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Getting back together really does happen!

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Umm,people, this is thread where you're supposed to write some successfull getting back together stories. Not your break up stories


Im sorry, I just wanted insight because it sounded similiar to some other stories (that turned out to be successful) and i just wanted some opinions. sorry

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Chatting with a friend today:


L and K met when they were college age, I think around 21. Dated for about 6-7 months. According to her some really bad stuff happened, wouldn't give me details.. And they split, both of them hating one another and not wanting to talk to each other.


A little over a year later they both happened to join the same club at school. They became friends again and talked.. Eventually they got back together.


They have now been together for over 18 months and are really happy together. Their actually long distance but their relationship is better than ever

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"NC does work!

In the last 2 months, I had a break up and so did one of my female friend. In my situation my ex left me for another person and in my friend's case her ex just left. We both were broken up really bad and didnt know what to do. Being support for one another we decided to do NC and just improve ourselves. Me and my ex work in the same place, the guy she was talking to and serious about and planning their future made me feel there was no hope anymore as she was happy. I started working out at the gym lost 12lbs in 2 months and then 15 days ago transformed myself, new clothes, new grooming style and honestly looked more attractive. I started falling in love with me. So after a brief vacation and 2 months NC, when the new transformed me walking into the office, my ex saw me and was awe struck. She tried talking to me but I just say hi and walked away. She called and texted me but I ignored them. For 10 days she tried everything she could to get my attention, but I strictly followed NC. Then last night she wanted to meet up at a coffee place to talk about something, this time I decided to give her a chance to talk. She literally begged me to take her back. For all the 2 months I wanted her back badly, NC made it happen. But! when she wanted to come back, I dnt really know now if I want her. NC healed me well and maybe I moved on .. I told her I will think over it, but I am not as excited as I thought I would be. So NC worked in my case, and it did both ways .. healed me and brought my ex back


In my friends case, she and her guy were really close and then had an argument and broke off. Initially she txted him alot and it went against her, he was mean to her. I told her to do NC as it was helping me and she did. I had to constantly remind her as she was slipping into thinking of txting him. 1 month of NC, she gets a txt from him and he wanted to talk. I told her to tell him, she doesnt want to. But he kept txting back and after multiple attempts I told her to talk and see what he has to say. Today they are engaged to be married.


NC works, but you also have to improve yourself and work on yourself. Without these things, it may not work."

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



I felt I really needed to post my story where it is now. I've just re-visited my first posts which were in the weeks after my break up and whilst it was still hard to read it has really given me the desire to share what happened to me since then. I hardly recognise me as the poster of those threads, and even reading them I felt like I was reading someone else's words, someone else's pain!


Quick backstory: read my thread for full details.


We were together in a very deep intense relationship for two years. I knew from the moment I met him that we were going to have this relationship and that it would be the one. We broke up in a messy way after rowing became out of control. Neither of us behaved in the right way and now I can see that the break up was definitely the right thing.


I spent the year after our break up still feeling the pain every single day. We worked together and struggled to stay away from each other - we tried on a few occasions to reconcile and it just got so emotionally difficult because neither of us had healed from the trauma of the break up and we were still those people. It was really the most difficult year of my life and I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said I remember (albeit hazy memories) walking home from work and sobbing the whole way uncontrollably on many occasions.


The thing is we are now back together and we are happier than the first time round!


After that first year of emotional turmoil something happened in me one day where I decided I was not going to live like this anymore. I was sick of doing nothing but thinking of him, talking to him, waiting for him. I took control. I made myself busy. I spent time with my friends properly and had an incredible summer with them. I learnt new things, directed a play with a friend (a life long dream) and genuinely worked in my happiness. I felt ready to let go and finally cut the ties. I moved out of the house we shared and started feeling amazing again. We work together so still seeing each other daily was a bit hard but I was determined to try and live my life. I realised that I knew I was in love with him and that was enough. He didn't need to love me right now, believe in me or do anything about it. I was ok with knowing we'd loved. We both started seeing other people, and whilst it didn't feel right at all times it was clear we were both having 'fun'. Whilst I still loved him and knew he felt the same I was ok with the relationship being done.


I don't know what happened but after that year and a few months and he by now had been with someone for a few months (my relationships were short term, fun dating etc) we got back together. We stayed friends throughout and often had lunch - both openly admitting feelings but being ok with them. He text one day and asked if I'd consider going for a drink. I did and I knew at that drink that this was the start again, the only difference this time is we were different people. We had both let go of the old relationship that caused us pain and we were ready to share our lives again.


