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21 days since I left. I'm doing better- but you texting me was kind of a set back. I can't help but over analyze it to death. Why, what did you want? Were you just being polite? Or did you miss me? Did you want to talk again? But then I realized- 3 weeks is a little late to finally ask if I was okay.


I almost texted you last night. I wrote the text out and everything. I'm so glad I decided to sleep on it- deleted it this morning from my drafts. I do want to talk to you more, get behind why you contacted me NOW- but I'm scared to death of rejection and humiliation yet again. I'm scared to give you the upper hand again, to make you think 'see I was right, she's still there and she always will be' I'm terrified- but I want to know SO badly its killing me. But what if it was just you being friendly? I'll be crushed all over again!



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I feel beat down and unable to move. I know the technical breakup was a few mos ago but the real nc is only 7 days old. I'm now confronting the truth, we aren't even communicating, theres not a chance we will be together, I wasn't enough, we aren't going to have a future. It burns. I remember all the nuances of us and I stillfeel you. I'm not angry with you today, I'm just depressed. Depressed I couldn't be first. Depressed at your gender, depressed that all I can think about is you and I cant move on. I'm feeling hopeless and alone. I hate how far you go, the plans that will never happen, the wasted love, words, talks, hopes, dreams all to be thrown away and then you start again trying to pretend this time you won't have to let go. When does ghat ever happen!? Do guys like the one on ena who take their gfs to Paris for vday, the ones who are still posting about their x's a year later really exist? And if they do are they only given to perfect girls? The ones who I will never measure up to. If not, I don't see a point in ever loving again. Maybe I am just not worthy of that type of love. I will always be just me . Will that ever be enough for someone?

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On my car ride to work, I realized: maybe you were just in my life to save me from my ex and from myself. And you did, you really did. So thank you for that. You and me aren't best friends anymore, we're not even friends at all anymore. And I accept this. But just know that you saved me, because without you being in my life, it would have gotten worse instead of better.

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The silence is deafening in my life. I'm getting better, but I do miss you. I've almost come to terms with the fact that we won't be talking in the evenings like we did every day for five years. Sometimes I go to bed and don't cry anymore. I've actually gone for several hours at a time without thinking of you. I am healing. How strange, this sensation of not having you in my life when you were there for so long. How can someone just abandon someone else like that? I have tried hard not to worry about you and what you are doing. I hope you are happy and moving on, because I have always wanted the best for you. I now think back to Thanksgiving and realize why you were hesitant to make a commitment to spend Christmas with me. I guess we just pushed you into it. But, I didn't know you were done with us. I thought we were on our second chance. Those Christmas memories have just been turned into a painful sham. When I think of those things, it just hurts me tremendously. You should have let me go long ago. You shouldn't have dragged it out. You should have talked to me. I should have demanded it. I should have paid more attention. We really screwed this up.

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Every little thing makes me miss u today. I was up thinking lTe last night and I found a way to help myself. On vday, instead of making myself miserable I'll use it as leverage to move on, since I know you aren't going to make Amy gestures I'll remind myself why we can't be together. You refuse to do anything just for me nd that shows me again. It doesn't make the coming days easier or me miss u less. Just makes me feel a kittle closer to moving forward

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In 4 days, I will be heading to the Caribbean with my girlfriend - making new vacation memories and I cant wait.


I am happy. Thanks for asking. Things in my world are going well. I love my job, I love my dog and I love my girlfriend. She is a breath of fresh air after all that you put me through.


I'd ask how you are but I already know how that conversation would go. Everything is always sunshine, lollipops and rainbows in your world. Even at its worse.

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How do you seem to care so much and not want more... I want to be over you so bad. I want to just be your friend the same way that you're mine, but I still care too much. I thought I was getting there but just hearing that you're seeing someone else has torn me apart...


I can't lose you again. And I can't stay...

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I sit here stumped by your actions. Sure, I wasn't the best attentive person towards you at times and it's understandable that you got sick of asking me to open up more. I have apologized, accepted my responsibility and put my feelings out there. It is a huge slap in the face knowing that you asked someone else out the next day and acted like a jerk for a week. It's another when you come back because she was not what you wanted, because you apparently still love me. I can tell you something, that's not love. The fact that your wingman tells me that one day that we will end up being friends again sickens me. You need to shush up, and leave me alone if you are no longer interested. You shouldn't be saying stupid things like that you believe in quick healing process so you can move on. Yesterday you desired to have a relationship with me, but at the same time you just want to make sure that I am alright. Well, if you do not make up your mind and stop with the immaturity, I will make the decision easily to cease contact with you. I get that we weren't dating and what you did was not cheating. But there's a reason why I no longer call or text you and you shouldn't expect anything from me. I was non attentive, but you messed up big time too. The more you speak, the less I feel bad about thinking that you were just in it for sex.. because actions really do speak louder than words.

