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How should an attractive guy respond when a girl makes fun of him in a non-playful mean way? I guess the obvious response would be to ignore her, but let's assume he could be in a scenario where he can't ignore her, like with a group of friends or something.



I'd say make fun back.

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Good question. You can get points with others by being self-deprecating in a humorous way (if you can think that fast). It's like the martial arts move, where the person attacked uses the attacker's momentum to throw him off kilter. Like if she said that you look like you couldn't lift weights, you say something like, "Well, I *am* rather allergic to gyms ... I'm more of a marathon guy myself." That way, people see that even though the woman is a b*tch, you are gracious and you take her comment for what little it is.


In some circumstances, sure, you can give it back. But you run the risk of people thinking you are mean as well.


The middle ground is to diffuse it and reflect it back ("I'm not sure what makes you say that, but those who know me wouldn't say so. Are you having a hard day?") Then move on swiftly to a new subject.

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What is the best way to ask someone out without being weird/creepy? I attempted today to ask someone out while they were reading a book but I could not progress anywhere it feels like.


Me: What are you reading?

Her: (show me title). Oh it's a book in a series. It's good.

Me...Aah. Okay.


End conversation.


How should I progress from there?

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What is the best way to ask someone out without being weird/creepy? I attempted today to ask someone out while they were reading a book but I could not progress anywhere it feels like.


Me: What are you reading?

Her: (show me title). Oh it's a book in a series. It's good.

Me...Aah. Okay.


End conversation.


How should I progress from there?

Relate the conversation to the place you find her. If it's on college, ask for classes and major and if it's at a library talk about authors you know, etc.. Maybe might work unless she's plain shy then you're out of luck..
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Do women think it's okay to try to make a guy their not yet dating jealous? Why?


Kinda seems like it.


A little backwards I think. If you interested in a guy, it might be best to...show that...to the guy...



Yep.. I think they sometimes do it to make the guy "want" them more or get them to ask them out already/be more forward.


I used to have a guy do it to me when I was younger. Torture! And not fun at all. But it did partly add to the excitement and the chase.

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Yeah, I don't go home and cry about it or anything, but it's just more of an annoyance to me.


I've seen so many women do it to me personally, and many of them are a little older than me.


As soon as they do it, I realize we're playing games, and believe me when I say no one plays harder than me at that point.

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What is the best way to ask someone out without being weird/creepy? I attempted today to ask someone out while they were reading a book but I could not progress anywhere it feels like.


Me: What are you reading?

Her: (show me title). Oh it's a book in a series. It's good.

Me...Aah. Okay.


End conversation.


How should I progress from there?

You can overcome the weird/creepy vibe in two ways. One, by being confident. Two, by showing her you're considerate of her feelings, even if that means her turning you down.


Your conversation doesn't seem weird or creepy, although I obviously can't tell what inflections or body language she had. To me, you just didn't have anything else to say. If you were talking with a friend, what would you have said next?


Here's how you could do it next time:


Me: Hi there! I hope I'm not interrupting you. What are you reading?

Her: (show me title). Oh it's a book in a series. It's good.

Me: Oh yeah? I've never heard of that. What kind of series is it? Mystery?

Her: Blah blah blah blah blah...

Me: OK. I'm asking 'cause I like to read too. Always looking for a good book. Do you mind my asking what's good about it?

Her: More blah blah blah blah blah...

Me: (Either more questions or ...) Hey have you ever heard of such-and-such book? I really like it...


OK, then when you feel like she's accepted talking with you and everything feels positive, you can ask her to go for coffee or something. If she turns you down, don't crumble and slink away. Maintain your confidence, say, "No problem, just thought I'd ask," and walk away with your head held high.

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Women may sometimes be weird but men can also be weird. If a guy asks for your phone number and you deny them it may be because you are already seeing someone, you are just not interested in the guy who wants your phone number or any number of other personal reasons.

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the girl i just broke up with almost seemed like she had split personalities (hormones really bad). sometimes i would call her and she would act all weird and like she just wanted to stay at home for a few days. and thats why we broke up cuz she acted weird for too long and just seemed like she didn't care. cuz after about 5 days i started questioning everything like do you even want this to work? and it got her even more mad. is it best just to not get into relationships w these kinda girls? or what could i have done to work through that time where she was pissin me off?

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yeah thats the reason and i felt like she'd lost interest or something but it was stupid cuz when i was with her i'd make her real happy. i know she was going through a few things w her fam and school and stuff and it was makin her think less of me. but i had definitely dropped in the priorities. we dated for about 2 and a half months but before last summer we dated for a month as well. i left on a trip and we broke up before that. i just didn't know what to do cuz she wouldn't wanna go out, then she wouldn't be fun to talk to on the phone. i was getting tired of making attempts, and being nice, and trying to figure out whats wrong w her. i got tired of myself, and her

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Usually full eye contact for as long as I can hold it, and then look away with a "knowing" smile. Rinse, and repeat. It seems to work every time, lol.


Eye contact would be one of my keys and something i really need to work on. Now let me ask you this and sorry if i sound like a little kid saying "why" but how long before yo usay, efff it and sttart talking to him if he doesn't hint in ?

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Now let me ask you this and sorry if i sound like a little kid saying "why" but how long before yo usay, efff it and sttart talking to him if he doesn't hint in ?

If he is not showing ANY interest back at all, in any way - in other words, not "flirting" or smiling back etc etc, then I take to mean "hell no, I'm not interested in YOU", so I would quit and carry on conversation with the people I came with.

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