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I'm slowly healing. NC is working. You're leaving my heart. I really don't want to let you go, but that's the only option now. You hate me. I'll be damned if I'm going to make a fool out of myself again and say sorry for the millionth time. Not after you hurt me so many times and lied to me so many times and it hardly seemed to effect you.


I wish you the best. I'm sorry it had to end so bitterly. Cya for the last time next weekend. I can't wait to see if you ask me to help you move and/or who you bring to help you. I wonder how you'll feel when you pack up the boxspring and frame I just bought you. Will you say thank you for letting you write off the hundreds of dollars you borrowed from me? Will you apologize for putting your exes feeling above mine? Or are you still bitter because I couldn't handle all this and got a little emotional.


It's going to be a rough weekend for me. But I won't let you see that.


I love you. good bye.

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I saw my first love today totally by chance. He was at the grocery store with his wife. I immediately got a headache and my mind went blank, but that was it. I guess that's one good side effect of my heartbreak over you.


Remember when I told you about him? I was crying, and I said that I didn't want to get burned like that ever again. I told you that this was the last time I would try. If you broke my heart, it would be too much for me to bear. And you promised you would never hurt me. You called me your true love, your soul mate, your future wife, your other self.


Remember the day we promised we'd never fight?


Remember how I used to have such terrible nightmares before we started dating? They're back. I haven't slept well since the day you left me.

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You know I can be patient. When you told me that you wanted to figure yourself out and find happiness from inside yourself instead of other people, I could accept that. I would have waited for years for you to figure things out.


But not her. Don't go back to her, please. Find yourself and then come back to me, even if it takes years.


I sound so pathetic, don't I? I hate that I feel this way. I haven't put my life on hold though. In just a few months, I may be out of the country. I probably would have never taken this chance if we were still together, and I'm taking full advantage of that.

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I'm feeling sad right now crap! I should have left well enough alone I really should have....looking at your facebook last time actually made me feel great. Seeing you not looking your best, I felt happy. But then tonight I looked again....idk why. I should block you on my other page too. So since I apparently had added a mutual friend of yours I could see more pictures on your page then just the profile picture. I was hesitant to look but did. There were no pictures with girls thankfully (That would have really hurt me) just pics of you, a pic with your sister. It made me miss you and get that longing feeling in my chest. You were my past life...it feels like so long ago. And you, you actually looks pretty GOOD. UGH I hate that! As a side note, why in the WORLD would you use that as your main picture? You look terrible in it....you looked better in the other ones. You actually looked buffer. All the time we were together you wee SO skinny and srawny, you were always talking about gaining weight and muscle and now you actually have. WOW. I never thought it would happen! You actually looked good and I hate that....I hate that I felt attraction to you. CRAP! FISDFODSFSNKPFNFMMLGDDGSMMSD!!!


More then anything you did look happy....maybe not with anyone in particular, though I am sure you have girls in your life. Have dated...but you just look like your happy in life in general. Happy with yourself....though I know looks can be deceiving. SO much more then I can say for me. I am far from happy. I'm SO far from happy. I hate some of the choice I've made in my life recently...its not on track at all. I had to drop out of school with my knee injury, have a big debt to school. all the money I had saved up to live off of it almost gone. My life is upside down.... it kind of kills me that you look happy. That probably makes me an awful person though....I haven't heard from you in 4 months. I have this urge to contact you right now that I haven't felt in a long while. Not since the Spring. I miss you and I hate it! CRAP! It's been 10 damn months! Part of me moved on but just IDK.... I hope this passes


Part of me wonders if you are happy now. I know I asked you that the very last time we spoke and I never will again....even though I wonder. You weren't really happy then. are you now? Are you really happy without me? Because I admit I'm not happy with out you....I hate it GOD do I hate it. I hate that I really haven't been happy since us. I hate that I told that to you the last time we spoke, so you probably have this memory of me in your head pining for you and us. Even if it's the damn truth I hate that you know. Still I wonder, if your not happy and maybe if I reached out to you, maybe part of you misses me too. Maybe if I messaged you on FB or something....ugh I don't even know what you would say. There is good chance I could get ignored completely, or just blown off. Maybe, maybe maybe! I need to STOP with STUPID MAYBES! UGH! My emotions are everywhere tonight, especially thanks to Adele 'Someone like you' coming on pandora as I was sitting here typing this- I just BAWLED! UGH I need to go to sleep! This night was a FAIL!


