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Everything posted by somethngwrng

  1. Just happened to see a pic of you on FB. Just wanted to say you're looking fat. Seems with each passing day I'm more and more puzzled about what I ever saw in you. Hope your new BF wised up and dumped your cheating ass by now. If not, I'm sure you're still miserable as heck. Hope I never hear from you again. Pretty sure you'd be too embarrassed to show your face anyway. My life is going well. Got another pay increase, been working 2 jobs. Started another health kick, going pretty good. Anna and I are going on holiday next week, feel like I deserve it. Regards, somethngwrng
  2. I finally trashed everything - all the photos, all the letters, every one of our chat logs, all the text messages. Removed your number. Debating on changing phone number/email but of course nothing could ever stop you if you wanted to contact me somehow, so I don't see the point. Valentines Day is tomorrow and I'm spending it with someone special. A healthy relationship is building and I really see everything that was missing between us - far too rushed, no communication, so many hard feelings. You got with a new man the day we broke up and you have made him miserable and yourself miserable once again. I really hope you can pull yourself out of this terrible cycle you have been repeating for the past few years. I worry about you. I'm not the devil. The devil is in your mind. Best wishes.
  3. 3 months gone, not forgotten. I do wonder about the 10:45pm email on 12/31 I received from you wishing me a happy new year - why did you bother? Did you think I wanted to hear anything from you - did you think I was going to say "Oh honey, happy new year! I'm happy you are undoubtedly drunkenly whoring yourself out and breaking all your promises of the last year"? The good news is that I've found a beautiful, sexy woman, 1 year my junior, who treats me like I want to be treated - the way you did initially. Yet with her there is none of the drama, mood swings, self centered behaviour. She is focused on her life and where she is going, has long term friends whom she is loyal to and no history of jumping from guy to guy. All the qualities I wished you had decided to undertake, which you led me to believe you had. If only you had been the woman you claimed to be and not the little girl you turned out to be. I spent all this time wishing for you to change your mind, yet I had no clue I was persuing the wrong solution to my problem. I promised to always love you, it was your choice to stomp that fire out. I hope you never regret your behaviour in the final months of our relationship, nor your decision to leave. For if you were to return you would find that I've moved on. It would be hard for me to tell you no - even though, ultimately, it was your choice. I would still feel guilty, almost as if I was the one doing the betraying. I never dreamed I would feel this way - especially so soon after the break up - but my life is better without you. When I was in a stage of heartbreak, I conveniently forgot that your terrible behaviour near the end of our relationship was a part of who you are and only focused on that sweet, loving girl that I met back in February. Your behaviour with me was typical of all your relationships - even on your Facebook timeline it is obvious your feelings with me mirrored the exact same pattern as they did with your ex. Maybe our relationship was badly timed, maybe it was just never going to happen in the long run. But I'm done thinking about it. You'll always hold a place in my heart. I really hope you find what you're looking for. When you do, take care of it, don't be careless and self centered again. Best Wishes for 2012, J
  4. And that day was today. You can't make me jealous. You can't make me want you again. I laugh at your stupid games, how sad is your life? Wasn't as good or exciting as you thought it would be without me, huh? Good riddance! I feel on top of the world!
  5. I don't think so, I haven't even told anyone other than family that I am dating. I could tell just from her texts she was drunk. But from what I've heard, she drinks almost every night since we broke up.
  6. Do ex's have ESP or something? First 20 days with no contact and she sends me a voicemail immediately after I get home from a date with a beautiful, smart, funny woman. 3 days later (with no contact), I'm on a date with the same woman... I get home and there are FIVE text messages from my ex begging me to call her. I'm so over her.
  7. Was 20 days NC yesterday, she initiated contact by sending me a voicemail telling me she misses me, etc... I made a short reply saying "I dunno what to say, my life is just starting to get good again" and she sent me some messages saying she's "so sorry". I didn't reply to those and I'm not about to start being in contact with her again. NC is really my choice at this stage as I know she wants to spend time with me. But nothing has changed, we want to spend time together in different ways and it would be a bad thing to open up my feelings again anyhow. I am beginning to see that she doesn't deserve me, and if that's not enough, she doesn't want me either. Short of her banging down my door begging for me back I will not be in contact with her. Even then.. I have been dating and there are girls who would just be much better for me than her.. I feel like I'm really moving on now.