That was a year ago and it's been absolutely incredible ever since. We've slowed things right down, we date, take trips and love each other madly. There's no pressure - no fights, nothing. Next week we're going on out first big holiday of the year, and I can't wait.


This man is my best friend and whilst that year was hard and seeing him with other people was devastating I honestly always knew we weren't done.


My advice to someone going through pain right now is to try as hard as you possibly can to rebuild yourself for yourself. You were a whole wonderful person before this relationship and you can be an even better one after with all the lessons you've learnt.


I had moved on and was living my life for me, this was the most attractive thing for my boyfriend. He wanted to be part of this re-ignited love I had for myself and for life.


It's only been one year, and we were apart longer than we have been back together but I am really hopeful and confident that we've both learnt so much about ourselves and each other we'll make it work.


I am sorry if you're hurting, it's really really and even though it doesn't feel like it you really will feel more yourself soon. Don't lose hope, always have hope but don't let that hope become the focus of your life. There's nothing more important than you.

I wanted to post an update - it's been two years since we got back together and our relationship is strong, healthy and incredibly happy. anyone hoping for a miracle cure, I'm sorry there isn't one but do follow the advise in the first post in this thread. Look after yourself and make yourself whole again.


Wishing you lots of luck"

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I felt I really needed to post my story where it is now. I've just re-visited my first posts which were in the weeks after my break up and whilst it was still hard to read it has really given me the desire to share what happened to me since then. I hardly recognise me as the poster of those threads, and even reading them I felt like I was reading someone else's words, someone else's pain!


Quick backstory: read my thread for full details.


We were together in a very deep intense relationship for two years. I knew from the moment I met him that we were going to have this relationship and that it would be the one. We broke up in a messy way after rowing became out of control. Neither of us behaved in the right way and now I can see that the break up was definitely the right thing.


I spent the year after our break up still feeling the pain every single day. We worked together and struggled to stay away from each other - we tried on a few occasions to reconcile and it just got so emotionally difficult because neither of us had healed from the trauma of the break up and we were still those people. It was really the most difficult year of my life and I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said I remember (albeit hazy memories) walking home from work and sobbing the whole way uncontrollably on many occasions.


The thing is we are now back together and we are happier than the first time round!


After that first year of emotional turmoil something happened in me one day where I decided I was not going to live like this anymore. I was sick of doing nothing but thinking of him, talking to him, waiting for him. I took control. I made myself busy. I spent time with my friends properly and had an incredible summer with them. I learnt new things, directed a play with a friend (a life long dream) and genuinely worked in my happiness. I felt ready to let go and finally cut the ties. I moved out of the house we shared and started feeling amazing again. We work together so still seeing each other daily was a bit hard but I was determined to try and live my life. I realised that I knew I was in love with him and that was enough. He didn't need to love me right now, believe in me or do anything about it. I was ok with knowing we'd loved. We both started seeing other people, and whilst it didn't feel right at all times it was clear we were both having 'fun'. Whilst I still loved him and knew he felt the same I was ok with the relationship being done.


I don't know what happened but after that year and a few months and he by now had been with someone for a few months (my relationships were short term, fun dating etc) we got back together. We stayed friends throughout and often had lunch - both openly admitting feelings but being ok with them. He text one day and asked if I'd consider going for a drink. I did and I knew at that drink that this was the start again, the only difference this time is we were different people. We had both let go of the old relationship that caused us pain and we were ready to share our lives again.


That was a year ago and it's been absolutely incredible ever since. We've slowed things right down, we date, take trips and love each other madly. There's no pressure - no fights, nothing. Next week we're going on out first big holiday of the year, and I can't wait.


This man is my best friend and whilst that year was hard and seeing him with other people was devastating I honestly always knew we weren't done.


My advice to someone going through pain right now is to try as hard as you possibly can to rebuild yourself for yourself. You were a whole wonderful person before this relationship and you can be an even better one after with all the lessons you've learnt.


I had moved on and was living my life for me, this was the most attractive thing for my boyfriend. He wanted to be part of this re-ignited love I had for myself and for life.


It's only been one year, and we were apart longer than we have been back together but I am really hopeful and confident that we've both learnt so much about ourselves and each other we'll make it work.


