do this" or throwing a tantrum about it.


You claimed that none of your relationships have been similar to ours, you never fought with any of your exes like you fought with me. But that isn't true! The few exes you have told me about all ended badly and you were treated with total disrespect. EVERY single ex you have told me about you hate now. That's not the sign of healthy relationships or mature break ups. Our first break up was mature - only because I ended it and treated you with complete respect while you tried to get me back. This break up has not been mature, because frankly, you've been acting like a child.


I hope you will take this time to work on yourself and not jump into another unhealthy relationship. I hope you don't really believe what you said in the break up, that you blamed me for all the drama and problems we faced. I only ever tried to keep the peace and express love for you. To talk through our differences. But we never once talked through a single difference. There was no compromise. Just looking at the word reminds me of some of the first words you said to me during our relationship: "What I love about you so much is there is no compromise. Everything is just perfect". That is not going to last forever, with anyone!


I hope you regret the way you treated me one day, but I don't expect you'll ever give it a second thought. The truth is that you didn't love me, you were only ever infatuated with me.

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I'm glad I've found this place, because posting here is infinitely better than contacting you again. I can't and won't do it again, no matter how much I want to, sometimes. In the last three years since we had gotten back together, I've lost count of how many times I have tried to leave. Really, though I do love you, you do too many things that disappoint me, sadden me and lower my respect for you - not because I hold you to any impossible standard; I just want you to be healthy, happy and respectful of yourself and others. I don't know WHY you have to do the things that you do, then you wonder why you're in the messes you're in. It's always everyone else's fault, and at that, usually the people closest to you who do the most to try to help you. When I think about a relationship with you, it is fraught with so many problems, but I tried to stay because I know you are an all-or-nothing type of person and we had been through so much that I couldn't stand the thought of not having you in my life. Most of all, I missed the person you were, the one you first showed me, but you're not even him anymore. Was he ever real? There were things you lied about from day one, so maybe that person I loved so much was never anything more than a carefully constructed fantasy. The real you was a total 180° from the person you led me to believe you were and in the years since, you've only gotten worse. You don't even try to hide it now, but instead display your perversions, negativity and sometimes total ignorance, for the world to see. Sometimes I'm amazed that you aren't embarrassed at all. That's how you want people to see you? Well, better for them to know up front, I suppose. I don't even know now what day it was when I last talked to you. I purposely tried not to pay attention, because I don't want any specific date to remember. I just feel so exhausted with this already. It has been one of the factors impeding my own progress for a LONG time, but I'm doing something now that you always prevented me from doing with your blaming and guilt tripping; I'm taking care of myself, being responsible and taking steps to create the life that I want for myself - something you could do too, if you weren't too busy feeling like the world owes you all the time, but hey, what do I know? Take that money and go get drunk; it's not like you could be saving it for anything important.

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I'm having a hard day today. Probably because I saw you on Saturday night and we chatted and hugged and you kissed my cheek. I still have so many unanswered questions, that I know you have no answer for. Why are you still with this young girl? Why did you jump into a relationship with someone else so quickly? Don't you miss me? You told me you still loved me even when you were with her. Don't you understand that all your friends don't like her and a couple have even stopped speaking to you over the way you treated me? I know you are messed up and hurting, I know I did things wrong in the relationship too, but there was so much love and chemistry. I just want to spoon with you tonight and not say a word. I know I have to let this go, but I really did love you and admire you and we had so much respect for each other - we still do. Why couldn't you have fought for us? I was only bluffing when I said I wanted to break up I miss you so much.

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Why haven't you replied? Why ask me questions and if we should meet up and then NOT reply to me? 2 whole days now! I thought we said we were going to be honest with each other? Well, just be blinking honest with me, STOP dangling me on a string and let me know what the hell is going on!!! You're making me SO frustrated, I just want to scream and cry! What do you want?!

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I do still think about you and him, but it doesn't hurt quite as much when I do. That's progress, I'd say. I'm getting better. I know cognitively that us not being together is for the best, and that I am happier than I was when I was with you. Next step is to fully feel that in my heart. I think I'm getting there. I'm very stressed with school right now, so my healthy eating and exercise has dropped off in the last couple days, which has made me feel a bit worse about things. After my 2 exams tomorrow though, I'll get back on the horse with exercise and diet, and I'll continue to work on myself.