  8. Day 17. I still hope for her to contact me. I don't know why. I don't expect her to. I don't check my phone anymore. Sometimes I am hopeful when I open my email and see "Inbox (1)", hoping she's realised her mistake. But she won't, I need to remove those thoughts. Only time can do that. I hope in a few months I don't even think of her. She is still on my mind for half the day. Sometimes I still fantasise about her, she is definitely still my strongest sexual fantasy. I hope with time, I would truly reject her, because I know if she wanted to get back together now I would only be cautious. It would end the same way, but worse. I have come a long way from the days of extreme loneliness, the begging, the "what ifs", crying when I saw our old gestures of love. But I'm not finished on this dark chapter of my life.
  9. I just realised Skype is counting the days I haven't talked to her, since I deleted her it comes up on my Skype page showing the number of days since she made a status update. So today is day 15, I wasn't counting before! I am more than accepting that we will never be intimate again, with a possibility we may never even talk. I was at the markets the other day and saw a wristband she would have really liked, so I bought it. I doubt I will ever give it to her. I don't know why I bought it. I see what happened between us as more ridiculous each day. Her being incredibly insecure from the beginning of the relationship. Her jealousy, possessiveness. Her doubts about my sincerity. I gave her space. I didn't get jealous and possessive. I gave her nothing to be insecure about - she gave me plenty I could have been insecure about. She was scared/worried about me treating her in the same way that she treated me. I miss the good days. But in no way do I miss her ridiculous expectations and overbearing personality.
  10. I guess it's been about 2 weeks since we last spoke. It's really sinking in now, she's not coming back, she doesn't have the same feelings that I did. Even if she did come back, she'd need to change, and that will never happen. I am ready to really move on and forget her.
  11. I kissed and cuddled a girl today that wasn't you and I felt good about it. Also going on a date with a chick who is 5"0 which is gonna be the most AWESOME THING EVER Why did you inexplicably send me a photo of yourself via email on Monday? Was I supposed to tell you that you looked good or something? You're so self absorbed and shallow I couldn't give less of a damn if you were the hottest chick on the planet. I didn't honestly think you were the most beautiful girl in the world, I said that because your love made you that beautiful to me. If you catch your face and/or breasts at the right angle, you're definitely above average though.
  12. I was reading lamebook the other day and there was a post that reminded me of you. Someone made a parody post of a "misunderstood 16 year old girl" who posts ambiguous song lyrics to display emotions instead of directly communicating with the person. I see it now, we weren't meant for each other. All the times I thought "god, if only I could change this about her"... or that, or this, or that. Painful silences based on worry that you would flip out if I spoke my mind. Painful moments where me trying to educate you about anything would result in my being yelled at. I wasn't talking down to you, I just recognised that I could help educate you with something I was knowledgeable about. You taught me things too. If I didn't agree, I accepted a difference in opinion. You were just too immature, non communicative and emotionally underdeveloped. Did you know that I grew to dread seeing you at one time? The hardest part of my day wasn't getting up for work, it was getting home from work. I knew if I didn't call you, there'd be hell to pay, and if I did call then there would be a good chance you'd say/do something to make me feel miserable. Even when you were kind, it was so overshadowed by the fact that any moment I could be victim to a barrage of verbal abuse. It was about choosing the lesser of the two evils. I should have cut my losses and left long ago. I am not sure why I fought it when you decided to leave, it had truly being a long time coming. But despite everything, I'll never forget the connection we felt at a time. The only hope I can hold is for change. Strength to find change in myself and find new dreams to follow. Even reading my words now, I can see the ridiculousness of my emotions and feelings. I don't want this anymore.
  13. I'm scared to death of running into you I don't want to see you. I don't want to acknowledge your existence. I don't want to see you having fun with other people.
  14. I hope the next guy has the sense to dump your ass and stay NC on you instead of giving into feelings for you and giving you another chance. I never should have given you a second chance, you didn't deserve it. I bit myself in the ass even trying to reach out to you and damaged my own ego so badly when you didn't want to try fix things anymore. You've always been full of empty promises. You never wanted to fix things, you just wanted more drama. And you hurt yourself so badly with your bull * * * * that now we're completely finished. You hurt me so badly in the process. I have forgotten who I am. My head just keeps telling me to be what you want me to be. I'm so messed up. I've lost my damn mind.