I am sorry if you're hurting, it's really really and even though it doesn't feel like it you really will feel more yourself soon. Don't lose hope, always have hope but don't let that hope become the focus of your life. There's nothing more important than you.

I wanted to post an update - it's been two years since we got back together and our relationship is strong, healthy and incredibly happy. anyone hoping for a miracle cure, I'm sorry there isn't one but do follow the advise in the first post in this thread. Look after yourself and make yourself whole again.


Wishing you lots of luck"

I needed go read this at this moment. Thank you.

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That's not my story but another ENA poster


I forgot my friend's story.


My friend L dated this guy K for a few months. L was totally in love with K, however, he was much older than her and they met through church. Long story short it caused a lot of drama and K broke things off with L. He ended up leaving their church because of all the backlash. It was messy and he completely cut L off.


L was heartbroken for months. She cried every day for like 3 or 4 months. Well eventially she started dating around a bit and definitely started to get over K.


About 2 years after K breaks up with L she met her current boyfriend, who she is now very happy with. They are absolutely great together.


One year into her new relationship, so three years after the split, K comes back. He didn't outright ask for L back but he started messaging her and coming back to their church. But L has absolutely zero interest in going back with K. She loves her new man. On top of that K has totally change for the worst, while L has only improved. So not a reconciliation story, but definitely a success story in my opinion.



"N and R were in a distant relationship as N was studying abroad and she was here... They have been in a relationship for 4 years (I assume) Their relationship fell apart last year and the breakup was really bad... R was the one who initiated the breakup and also she blocked him on facebook and did not contact him... N says that he knew that R would come back and they will be together. So he just hung out with friends and tried to have fun... He said that after 3 months later he got a mail from R saying Hi to which he replied and she asked how he was doing and all and they were mailing and finally she added him on facebook and they started dating again... Now he has finished his studies and he has returned... He says their relationship is stronger than ever after the breakup and If you believe it truly in your heart it will happen... He says even when she left he knew that she would come back and he just had fun with his friends and all"



"tonight i was at a marriage party. the groom was my friend's brother.when he was in a relationship with his wife(before marriage),she had broken up with him and had found a new guy and had told him that everything is over.he let go of the past and just told the universe he wanted her back again and marry with him..he visualized his marriage with her and finally after a few months she came back to him and eventually tonight they got married"


"about 1 year ago my friend's boyfriend broke up with her.no matter what how much she begged and cried,he didn't reply to her messages and calls..yesterday when i was with her,HE CALLED HER AFTER 1 YEAR!!!!!!she was shocked!!and could not believe and could not pick up the phone.he sent messages to her and BEGGED HER TO PICK UP THE PHONE!!!and then he said you think during this distance,i was happy?do you think this break up just made you cry?no,i was in pain during this time.i thought about you all the time.please pick up the phone.i will do ANYTHING for you.but please don't ask me to accept the separation!!I WANT TO BE WITH YOU AGAIN!!!MARRY ME!!!!!!!!!"

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I felt I really needed to post my story where it is now. I've just re-visited my first posts which were in the weeks after my break up and whilst it was still hard to read it has really given me the desire to share what happened to me since then. I hardly recognise me as the poster of those threads, and even reading them I felt like I was reading someone else's words, someone else's pain!


Quick backstory: read my thread for full details.


Would love to read the original thread. Do you have a link to it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today,new storry. My female friend was asking me a lot about my best friend which is her ex for the past month.


Today she asked him out,but he declined.


They dated for a year about 3 years ago and she left him. They did have sporadical contact but nothing major. He still talks of her sometimes when he drinks too much ,and he decided to say no. Kudos to him!

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I realised that I knew I was in love with him and that was enough. He didn't need to love me right now, believe in me or do anything about it. I was ok with knowing we'd loved.



...I honestly always knew we weren't done.




omg story of my life. i just KNOW we aren't done.

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Ok here is my story of reconciliation, it might be a long one. I will be very detailed, so maybe some of you reading this can maybe learn from my mistakes. I have been with my current semi -girlfriend for going on three years now, and at one point we had been broken up for four months.