Until next time,



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I wish i knew you made your peace with us. With me. I made mine. Not over you, but no hard feelings left whatsoever. I wish you knew that, and i hope you feel the same. Go on with your life and if you do look back on us be proud of yourself.

Wish you very best



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Not sure how I've been feeling lately....I feel empty. Numb almost. In the past I've had a much worse reaction to talking to you. This time, its weird...I was upset for a few days but now I'm just blah. I feel lonely though, that I can tell for sure. Lonely for you, or lonely for someone in general I don't know. Talking to you made me realize though that SO much in life has changed....I don't think either of us are the same. Although sitting there and reminiscing with you just made me I hate that I put up such a brave front, acting like I was SO fine, that I could talk to you and laugh it off and be fine but really I was in such turmoil inside. And yet when we were talking, and laughing....as awkward as the conversation was at times, it still felt natural with you. It felt right....I've missed that feeling. I've seriously missed YOU....my best friend tells me that I don't miss you. That I miss a boyfriend, having someone there. She puts up a VERY compelling argument of why I SHOULDN'T miss you because you were a JERK to me....but I think when it comes down to it, as screwed up as you were to me, as much as you may have hurt me, killed me even....took a piece of my soul with you...I do miss YOU....


I hate that I just want you to miss me in that way. I don't think you do though. I still don't know why you wanted to talk to me., why you will randomly pop up in my life every 4 months or so. I fully expect to not hear from you again until...oh IDK January or February maybe....I guess I'll be fine...

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I can name a thousand things which went wrong: you were depressed, I had low self-esteem, we were at stressful points in our lives, we got too serious too quickly, we didn't respect one another's different opinions, we were too defensive, you weren't over her yet... I can even fix some of them. I think back to how I was during the relationship, still fighting with overwhelming feelings of self-hatred. I'm working on it though. I'm getting so much better. For the first time in my life, I'm happy with my appearance. I'm happy with myself. I'm happy with my accomplishments. I don't feel guilty doing something for myself. I feel great.


But I still miss you. I still want you back. And it's hard to not let this get me down again. Of all your girlfriends, I was the only one you broke up with. I was the only one deemed not good enough.


But why? Everything was so good. You were so happy. I was so happy. The look in your eyes the last time I saw you... you were still in love then, I know it. What happened after I left? What changed?


And I know there's no running into each other somewhere down the line and reconnecting. We're from two different worlds. Next year, I'll be in Asia, and you'll be in North America. Then I'll be in North America, you in South America. Then you'll move to Europe.


You always said that if we were "meant to be," then we wouldn't have any fights or disagreements. I said if we were "meant to be," you'd want to try to work through these things. Why didn't you try? Why was I never good enough for you? Why was I always messing up and making you angry? I didn't mean to. I never once meant to upset you. I spent months walking on eggshells, never knowing which off-handed comment would set you off. Even your dad thought you got mad at me for no reason.


Is she different? Does she make you happy? Does she not make you mad? Why is she so special?

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I can't believe this. I can't believe you're not in my life anymore. I wish you wanted to make this work with me. Am I not worth it I was so good to you and loved you more than anything in my life. I wonder if you're missing me or if you feel relieved you no longer have to worry about me. Let me fend for myself. Leave me alone.

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Thinking about you a bit right now, but that's okay. Mostly just memories. I still know it's best if we're not together. Oh well, onward and upward.


Daniel, just remember: you're a good person and you will find someone. You are happier without her. You have so much to love and be thankful for.


Until next time,



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Why wasn't I enough?? Why don't I matter?? Why is it so easy for you to move on without me?? Why do I still love you even though you tore my heart to shreds?? WHHHHYYYYYY!!!!! Why am I still holding on to a false reality that you will wake up and realize how much I mean to you and how much our family means to you?? Just love my again PLEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEEE...I just want you to love me as much as I still love you...I want you to fight for us and our family...Just love us again...

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Yes, you ARE insensitive. And I'm glad you know that. I put you on that pedestal and you know what, you didn't really treat me with respect at times, and even after we have split up, you're STILL not treating me with much respect! Just because you seem to have a warped sense of what is acceptable behaviour doesn't mean I do.


I wish I could just erase you, not from my past, because the hundreds of fun times we had will always be with me, although I'm starting to cry right now thinking that we may never have that again. But from my future, because I can't ever imagine seeing you as a friend, my feelings are too overwhelmingly strong.


I feel stupid for falling in love with you. I wish the tears would stop.

