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Weightloss challenge for BIG people!!

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well, could be a few things. when it's my time of the month, i know i retain water, as do many others. also, depending on how much you ate/drank the morning of weigh in, that can make a change too. also, what clothes you are wearing. it's good to pick a consistent outfit, or weigh naked. i usually weigh in before breakfast.


salty foods also make you retain water. if you had a salty dinner the night before, it can show up on the scale.


how about this week you keep a food journal of all the things you eat, you don't have to post it here. i notice that when i don't write down what i eat, i go through what i call 'ammnesia eating' where i forget that i ate a cookie or had some frappucino or something. helps keep me honest.


no worries, you will get there!

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Thanks Annie....no premenstrual swelling for me here, had a hysterectomy last year....


I did go for my walk. I'm still only at 6 blocks, just too tuckered to do more right now.


Made it the whole day without any pop! YEAHH!!!! Drank water and/or Crystal Light all day, except for one glass of milk.


I weigh in my birthday suit, early am, after peeing, before eating or drinking.


I've tried keeping a food journal, but my life is so hectic, it's just one more thing to keep track of, it's all kind of overwhelming right now. I didn't do too badly today, except I had two pieces of cake.

Otherwise, not too badly.

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ok, but here's the thing..... 2 pieces of cake may not sound like a lot, but that's about 600 calories right there. to lose 1 lb a week, you need to have a deficit of 3500 calories a week, or 500 calories a day. if you are eating ok, but sneaking in 'a little here, a little there', the weight won't come off. it's kind of the difference between staying at your weight and losing.


carry around a small pad of paper with you and write it all right away. it only takes like 20 seconds to write down what you are eating.

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no pieces of cake today, but I did have two cookies. Eating wise, was fairly decent for me, had two cans of pop, and the rest drank milk or water. Went for my walk today, and made it 8 blocks today! Woohoo! I was whooped, but I made it. The swelling in my feet has gone way down, I can actually see the veins in the top of my feet! Small step for mankind, huge step for Kayla!!

I'll think about the journaling Annie...I know it's a good piece of advice, I just know I've tried it before and I never stick with it.

Anyway, thanks for the support...it helps me to be accountable every day just to check in here...makes me remember what my goal is! I passed up pizza tonight and had Subway instead, so I was proud of myself about that. (I would have much rather had the pizza!!)

Tomorrow is another day!

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I just weighed in, 281.25, so that's 2.5 lbs gone from last week. I'm actually really amazed seeing as I drank a lot this week (7 beers on Friday, and probably 10-11 drinks comprised of shots and some mixed, on Monday), but besides that, my diet was good. I've started biking to work now, it actually takes exactly as long as driving because I get to skip all the traffic and run a few lights here and there. Another thing trick that someone showed me is how to portion properly for meals. It's useful to use your fist as a guide, a proper meal should be about one fist's worth of protein (ie: meat) and one fist of carbs (bread, pasta, etc...). And lots of greens and whatnot. If your meal is a carb-based one (Like spaghetti), then you can have two fists total. I realized that if I consciously limit myself like that, I'm not even hungry afterward!

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no walk today, but very little pop (maybe a whole can or little more)...did fairly well eating wise (well, I did good for me leastwise)...my back still aching badly, so I took it easy after work today. tomorrow is the big picnic, probably a very emotional day as I will see the ex, don't know what spin that will put on things...

Tomorrow is another day!

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hi kayla - how's it going? i went to my weight watchers meeting this morning. one of the things we talked about was to eat all the good fresh summer fruits and vegetables. there are so many berries, corn, peaches, nectarines, watermelon, etc.... out there. now's a great time to snack on these really good and healthy foods. one of my favorite desserts is fresh sliced strawberries with fat free cool whip. mmmmmmm.

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Thanks Annie! Actually I did get to eat some good fresh watermelon last night...I went to a picnic, and I ate very little, and played volleyball and frisbee all day long, so I bet I dropped a pound just for my workout yesterday!

Haven't done great today...too much for me, but if I take it easy the rest of the day I might be OK.

Tomorrow is another day!

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Still fighting the "pop" battle, although doing much better at it than I was. I haven't bought a 12 pk since I ran out of the Mountain Dews, and I bought a 2 liter of Coke last week, and it lasted me about 3 or 4 days...

We went to Olive Garden today, and I ate too much, but it was yummy!!

