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Why is sex everything???


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I still say both are at fault. Maybe not "equally" but they are still both at fault. She didn't have to take the risk based upon what some dude says to her, so she bears some responsibility.


If I blindly walk into a scam I am partly to blame for being scammed. Even if they are "lower" for committing the scam, I still hold some responsibility for not researching or taking necessary precautions.


I understand what you're saying, but I am a little hesitant to agree with you.

Say for example, some girl is date raped. Are we then going to tell her that she was partly responsible for letting herself get into that situation?

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Of course not. How do you think that this qualifies for the same subject?


I guess I misunderstood then.


If I blindly walk into a scam I am partly to blame for being scammed. Even if they are "lower" for committing the scam, I still hold some responsibility for not researching or taking necessary precautions.


I believed it was a valid comparison because you could say that the woman didn't take necessary precautions.

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grymoire you have asked this question over and over again. Each time someone has told you that women do enjoy sex.


the way women are sounding here does not give the impression that they like sex.... it looks like men are evil monsters out there to prey on women that are innocent victims... women are repeatedly portrayed as victims in the sex act... not as willing participants.

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