Me and my gf had been going out for about a year and a half when she broke up with me. In our first year and a half together, we had had a few bad arguments but nothing that I considered too bad. She had been pressuring me for marriage, and I had been putting it off. I felt that me and her had communication problems we hadn't overcome, in that she had trouble talking to me about what was on her mind. I felt as if we couldn't resolve our problems because she couldn't talk them out. She would just shut down when I brought up issues, and this would make me upset leading her to shut down even more. It was a cycle.


Anyways, for the last four month before the break up I did what I could to avoid arguments. Things were ok, or so I thought. She would start to avoid me here and there, but I thought it was because she might be busy as she was working and in school, plus she had a roommate that she lived with so this would make seeing each other all the time not very easy.


One day, after a nice weekend together, I had bought her a nice pair of shoes. For some reason, maybe because they were a size too large for her, she assumed I had bought them for someone else and given them to her instead. She broke up with me the next morning. I was devastated. I made the classic mistakes of begging her to make it work. The more I begged, the more adamant she became about the breakup. I told her please reconsider, you're just doing this because you're upset. I told her she was on her period and that she's just being overly emotional at this time. The more I plead, the more resolved she was to break up with me. It's like the weaker I got, the stronger she became. It was the craziest thing I had ever seen in my life. My beautiful submissive easygoing loving girlfriend who would do anything for me became the most evil, vicious, unfeeling monster.


She told me she loved me but couldn't be with me. To never contact her again. And if I did, she'd call the police. She told me not to try showing up at her place to win her back, and that if I did, she'd call the police. Now I know from dating women my entire life that sometimes they say things they don't mean, but when a woman tells you not to contact her or she will call the police you don't want to take any chances.


So for two weeks, I didn't contact her. I thought she needed to cool down. I waited for the dust to settle. And let me tell you, those two weeks were two of the hardest weeks in my entire life. I spent every waking moment thinking about her. From the time I woke up, to the time I went to sleep. Even in my dreams I had nightmares about her and what I was going through. There was no relief no matter what I tried. I threw myself into my work. Went to the gym for hours. Nothing worked. I was devastated. I literally had problems breathing at times I was so heartbroken. I was so depressed, there were days I didn't even want to get out of bed. Thoughts of who she might be dating or having sex with made me delirious with jealousy, fear and anger.


After two weeks I messaged her. She hadn't changed her mind. She was clear: we were done. However, she had told me that from now on we could text each other. So this gave me hope.


So I would message her once in a while. I'd ask her to meet up, and she'd refuse. Then she'd tell me she started going on dates with other guys. Once again I was devastated. How could she move on so fast? The worst moment of my life happened when I started a tinder account to try to force myself to date and there it came up as I was swiping: her tinder profile. I was shocked beyond belief. Luckily at that time I had a friend I could call up any time of day or night and she was able to calm me down. Otherwise I would have called her right then and there in the middle of the night.


So I got angry. During one of our text exchanges, I told her well ok then I am starting to go on dates too. She was hurt, but didn't seem devastated like I was. She wanted to remain friends. I told her I was not going to let her use me as a friend while she took her time to comfortably get over me and start dating other men. She got angry at me, can you believe that? She was saying that i had promised to always be there for her. I couldn't believe her nerve.


One weekend, she went away for a trip. She called me, and told me about the problems she was having with some of the friends she was on the trip with. I told her look I'm sorry you're having problems with your friends but I was clear: I have no intention of being friends with you. If you want to get back together fine but I am not going to let you use me as a crutch so you can get over me and move on to other relationships. She said fine.


That was the last time we spoke for a while. There were times I'd message her, and she'd write back very cold responses such as "i wish no further communication with you." I was devastated yet again, for like the 20th time in like 3 months.


Then a few weeks later, as I was starting to move on and finally get over her, a friend of mine called me saying he had seen her walking around with a new guy. I know I shouldn't have, but all the pent up feelings and emotions got to me and I caved in and messaged her. I told her hey my friend says you found a new boyfriend, that was fast! Well best of luck to the two of you!


Well she denied it. She denied it was her. I was like, ya right. But then I remember I had left a pair of shorts at her place and can I come to pick them up. She said yes, but she will leave them downstairs. I told her, look it would be nice to see you. Let's meet up, just for a few minutes. She was reluctant. She said she wouldn't be able to handle it. But I talked my way into having her agree to meet with me.


So we met, and all the emotions came back. As we sat, we were still very clearly attracted to each other. I made my move, we kissed for a bit, and before you knew it we were heading upstairs to her condo to spend the night together. We have been kind of together since.


