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Weightloss challenge for BIG people!!

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do you have the recipe? i have it in my weight loss journal, i think it's on the second or 3rd page (the zero point vegetable garden soup). it's good stuff, helps fill you up. have a cup with lunch or dinner.


let us know how the weigh in goes! will you be weighing once a week?

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yes, I have the recipe...I still have my books from when I was in WW last year, thanks.


Weighed in this morning...325.8. Down 4.2 lbs, probably mostly water, since I was really swollen last week when I weighed in. Still a loss is a loss, and I'll take it!!


Tuesdays is usually my weigh in day, but I was in a hurry to get out the door yesterday morning and completely forgot!

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Nobody's really been able to join you, so I guess I will


I'm 6'2" and weigh about 285 lbs last I measured, it's been about a week, and I didn't write it down, so I'm not sure. I used to be down to 265 at one point, but I went on vacation to an all-inclusive, and since then it's been a disaster. I just started going to the gym regularly again, it's been about 3 weeks since I've started.


My biggest problem right now is that because I'm only 18, I tend to go out with friends a lot, and that very often leads to drinking (I'm legal over here in Canada), which is really bad for the diet. And I don't mean a drink or two, when I go out, I usually have at least 5 or 6, and I've been known to have far more. I try to eat much smaller portions and much more healthily on those days to at least somewhat balance it out. Though I've recently started smoking marijuana instead as it's much better for the diet (Only if I'm going to a bar or hanging out with friends, I don't like doing it if I'm going clubbing)

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That's great that you've started going back to the gym! I'd take measurements too, because weight alone isn't the only indicator you should rely on. Congrats on a new start!


This isn't just about losing weight though. It's about being healthier all around. Smoking marijuana is not healthy for you. It's also not healthy to use that as a means to lose weight. Why can't you cut down on your drinking? There's no reason why you have to drink that much, or you could do it less often. Like say that you'll only have 2 or 3 when you go out, but once a month you can have more (while staying safe of course). It's not about depriving yourself, but about moderation. The gym won't do much for you if you're not following it up outside of the gym.

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That's great that you've started going back to the gym! I'd take measurements too, because weight alone isn't the only indicator you should rely on. Congrats on a new start!


This isn't just about losing weight though. It's about being healthier all around. Smoking marijuana is not healthy for you. It's also not healthy to use that as a means to lose weight. Why can't you cut down on your drinking? There's no reason why you have to drink that much, or you could do it less often. Like say that you'll only have 2 or 3 when you go out, but once a month you can have more (while staying safe of course). It's not about depriving yourself, but about moderation. The gym won't do much for you if you're not following it up outside of the gym.


Why do I do it? That's an easy question to answer, it's because it's fun. I'm fully capable of going without it, but the truth is that social interactions are more fun under the influence of one thing or another. Drinking only 2 or 3 drinks doesn't do much to me, I only start to feel it around 4 or 5.


As far as marijuana not being healthy, I'm well aware of that, but the fact is that as far as diet is concerned, it's far healthier than beer. I smoke at most 3 times on a heavy week, and when school is back in session, I smoke about 2-3 times a month. At that rate, it's effect on my health is almost negligible.


And as far as using it as a means to lose weight -- I'm not doing that. I'm using it as a calorie-free way to have a good night. Alcohol is very high in calories, a single beer containing about 150. so even having just 3 is 450 Calories, which is a lot to just throw away. And to have 6, that's 900, which is far more than I'm willing to spare regularly. Weed is 0, and the effects are good enough for me most of the time. Weed is also easier on the wallet

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I'm not going to justify using substances like that. I'm not trying to get into an argument with you at all or hijack the thread. It doesn't sound like you're abusing any of it, but the fact that you need them to have more fun is concerning. I'm not going to say anything more about it after this, but it does worry me that you feel the need to be under the influence in some way in order to really have a fun night.

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I understand that you don't want to get into it and hijack, but I'm just going to make one last defense and leave it at that.


I don't need it to have a fun night, but I find that it does have the ability to make some nights more fun. Much like you don't need friends to have a good time, but they tend to help I do go out plenty without doing any drugs. I'd say that I go out at least 5 times a week, often every night. Not necessarily to a bar or club, but just to hang out, or to play a game of poker with friends or something like that. The large majority of the time I don't take any substances. It's only when I'm in an environment such as a bar, club or party that I usually do it, and I never do it when nobody else is, I only do it socially.

Anyway, back to weight loss!


I'm leaving for the gym now, I was supposed to go yesterday, but it was closed for a statutory holiday.

