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If you where in a bar or party setting, and some guy walks up to you and tell you he doesn't like your outfit, or shirt...etc


What would your reaction be??



I would take off the offending article, drag him to my lovenest, and say, "better now?"




As far as I know, it's usually a method of flirting. My default response is original, and goes as follows... "Oh? Yeah..., my socks are the most expensive part of this outfit. I got this dress for $2.99 at frugal fannies. It's not worth it to dress up at this bar, all the guys are so blaahh."


Guys also fall like flies when you insult them, and even if you don't like them, it's fun to have a posse.

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Why do women love to spend so much money?


Because guys like seeing them in pretty frocks.


Actually, I'm the stingiest person I know, and I hate spending money. But I spend tons of time sewing pretty things, because looking nice is either a genetic crime against the rest of humanity ( or very time consuming and expensive.

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Please don't take this the wrong way, it's just a little trouble shooting device


Try and play a game. Pretend that you are gay, and that all women are men, and all men are women. So this sweet guy (girl, but it's a game) goes hiking because he likes to hike. Although you strongly suspect that he is interested in guys, you don't know if he would be interested in you or not, because you have only seen him in the hiking setting. When you see him talking to a girl, you immediately back out of the hiking club and join a sports club.


He notices your absence, and sends you a friend request, although maybe just because he wishes to expand the community in which he hikes. Suddenly you regain your passion for hiking, and ask him out on a day hike. He says that he works during the week, but says that in just one short month he will have time to hike with you during the week. He also cordially invites you on all of his subsequent hikes, however generally there is a hiking group coming along!



Now, this device should be showing you how I think I would feel in this situation. You haven't put the moves on yet, at all. You have a crush on her... she has a passion for hiking. Maybe she is interested, maybe not, but if you'd like to pursue it, go on a hike, have a chat, and ask her out.

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I ask her she likes me and she said no but my friends and I think she's just not sure (well everyone) It was weird since she

-Puts me before other guys

-Since I told her she's now talking to me more

-Wants to hang out

-She visits me at my after school club

-She sits close to me when I'm around

-She laughs a lot, but some stuff I wouldn't always think is that funny

-We have ALOT in common

-My friends think we're going out



Just alot of things that are confusing me and other people, I like her but when I asked her she didn't say no even though saying I don't want to break your heart and being shy about it would normally mean no and when my friend asks when I didn't tell him to she just tells him no. Idk I'm really confused like I never been in this situation what do you think of this? she just being friendly?

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Two questions:


1) How important is it to a female that the guy be physically fit? Like being cut versus being a thin guy.


2) A guy loses a lot of weight but has minor stretch marks, either by his arms/shoulders or his obliques/love handle areas, how unappealing (if it bothers you) would you find it?


1. I really don't care. I have dated all types of guys from super skinny to guys with a gut. For me, its not what attracted me. It was who they were as men.


2. I would not care. Scars don't bother me.


Ok I'll ask a few questions.


1. Your ears, somehow its sensual to touch them in some way. If you do like them to be touched, in what way do you like it? What do you like to be done to them?


2. Do you like kissing during sex? I love it, but sometimes I feel stupid and I don't know if the girl wants it or not, if I'm taking focus off of the sex or if I'm making it better or what?!


3. How much does the particular style of clothing a guy wears matter to you? I have this like, urban ghetto style. I am a metalhead, but I always loved the gangsta look. Although I don't look like a complete thug lol. I just like the style, but sometimes I think maybe girls might be afraid of me because I have that urban style.


4. Are guys who are passionate about a nerdy hobby turn you off? (nerdy girls need not answer, I know you already probably like nerdy guys lol)


I guess that's it for now lol.



1. Yes I do. Soft light touches are best. Touching, kissing, nuzzling, tiny little licks, all of that is good.


2. Yes.


3. I am not so much into the urban style, but I also would look beyond that to the man inside the shirt.


4. Depends on the hobby. Star Wars - ok. WOW not so much.


Also, do women like it when they catch you looking at their sexy lady parts?


This totally depends on the situation. If we are home alone, ok. Out in public, meh I am not crazy about it.



are women able to detect when someone smiles with their eyes? I smile with my eyes more than my mouth but I think it goes right over people's heads.


Yes, I can.


Do friends first ever work?


99% of the men I have dated I was friends with first.



If you where in a bar or party setting, and some guy walks up to you and tell you he doesn't like your outfit, or shirt...etc


What would your reaction be??


I would give him a dirty look, call him an ass and walk away.


Haha, when I saw that you replied Waveseer I figured that would be your answer hahaha!!


Aight next question, if you where a conceded stuck up girl, who acted like she was too hot for everyone what do you think her reaction would be?? More or less the best looking women at the party or bar.


Same as above


Why do some women act all snooty and defensive when you randomly approach them in a group at a nighclub etc..?