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And, just to add, when I woke up in the early hours of this morning, I got up and went back to bed, my daughter heard me and climbed into bed with me. And we cuddled and I tried not to cry in front of her. But I did.


But I have her, what do you have now? You threw away me and you threw away my daughter, although you never spent much time with her anyway. That makes you running away easier on her though, so that's not a bad thing now.


You came catapulting into our lives and you have left me broken. I, all of a sudden, feel lonely even though I have my daughter. You fought for me in the beginning and then just break it up without a fight. That will never make sense to me.

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I shouldn't have emailed you the other day, yes it was my fault, but your cold heartedness and ignorance drove me to it. Yes I still take the blame for doing it, but if you had shown an ounce of humanity since we broke up... or a drop of thought and compassion , maybe I wouldnt be so broken and confused.

You really did just drop me and disappear, after invading my life like a superhero and whisking me up in your infatuation for me. Then I get dropped like that?

are you surprised im weirded out still?

* * * are you these days anyway

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Why cant i get ou out of my head. After 8 years i simply cannot erase the memories we made. We fought for each other for so long, i am so sad you gave up. It is so hard not to contact you everyday. I wonder if you even think about me anymore?

I really just want to forget about you but it is so hard. Was i really so bad all those years that you just dont care anymore. We both made mistakes, but i never gave up on you, on "us". I dont wish you any ill, if your doing well, i am happy for you. I just miss what we had, the dreams we had, and you, as a person. Take care as always.


Hey stranger, how are you?

Sometimes i wonder, what your up to,

my sweet princess, my babygurl,

I hope the sun, is shining upon your world,

I miss placing, my hand on your face,

and looking in your eyes, takes me to a better place,

Laying together, as i stroke your hair,

Recounting the things, in life we share,

But now we are apart, and it hurts like hell,

there are no words, that can ever tell,

You the things, i feel inside,

it feels like a part, of me has died,

But i will heal, but i wont forget,

just like i hope you find, that you dont regret,

I wasnt perfect, but loved you as a whole,

from the little things you did, to the depths of your soul,

Remember all my poems, pictures and letters,

while i wish you luck, finding someone better,

Because i only ever wanted, whats best for you,

and thats how i knew......That i loved you.

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oh ex-ex....yes you are a creep...a 45 year old man pandering to a 19 year old attention hor....she went on a reality show and you cannot see how shes just so false?


lead by your as per....well, wonder how your disabled GF feels with you panting after anything with a pretty face...i didnt put up with it and glad i am out of it. you are just an old perv and certainly not the sweet gentleman you portray to others.


i hope one day peeps wise up to you and your true nature...may the truth be out about you on that site

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You're a coward. I actually said that to you, but you blew it off and then continued to bury your head in the sand. I'm better off for your foolishness, but I still hate to see someone refuse to grow up and exact change in their life. No wonder Katie left you without a word. I can see why, now.

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I HATE that you reached out to me again... and I hate that I fell for it again. Breadcrumbs is all it was. Why do I allow myself to think you're going to come to your senses. Why can't I just hate you for everything you've done to me. No contact again... god damn it.

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All I asked from you at the very beginning was 1 thing and one thing alone. I asked you to be open and honest... no matter how bad you thought it was going to be. Of course, you couldn't do it. You see, when you open your heart to someone else... that means you leave yourself vulnerable/exposed. That's why I asked for your openness and honesty... to mitigate the exposure.


You are not as mature as either one of us thought.

Your communication skills... well... they are sub-par.

You are clearly not ready to be in a relationship.


I don't fault you for any of these things. But I do fault you for not giving me the one thing I asked for and the one thing you agreed to. Even now... even after the fact, you can't be open and honest. That's what hurts the most.


I was very happy before we were together. I think my happiness is what attracted you to me--I had something you wanted. I fell in love with you and, for the second time in my life, I saw the imperfect person perfectly. You brought your baggage and unhappiness into a relationship with me (I did not know it was there for awhile... and... yes... it's pretty severe). In the end, you ran and I'm stuck dealing with the unhappiness... almost as if it transferred from you to me. At this point, I'm curious as to how many hearts you have broken. You are not ready to be in a relationship until you stop seeing yourself as damaged goods (this part alone breaks my heart).


I want you to know that this time... this time an amazing guy got hurt (and hurt badly). Not an * * * * * * * . Not a Dbag. Not someone who treated you like dirt. Not even just your run of the mill good guy... but a great one.


All I want now is to be over you so I can get back out there.

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