So she dumped me in late June, and by early September we got back together again. It is now January and we have been through some ups and downs since we got back together.


For one, she told me she ended up having sex with some guy. But that it only happened twice with him. I flipped. I'm still angry about it, that she would work so hard on meeting and having sex with new men rather than on trying to make it work with me, a guy who so clearly cared for her. In response to that, i told her I could never be loyal to her again as there is no point in me being loyal to her if she can just dump me and seek to have sex with other men whenever she feels like it.


I will give you some of her thoughts based on questions I asked her after we got back together. It might shed some light on the thoughts going on in some of the dumpers out there.


She told me she had been mentally preparing herself to break up with me for months before the actual breakup. That the incident that provoked the breakup was minor, but it was the spark that went off only after many other bigger incidents. She told me when she broke up with me her mind was made up. And that she was going to be strong in not giving in. She said her counselor had helped her come up with tactics and strategies to break up with me. That they had practiced what she would say with a teddy bear in the counselor's office. Even the text she sent me "i wish no further communication" was scripted and planned. I felt really betrayed, because all those months when I was trying to avoid arguments and doing my best to treat her well and make things work - she was conspiring and conniving to leave me.


She told me she slept with the guy because she was lonely and sad. She still denied being with the guy my friend says he saw her with. She says she missed me a lot, but that she didn't think we had a future and that she didn't think I cared about her. I asked her was there anything i could have said to bring her back to me? She said she was expecting me to say that everything would be ok that I loved her and and that I will be there to protect her and guide her along the path.


For what it's worth, this is what she told me and this is what I learned.

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Ah yes one more important thing that I remember about the questions I asked her. She told me that she had been going out on dates after our break up because she was sad and lonely and just wanted to get out of the condo. She said that when I told her I was dating other people, at that moment she thought I had moved on so she decided she would do the same.


I told her that the only reason I told her that I was dating other people was because she had told me first that she had been on dates. In my thinking at the time, I thought that telling her I was going out on dates might cause her to become jealous and want to fight for me or want to come back to me. But it seems to have had the opposite of my intended result: instead of making her want to come back to me, it only made her think i had moved on and that she should do the same too.


I got angry when she told me this, and told her she can't blame me for having sex with other men and that she had already made up her mind to leave me that morning she dumped me. I also asked her why she didn't once give in and let me see her (until four months in) and why she could be so cruel. She told me she thought I didn't love her and she felt she needed to move on. And those were pretty much her only reasons.


My story and her reasons and thinking process are unique to our situation. It's based on our unique relationship dynamic as well as the unique traits that me and my gf brought to the table. I'm not saying all dumpers think and react the way my ex did, but it was interesting to get an inside view of the thought process and reactions from a dumper's point of view.

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I realize that this thread is old, but wow. It has really helped me. My first boyfriend and I broke up one month ago after two happy years together. I have read every article about getting your ex back, but after reading most of this thread I have gotten another way of thinking about it. I still love him but I will not persue him. He needs to live his life and I need to live mine. And I think we minght find eachother again in the future. But I don't know. No one knows. All I know is that we had a wonderful relationship and that there are no bad feelings between us. We just need to figure out of things on our own. But this thread has not given me false hope. It has given a way to keep on living and not rushing things. If its meant to be, it will be I think. So thank you. (Sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language.)

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I just want to chime in and say that I'm reading this thread over again now... almost 6 months post break up... feeling much more apathetic to reconciling with my ex... and it's a bit surreal. 3-4 months ago, when I was reading these stories for the first time, I was in such a dark, low, terrible, desperate place. I can still feel the pain I was feeling at the time as I read through all of these stories again, and it's made me realize how far I've come since then. I just want everyone that's reading this thread right now, and feels hopeless, and thinks that your world is closing in on you, and that you'll never come out on the other side, and that you don't know what you'll do without this person, that life feels incomplete without them, that you 'know' he/she is the one for you -- I want you to know that I was in your shoes, not too long ago... and it DOES get better, life DOES start again, you just have to want it for yourself and that day will come for you when you're ready.