I want to wake up and have my life be different

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i get it now, you used me (you never wanted to be serious w/me at all and didn't give a Damn...that in itself should be a crime), got me to fall in love with you so i can do things for you...simple as that--all the lies on how you loved my family and me etc... hard to fathom


i wish you would have been honest from the beginning. i would still have a loving heart left and would be a better guy--but not going to let one bad fish make me think there are no good ones left in the ocean... oh yeah, and the foosball...that was just because u did that w/your ex before me and you just pretended i was him, Sickening. well i don't know what you're up to but i hope you go to rehab.

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From this point on I will put all the words and my desires towards you on a canvas. That's right.. I promised you to make a painting for you and this is how I will do it. Not that I will give it to you because by giving it to you I should trust you to take a peek into the one of the deepest chambre in my heart. And I thought, when I am done writing/painting all of those desperate/angry/dissapointed/sad words down. I will paint it over. I am sure this will be healing and therapeutic for me.

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Oh my gosh, I have to stop this! I really need to block you or something. You changed your profile picture to a picture of some kind of rocky tower by the sea, the sun either rising or setting behind it.


The point is, it's not the same as the profile picture you had before, the one I know she took.


I must repeat this until I understand it: It doesn't mean anything.


It doesn't mean things are going south with her, and it certainly doesn't mean you want me back.


For all I know, she painted that picture.


I should go out today and buy some self-control.

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The bitterness is leaving me. I feel good. I feel in control now. This NC has done wonders. I thought to myself today.... If I would have known what situation you were in when I met you, I wouldn't have even liked you. You were at your best friends house. The ones that were helping you rekindle things with your ex 2 weeks before. You brought a friend. Someone who was clearly in to you. You made out with me for 3 hours. You made him cry. For a sec, I thought, damn, they should have told me.... but that wasn't their place. For all they knew, you had learned your lessons and maybe I was the one for you. Clearly you weren't ready yet. Thanks for tryin though!


But I'm glad we had this relationship. I had a ton of fun and I felt love again. I learned a lot and I'm sure you did too. Best of luck darlin.

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I'm still dying inside...I'll be honest. But I'm going to get there. I don't want you to hurt. At all. Ever. I want you to shine and be happy. I adore you, you are a very special person. We love each other, we became so intertwined but we messed each other up. I'm going to stay away but I know you'll be in touch soon. I'm not waiting, I need to regain myself. I know you realise what we had. What we nearly had. I love you. Take care of yourself x

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Thanks Moonchill,


This forum and the stories of others in it gave me the courage to break free. Once I'd been NC long enough and got through the pain and despondency reason began to kick in. These thoughts are now here to stay and I'm a little wiser and battle scarred, but far from ruined because of the relationship. In the end it was more about my own self-illusions coupled with the fact the person I fell in love with never really existed to begin with. Shrug. You'll get there too, stay strong.

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Today is just utterly crappy. I have no idea why I'm in such a funk.


You're over there "missing" someone you shouldn't be doing things with and it has put me in the most depressed state. I have no idea why I even care because I should be so utterly disgusted and put off by your actions, but I stick around. I always support you in your time of need and hear you out because something in me believes you will change. I honestly should know better by now. I'm a good person and you obviously are not. It's as simple as that, but curse my damn heart. My mind is correct sometimes, but then the heart just does stupid things I cannot control.


Luckily I'm getting closer and closer to just shutting you out. It's a dark place I don't like going to, but you have lead me there. This is your doing and your selfish, uncaring, immature ways are not something I should have to endure and wait out for you to mature. I deserve much MUCH better than that in any form of a relationship. You never truly acted like a responsible partner and haven't shown warmth or compassion as a friend. You're a lost soul who will eventually realize just how awful and horrible your true colors are once it's too late. You are the first person I will willingly shut out of my life for good. That really says something.

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