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Just wanna say thanks, for ripping my heart out. I gave you everything i had to give for the last 3 years. I paid all the bills, worked alot of hours, taken you to some of the most beautiful places you've ever seen. It should be easy for me to forget about you after what you've done, especially given the circumstances. My parents house burns down.. two weeks before christmas, where are you? sleeping with a friend/co-worker of mine. I'm there moving my parents in to our place, where are you? well, i thought you were with your friend m#*@$*##. Nope, you were cheating on me at his friend's house. I have you on my block list on my cell. However it won't block your txts. You moved out, and right in with the person you cheated with.. yet you repeatedly txt me asking why i won't come over to eat with you. You have some nerve woman. actually you're not a woman you're a disgrace. People like you are the reason nobody can trust each other anymore. I work on the road, and you know that. You're the second person to do something like this to me, IN A ROW. the one before you was 4 years wasted. I wish you would just leave me the bleeping bleep alone. I hate the fact that i still love you. I hate the fact that i still read your dumb little txts. I wish you would just move accross the country, where i'll never hear about you again. I wanna drive my truck into your apartment everytime i drive by it. 3 years and not only did you cheat, but with him. And you denied denied and denied it. Well finally you faced the music. and now you live with him. he's 19! you're 25! the other day was your birthday, it killed me to ignore you..but you were honestly asking me to come over and see you? I hate the fact that i wanna see you after what you've done. I will never take you back but god sometimes i just wanna see you. Just get out of my life, before you do anymore damage. You're like heroin for the soul, you evil being. I can't wait for the day you realize what you messed up, which might have already happened. i just hope it happens. because i will NOT be there for you. I'm washing my hands of this whole thing. I replied to your txt tonite and what did you do? Blow me right off. I think you played the game with me long enough. You ripped my heart out of my chest, who knows how long it'll be before i can have a normal relationship again. Just leave me alone.. You're beautiful and you know you can trick me if i see you, but i won't allow it. I really hope karma catches up with you. i really do. because you deserve it. I hate how i love you. This is gonna be such a long process...

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I am starting to get angry with you! Wonder if this is a good sign? Am I past all the tears and sorrow you have caused me? I think more and more how selfish you must be. Immature and selfish, grow up already! You had a great thing, we could have done great things together but you were too much of a child to notice. I feel sorry for you.

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Hi Kath


Its been four days since I left. It has been very hard, but not as hard as the last time I think.


I keep waking up at 3 AM, thinking of you staying over his place. You have nowhere else to stay. I see you moving in with him, cooking him dinner, having sex with him. You are good at that aren't you?


I miss you. It occurred to me this morning that I'm never going to teach you to paint now, we are never going to really talk with each other again I suppose, and that is very sad to me.


I should be angry about the lies. I know that you have a real problem with the truth. It seems to me that your definition of the truth is whatever comes out of your mouth. You are very good at controlling and manipulating. I should be pissed about that, but then again, maybe I'm good at being controlled. This bothers me.


I do hope you find happiness. I think that maybe you are truly, desparately unhappy. I know that you have had some difficult things in your life to deal with, but on the other hand, you are a radiant, remarkable person. You don't need to lie or exaggerate to get people to like you.


I suppose I will get angry or just forget about you at some point. This was never going to work out anyway, because of the age gap, and maybe because of the pesonality differences. But still...


I miss you terribly.

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I don't understand why you didn't want to be with me as much as I wanted to be with you. I don't understand why you broke up with me when it seemed like the whole time I was the one pursuing you.


I don't understand why you promised you'd include me more and then when you broke up with me, you said you'd be sure to include any new girlfriends. That hurt so much. I am broken. Shattered. I wish you would apologize for taking so much of my self-esteem away. I feel like you should have seen from the get-go what good of a catch I was and scoop me up. Instead, I had to convince you. I don't understand that.


I don't understand why when I was upset at you not including me or showing me you cared for me during the beginning of our relationship you told me if I wanted someone emotional I needed to either date "a woman or a gay guy."


I don't understand so many things... I am *such* a good person. I am smart, beautiful, funny and caring. I cared so much for you and would have moved a mountain to see you, yet you wanted to prolong our long distance relationship by another 4 months just to take more time off to travel alone. I don't understand why, if you loved me so much, you didn't follow me when I moved back to NY. Especially if you wanted "so much" to be with me and start a life. Yeah, I'm sure you did.


I don't understand why you weren't ready to be with me...

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Today would have been our 5yr anniversary. I had hoped to be married by this point. Instead you're engaged to that stoner. Best of luck to you. Hope you haven't fallen into that same lifestyle. He's a complete tool. I hope someone can shake some sense into you. Good luck in podunk USA.

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How stupid am I? Talking to you last nite, hoping things would be different. Thanks so much, been crying, waling and sobbing for 2 hours. Why don't you love me the way I love you? I did my best and its never good enough for anyone. Why am I even here?


OMG I feel the same way. I spent five hours on the phone crying with him. The backstory is in my breakup thread and just.. wow.


I feel you so much right now.

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So I'd been dreaming of you every night lately. And last night, for once I didn't. I didn't dream of you...and this morning I was SO happy. Then I was with V leaving a laundromat, and who do I see in the passenger seat of a car with one of your friends in the backseat? You. You. After almost 3 weeks, I had no choice but to see you. For 5 seconds, and yet...it sucked anyway. I was hoping to not see you at ALL. We haven't talked in 4 and a half weeks. Just stay out of my life, and we'll be good. That's all I ask.


Gosh I can't wait to get out of here alreadyy!

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The pain of missing you, of wanting you, of desperately needing you is gone.


It's been almost eight months since we broke up and I finally feel like the old 'me' again. The optimistic, cheerful, vivacious gal that I once was is now back on her feet and ready to take on the world by storm. I was conquering my world before I met you and I plan to continue that conquest now that you're gone.


Don't think that I don't know that you used one of my photos of you for your profile picture. Facebook e-mailed me last night. After venting to a friend of mine, she provided me a reason of why you did that, and it made me giggle. Even if it isn't true, I'm going to pretend that it is.


I do still miss you sometimes, but I realized I miss who you were when we first met. I definitely don't miss the guy you became.

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