I haven't gotten my ex back - I tried everything in the book... no contact, writing a letter, being his friend and being super positive and happy, I even sent him a video telling him everything I've learned and how much I've changed... None of it worked. But it worked for me because I needed to exhaust all of my options before I could make the decision to give up... I finally had the courage to let go, because there was nothing left to do, and it's the best thing I could have done for myself. I still miss him, but it's okay. I don't need him anymore. And if anything is going to bring him back, it's that, but it's also okay if it doesn't, and I didn't think in a MILLION YEARS I would ever be able to say that. I couldn't even imagine myself getting to this point 4 months ago... I didn't know what "it gets better" meant... but IT GETS BETTER.... I promise you'll get there too!


I'd love to be able to post my story on here one day. It's helped me through some very dark days.

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thank you so much all i want is to have him back. i am really in a bad shape right now, i can see that he still loves me but thinking through things. i will follow your advice to improve myself. i hope the better me will give me a chance to be with him again.

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I wanted to say also i had a bad break up feb 2016. I used to read this looking for hope. So many months passed. We never got back together. Its been a year and i have a wayyy better life now !!!. Mentally i am stron and happy and calm. He made me nuts as i see that in hindsight. If i knew now what i knew then i would have never had contact for months after the breakup. I see my breakup as a blessing but it sucks sometimes we have to hold on and hurt ourselves. Do dumb things like chase them when in the end u come to realize they are nothing to chase. They dont deserve us. I was the dumpee and i now see if someone can hurt u so bad, they never really loved u. Dont cry or waste years of your life wanting them back. I wasted months thinking of this guy who ultimately neverrrr came back. I feel like i never lived in 2016. It was all a blur. My advice to others is move on day 1 of breakup. Mentally say they will never come back. You can do serious damage and waste your life in a dream.

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Just to add some stories as I'm 2 months out of a break up and used this thread to help me get in a much better place:


I actually don't know the details of the break up entirely, but they had been going out for around a year and a half. They broke up, and I just recently heard they both got back together a year after the break up and seem really happy together.


The other is a reconciliation of a friend that he initiated. They had dated for most of high school. He wanted to find himself and date other girls and his ex agreed. She called him a few days later and said that she didn't want the break up anymore but he was firm with his decision. It ended up as a nasty break up and he went on to be single for a while, dated a girl for about 9 months wholly wishing for a new relationship to work out. It didn't work out because the differences were too much and he realized the first ex was what he wanted in a girlfriend, and he had to put in work to make things work. This is all about a year and a half after the initial break up.

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One of my bestest friends was off and on with his now wife. They both went through a phase of having to fix themselves and they got back together and have veen married for a few years. They are working on having kids.


It seems like there are way less success stories but there are some out there. The ones with the most success seem to be the ones where both people grow ans mature.

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Going through a breakup myself & it's been terrible. But this thread is giving me hope so I figured I'd bump it


Some get back together stories I know:


1) One of my friends and her bf have been having issues for a few months now. They live together and there's a child involved. He ended up cheating on her and she found out and became devastated. Ended up breaking up with him because she just couldn't handle it any longer. Issue is, they STILL live together so it's kind of hard to do NC. But he's been really working hard to show her how much he messed up. She's working on it too and I honestly think it's gonna end well. They love each other so much!


2) One of my other friends recently got dumped too. They were together for 5 years, high school sweethearts. They've been LDR for quite some time now. One day a few months ago he just decided to pick up the phone and say he couldn't do it anymore. She was absolutely devastated. Did NC for a month, told me that one day she just woke up and realized she'll be ok. That very same day he started coming back to her. Almost like their roles switched! Begging and calling nonstop, apologizing for the huge mistake he just made. We went out to dinner and drinks just this past weekend, he would not stop calling her! And my friend was basically over it, ignoring him the whole time. Said "if he really wants me back, he needs to better himself. He made this decision, now he needs to deal with it." She is pretty bada**!! (Not exactly the reconciliation story you probably wanted but they do come back eventually!)


That's it for now, I'll possibly be posting more.


I have tons of hope. Some days I feel like it's really over between my ex and I but other times I just feel like our story isn't over yet. Read my thread if interested, I need all your advice! It's under breaking up: Blindsided.