Defense mechanism? They dont know if you are just trying to get in their pants and they are trying to gage your interest.

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Why do girls pretend looks dont matter when looks mean everything to them?


How come girls arnt as open and friendly as guys?


Why do girls always flirt when they have boyfriends?


Why do girls get played so easily?


Why do girlfriends want to make love when they really want to get thrown around in bed?


Why do women jump from relationship to relationship?


why why why.

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I have a question. Are there many women out there who are as bored of, amused by, and frustrated with the 'rules' and 'games' of modern dating as I am? Who tire of all the inane assumptions and absurd miscellanies that arise from two increasingly frustrated genders, locked as we are in a bovine struggle for love that rarely equals anything more than wasted time?


If so: hi there, kindred spirit!


There seems to be such a STRONG adherence to silly rules in the dating world. The dating world and beyond, for that matter. Hell, I'm engaged to be married, and this particular brand of stupidity is a tide that STILL laps about my feet. And it's not about women's expectations - I'm not hating on women by any stretch. Men do it too. Men do it all the damn time. It's like there's some insane monkey up there, in the clouds, giggling maniacally as he writes up reams and reams of nonsensical dogma regarding gender relations - knowing it's nonsense, knowing it's totally unnecessary and divisive, and knowing too that SO much of the population will eat it up with a spoon.


What I'm wondering, and what drew me here, was the bleary-eyed hope that perhaps, just perhaps, this sentiment was one shared by more women (and more men, for that matter) than I had thought. That the Yin might be feeling this as strongly as Mr. Yang here is. I hope so. Bashing my head on a brick wall can be lonely work.

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Yes!! It is so freaking ridiculous! I will never understand it. Especially the whole waiting to call the girl. Its absurd. If you are interested, be interested. If you are angry, tell each other why. If you want sex, let your partner know. If you are unhappy with the relationship, just say it.


To me the only thing these stupid asinine games do is to hinder communication. When communication is hindered that affects trust. Without good communication and trust, love can not grow.


So to all those who think about playing games - think hard before you do it, you might be putting an end to something you want to begin.

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Lots of points for imagery, Lucius, but I think most of those reams of dating rules tend to be actually quite necessary in their own ways/capacities.


Stuff like waiting to call, perhaps not. But that's because the point of that rule is manipulation, which is unhealthy. By contrast, plenty of rules are simply about effective and proper control over getting to know somebody and maintaining a comfort level and balance, etc. that provides a nurturing environment.


Think about plants. They WILL grow if you just toss some seeds randomly out your window, but they'll grow much better in a prepared seed bed with hydroponic watering systems and grow lights on a timer with fertilizer and warm, humid air circulation...

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Do you care if the guy you're dating is a virgin?


You should look at the thread "virgins" under attraction and flirting. Same situation there and a lot of good replies.


As for me, I'm waiting for marriage, so I expect my husband to be a virgin along with me. Virginity is a very sacred thing and I think it's great that you still have it. In today's world, people seem to think that if they haven't had sex by 18 they're going to die. To 15 and 16 year olds really understand what sex is and what is meant by it? Idk...just some random thoughts.

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To 15 and 16 year olds really understand what sex is and what is meant by it? Idk...just some random thoughts.


How does a virgin at any age really understand what sex is and what is meant by it? I support your choice to wait until marriage if that's what you want, but I don't see how you can really comment on other people not fully understanding sex if you've never experienced it either...?

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How does a virgin at any age really understand what sex is and what is meant by it? I support your choice to wait until marriage if that's what you want, but I don't see how you can really comment on other people not fully understanding sex if you've never experienced it either...?



There's a certain time when we understand what sex is and what is meant by it. I know what it is and I know what is meant by it. My thoughts on it might be different than others...but that's just natural to have an opinion. I'm not saying all youngins don't understand...but you can't tell me that these kids are doing it out of love? They're doing it because others are doing it and because they want to know what all they hype is about. They're curious.

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Okay, but you still didn't explain how it is that you can come to understand sex and it's facets without experiencing it.


Basically you just implied that age automatically imparts this wisdom to you, but age by itself would never do such a thing. No matter how old I get, I'm never going to really understand skydiving if I don't ever jump out of a plane. Simply being old will not cause knowledge of skydiving to materialize in my head.


Maybe there's something else at work here, but if so, you haven't mentioned it yet. So I'm still very curious (legitimately curious, not just being annoying and argumentative!) In what manner exactly do you attain this understanding without experience?

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  • 3 weeks later...
why do woman say they will call you back after they watch there movie. and then call you like three hours later i know movies dont last that long.. besides titanic



Because women are always seeing something they have to do. We get busy. It's hard. When the dog has to go out, dinner is boiling over, we remembered that our boss had left a message on the phone asking us to call, the mail needs to go out, ..., we lose track of time.

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