  15. You threw everything we had away. Just go and enjoy your new life and let me enjoy mine.
  16. Here we go, our first full week of 0 contact since we've met. It hasn't been hard to do, it's just been hard that we've come to this. It's hard that I thought I'd finally found someone who loved me, and in the end it was nothing but an illusion. I got thinking about how I was going to pay for us to both goto Vegas, see the Grand Canyon and the US for the first time. You never seemed excited or thankful that I was willing to pay for us to do that. But... you were never thankful for anything I did for you. You just focused on the negative, created non existent problems out of thin air. I'm realising you were a narccisist, which is why you would brag about what a great boyfriend I was to others while chastising me and mentally abusing me behind closed doors. At the time I thought it was just because you couldn't control your emotions. You never really loved me, you couldn't have. Noone could treat someone they love like you treated me. I don't wish you well. I want you to wake up and realise you can't treat people that way. You're not my problem anymore so I shouldn't even care. Your life is so stupidly easy and comfortable right now. You're a child in a woman's body, and I don't know if you're ever going to have to grow up. At least not until your parents retire or die. I know that's a horrible thing to say, but you are headed nowhere... fast. You better find a rich man to look after you, but I doubt you could hold on to one if you ever managed to snag them in the first place.
  17. I have no idea why a part of me still hopes, when we have both completely wronged each other now. I know we'll probably never even talk to each other again. I was playing with fire ever even getting together with you when I knew your past. I've always been a staunch believer that past behaviour is the best indication of future behaviour, but for some reason I thought it was different with us. I should've ran 100 miles to get away from you. But I was lonely and you were so nice to me at first. It was the first time I ever really felt loved. Now I'm lonely again. I miss cuddling you at night. I miss who you were to me before you started falling out of love. I'm an emotionless zombie.
  18. She flipped out at me today and called me "annoying" after I sent her a polite reminder message asking if she would give it back today (she asked me to send the reminder). Said I have been horrible to her even though she tried to "connect" with me. Not happening today, no date set. Will not ask again for 2 weeks or have any form of contact since I run the risk of talking to her while she is PMSing. Walking on eggshells big time, lol.
  19. I have been in LC with her.. only conversing about getting my stuff back, which is supposed to happen tomorrow. Last few times I've talked to her she has started flirting with me a bit which I have flat out ignored. She claimed she was very hurt I blocked her from Facebook etc... but I explained already that I just don't want to be led on again and if I am not in contact with her then it's impossible for her to do that. It makes me feel a lot stronger ignoring any kind of friendly/flirty advance and telling her that we shouldn't see each other, period. Almost as if I have gained some control of the break up and it is now completely mutual.
  20. Broke up Oct 7. Had first meaningful contact since break up last night. She led me on, told me she loves me. Today she took it back claiming she only said it out of habit. Didn't respond, received a garbage message about a broken attachment 5 hours later. I blocked her from Facebook/Skype/Gmail and am doing HARD NC. I am not responding to anything anymore.
  21. Break up: 7 Oct I just realised it ironic that I had 7 Oct circled on my calendar at work, saying that if her attitude hadn't picked up on that date that I was going to leave her. I circled that date one month in advance when she was treating me * * * * ty. Half way through day 2 and I want to contact her so bad. Would be on day 8 now if not for our small exchange in which she insulted me even further, but trailed with "I'm sure I will give your stuff back, but I just don't feel like you deserve it right now". I don't think I really believe that. She is holding on to the small bit of power she has left over me - my possessions. She knows I won't come back begging again.
  22. I just want my stuff back so I can block you out of my life and forget you forever. Why do you feel I don't "deserve it"? Since when do I need to "deserve" something that is rightfully mine? You are messed in the head. I don't owe you anything, you're a slimy piece of * * * * . If you don't contact me in the next month and offer it back things might get nasty. I can clearly see why some of your ex's have treated you like garbage in the past. Because that's what you deserve! You get what you give!
  23. Day 1 complete again. This time I'm not responding to her crap if she messages me. I refuse to be insulted again. 2nd try at NC.. personal best 5 full days before she texted me and I replied, making me feel awful again. Have a feeling I won't be hearing from her for a loooong time.
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