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So I've been reading these stories for quite a few days now and thought I could share some I know. I don't know many details, but yeah:

1. My brother's friend was in a LDR with his girl for about 2 years, they would see each other like every 6 months and then spend 1-2 together (he works abroad). So this summer, I think maybe late August or September he broke up with her for another girl (so GIGS) and some issues they had about future of the relationship and similar things. Eventually he realized he made a mistake (I think this other girl dumped him or smth, I was not in the country at the moment so I don't know all the details) and he went to his ex who lives 10 hours drive from here and asked her to get back together. I think they were apart for maybe 2-3 month, I am not really sure. Anyway they worked it out and are happy now


2. One if my best friends broke up with his ex gf (they aren't together anymore, this was like 2 years ago I think, don't know the exact reason why they broke up, he never wanted to tell anyone but I heard she cheated on him, but those could just be rumors, so nevermind). At that time it was almost 1 year of them being together They have been broken up for a month I think and made up. After that they were together for another 9 months and had a fight on Valentines day(2016) and broke up. They tried being friends, were seeing each other every single day until 20th april I think when she wanted to get back together but he said he had given up. She was begging him for a while and everything, coming to his workplace and crying but he was strong. He told me that then hisnheart was telling him to make up with her but his head said no. The thing is that she found a new guy 10 days after they had a fight and that really hurt my friend I guess and he didn't want to be with her. So yeah, now both of them are in different relationships, he is happy I don't know about her really, we kind of stopped talking after all the fuss.


3. Almost the same period me and my ex broke up, the other best friend had a fight with his gf. They both thought it was a breakup and a few days after that she told him she wanted to talk to him. Later she told me she just wanted to tell him she will be moving on and that she wanta nothing to do with him (they had many issues for months prior to this mini breakup because of his behaviour) but that night he apologized for everything and askes for another chance. She was still really hurt but decided to give it a try. It's been about a month and a half since then and their relationship is much better.


4. My brother has had 3 gfs so far. They would break up and then make up but after a really short period of time and it never seemed to work out. The last ex, which I really love and appreciate, got tired of this and decided to call it quits. Now he is in a really bad place, has been stressed out for days, but I believe they will get back together. He realized his mistakes and feels really bad, he wants to change himself, so hopefully after she's healed they'll get back together. So this is not really a recon story, but as tou can see he usaually had second chances (sometimes even more) with every girl he has dated so far. I really do hope things will turn out good this time.


5. I don't know much details, but my ex's brother dated a girl few years ago, but they broke up because of her parents (they are of different religions). Anyway, after some time, they got back together and have been engaged for about a year and a half now.


6. A couple from my HS, they were my classmates. I again don't know much details, but they were dating for some time, then broke up in 3rd grade. By the time we got back to school in 4th grade they were back together. They've been together since then, so that's 3+ years. I just saw their photos on insta today and thought of their relationship. They really seem happy.


7. Not a story I like very much but my ex had 2 gfs before me. With one he got back together many times and after all the begging and awful stufd she's done to him, he hates her now. She's a bit of a psycho, and I don't say that just because she's his ex, she really is a bit odd from all the stories he had told me. Now the other one, he cheated on her for some time and in the end he broke up with her. After 4 months he regretted it and asked her to get back together but she said no. So it's not a reconciliation story, but he did come back. And as you can expect now I'm hoping he'll do the same this time.


Anyway, don't want to write about my breakup story here wish you all luck 💞 Don't forget to love yourselves first. When the time is right they'll come back or you'll find someone even better, but you must realize that the only person who can and HAS to make you happy is YOU.


P.S. I don't know if this is even a relevant story, but when I was 14 I liked this guy and he liked me(he was 16 I think and we were kids, we weren't really in a relationship). Anyway since he lived in a different town we agreed we'll be together in a few month when I come to his town over winter break. Just a few days before that I met a guy at school who I really liked and decided I didn't want the first one. So when I went there over winter break I told him we should just be friends and that it would not work because of the distance (wow, I was a I guess 😂 I was a kid, I am still sorry for this). Anyway he took it very well and a few days after that I thought to myself was I thinking. So I talked to him and asked him to take me back but he said No ofc. So yeah, being the dumper in some way, even if I was a kid then, it was really confusing and f**ked up. I was crying for a month after that, scr*wed uo the situation even more by letting my besr friend talk to him and making a fool out of myself a few times. But that summer we met (at that time I was heart broken by this other guy from the story) and we talked like best friends. Now he has a gf, and they look really happy. I am very happy for him, I ofc don't have any romantic feelings left, it was just a crush, but he is a very dear person to me and I love catching up with him from time to time (like once every other year😂 .


So I realized this is super long post, yeah. Good luck!

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