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Everything posted by BeForMe

  1. I'm having a hard day today. Probably because I saw you on Saturday night and we chatted and hugged and you kissed my cheek. I still have so many unanswered questions, that I know you have no answer for. Why are you still with this young girl? Why did you jump into a relationship with someone else so quickly? Don't you miss me? You told me you still loved me even when you were with her. Don't you understand that all your friends don't like her and a couple have even stopped speaking to you over the way you treated me? I know you are messed up and hurting, I know I did things wrong in the relationship too, but there was so much love and chemistry. I just want to spoon with you tonight and not say a word. I know I have to let this go, but I really did love you and admire you and we had so much respect for each other - we still do. Why couldn't you have fought for us? I was only bluffing when I said I wanted to break up I miss you so much.
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