I feel fat though...I feel like my belly is pooched out and I wish I had something that would hide this big fat pooch, because I'm embarrassed of it. I'm embarrassed at how fat I am all over. I went over to my girlfriend's house yesterday, she and her husband have a little baby...she is almost as tall as I am, and weighs 270 lbs, and to me she looks pretty good! I weigh 60 more pounds than she does, and I feel like I look like an elephant standing next to her, yet I'm taller! She has no butt at all, and I have a huge butt. Her legs aren't that big, my thighs and calves are humongous. Our arms are about the same, and our bellies are about the same. I have 3 chins, and she only has 2. She does have huge breasts, and I have third world tribal breasts. Yet somehow, she looks great, and I look like an elephant, and it's very discouraging!!

No walk today, too tired, too hot, too tired.

But tomorrow is another day!!

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thanks Annie for the advice, I appreciate it. No, I haven't started the food journal yet. And as for Olive Garden, this was only the 3rd time in my entire life I've been there. I had the baked ziti, but I'm sure it was a caloric nightmare!

And my saying "tomorrow is another day" is my way of saying no matter what happens today, I have hope that tomorrow could be a better day. It's not my way of saying "don't care what happens today, I'll do better tomorrow"...it's more of a "chin up" kind of saying...sorry if that's misleading!


G'nite all!

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Even if you just mean it as a motivator, it can easily become a barrier too. Without meaning to, it can become a barrier because it excuses any "slips" that happened during the day. I think it's great not to throw the whole thing away because of a few slips and it's great to recognize the good things you did. But you also have to say to yourself, OK tomorrow is another day, but today is that day too. Lets make it the best one possible.


Remember to set realistic goals for yourself. You're just starting out, so saying that you'll walk everyday isn't really realistic at this point. Maybe you can say that you'll walk for 30 minutes at least 3-4 times per week. It's a good starting point. If you set high goals like working out everyday, it's easy to become frustrated with the whole thing because it's basically setting yourself up for disappointment. Your goal with the soda issue is very realistic. You know that it's not going to be 100% out of your diet, but you've cut back. That's great! Eventually once you're used to not having it, you can cut back even more. It's all about those small things you can do that add up. But remember that it's really a combination of diet and exercise that adds up to success.

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hey im down!!! i just signed up for a gym like 2 weeks ago... but i havent even gone yet.... its really sad ... i know everything i need to do to lose the weight i just dont have the mind set to do it... i know i know i need to start going... i really want to lose weight... but its just food is sooo good.. lol

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weighed in yesterday, 327.2, for a loss of 3.8 lbs! Woohoo!! Would have been more I think except I forgot to take my water pill Monday.


I'm 11.2 lbs away from what I was when I joined WW last year....then it's working my way back down from there.

Did drink a lot of Mountain Dew yesterday though, although I don't think I ate that much. And I mowed the lawn, and sweated like a pig! LOL


Today is yesterday's tomorrow!!

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I am kind of frustrated, haven't lost any weight yet on my plan. I was visiting my boyfriend for 5 days last week, so I didn't do my work-outs (although we did get a lot of exercise), and I decided not to really watch what I eat. I'm going to make this week the week I lose my first few pounds !!

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welcome to the madness koreangel, and lots of good good luck!!


Can we do it?? Yes, we can!!


oh i know we can do it!!! but hey just letting you know... its really not a good idea to weigh yourself everyday cuz when you go up in weight youll start to doubt yourself and its not a good idea... thats what my personal trainer told me... cuz muscle weighs more then fat... so just a helpful reminder... hehe

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I`m frustrated. I was on vacation for a week. No snacks in the vacation home, so no snacks for a week. Grilled fish and steaks (no sauces) and veggies for meals. Hiking and walking 3 times a day. Come back and the scales says I GAINED weight. * * * ? Where did those 5 pounds come from??! My clothes aren`t looser (if anything, tighter) so its not muscle weight.



This is something that never ceases to frustrate me. I seem to gain or stay flat when I am behaving and actually lose weight sometimes when I seem to be being "bad" (sorry, but nobody should lose weight when they get frustrated at being good for months and down a couple boxes of cookies in a week - bad reinforcement).

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LOL...I agree, sometimes the up or down of the scale makes no sense whatsoever!!


Not terrible today, but not really that good. Too much Mountain Dew. 2 pieces of cake at the cookout. Blah...just not a good day. I worked in the yard quite a bit though, so I think exercise wise I'm good.


Tomorrow IS another day!

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Haven't been doing well, to be honest. Been drinking too much pop, been eating too much of the wrong foods. And haven't been exercising as much as I should the last couple of days. I did a lot of shopping today, like several hours worth, so I suppose I got some good walking in there. Just kind of in a funk, and not motivated today, or the last couple of days. Not trying to overeat, just not motivated to really "watch it".

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