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I said I wouldn't say anymore and I won't


I'll just say that I'm jealous of your energy to go out that much. I go to work, the gym, and home. I only really socialize on the weekend. Except for going downstairs to my neighbor's to watch TV. I'm pathetic lol.


Keep up with the good work guys!

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yes, I have the recipe...I still have my books from when I was in WW last year, thanks.


Weighed in this morning...325.8. Down 4.2 lbs, probably mostly water, since I was really swollen last week when I weighed in. Still a loss is a loss, and I'll take it!!


Tuesdays is usually my weigh in day, but I was in a hurry to get out the door yesterday morning and completely forgot!


good job!!!!! do you feel a little lighter? i bet you will soon! i am sure you will do great this week too.

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well, 4 cans of pop today...not a good day there, not a too terrible day elsewise, but could have been better. I didn't get to walk today, out of sheer business...just literally did not have the time, my company just left a few minutes ago and it's dark so I guess I'll miss my walk tonight.

I feel better because the swelling in my feet has gone down a bit, but I'm tired...goodnight to all.

Tomorrow is another day!!

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My official weigh in was 283.75, let's get this train rolling.


I'll just say that I'm jealous of your energy to go out that much. I go to work, the gym, and home. I only really socialize on the weekend. Except for going downstairs to my neighbor's to watch TV. I'm pathetic lol.

Yeah, it takes a toll on the sleep department especially with some of my friends who work late shifts (I regularly meet up with friends who get off work at 11:30, if only for an hour or so), but I manage, sometimes with a cup of coffee or two. Luckily I still live with my parents, so that clears up a huge chunk of the day.


well, 4 cans of pop today...not a good day there, not a too terrible day elsewise, but could have been better. I didn't get to walk today, out of sheer business...just literally did not have the time, my company just left a few minutes ago and it's dark so I guess I'll miss my walk tonight.

I feel better because the swelling in my feet has gone down a bit, but I'm tired...goodnight to all.

Tomorrow is another day!!

One thing you should do that will result in an immediate improvement is switching from regular coke to diet coke. I know that it tastes a bit funny, and the non-coke diet sodas taste terrible, but at least it's still sweet and calorie-free. You can also try out Coke Zero, I like the taste a lot more than regular Diet Coke.


You should also try crystal-light drinks, what's nice about them is that you aren't expecting them to taste like something else, so you can appreciate them for what they are, not what they aren't.


Of course, the best thing is to try and switch to water, but babysteps first.


As for the swelling in your feet, one thing you might want to try is riding a bike or using a stationary bike as they are much easier on the feet (Although a lot harder on the bum for the first week or two).

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Only two cans of pop today...not bad for me! Feet are swollen badly though. And I'm dizzy this evening...don't know what that's about, but unusual for me.

Funny 'walk story' today...since I didn't get to walk yesterday, I was determined to walk today, and I had a birthday party to attend this evening, so I knew I would have to go before the party if I was going. It just so happened a thunderstorm was on it's way, and it was thundering off in the distance, but I thought "naaaahhhh....it will be a bit before it hits here" and me and my son took off. We got two blocks from home (on our way back) and the skies opened up...it started lightnening, thundering, and POURING down raining!! We ran for shelter under someone's tree, then we ran up on a neighbor's porch and waited until it eased up a bit. Then we made a mad dash for home!

My mother, who is visiting and staying with me for now, thought we were still out walking around in this maddening thunderstorm and was waiting at the front door with the phone in her hand with a look of utter distress on her face!!

We were soaked, but thankful to be home. AND - - I got my walk in!!

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hm, take it easy. maybe it's a withdrawl from all the caffiene in the mountain dew you are feeling? that can cause dizziness. i hope you are ok, please call a doctor if this continues.


glad you got the walk in! another thing to consider is an exercise DVD. i've never tried it, but people love leslie sansome's "walk away the pounds." i know a lot of people who swear by it, especially when the weather is bad.

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two pops today...not too awful bad eating wise, although it's a wonder, it's been a stretch for me emotionally, (got a nasty email from my ex), but overall I've not done too bad I guess. Didn't get my walk in today, just too busy, worked until almost 5:30pm, then headed out for my part-time second job at 5:50pm so, just no time.


I have the WW exercise video, if that's the one you are referring to...haven't done it in a while, but I do have it.


Tomorrow is another day! G'nite all!

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Not a good day for me today...2nd day in a row I forgot to take my blood pressure pill, so my feet are really swollen, as I am retaining water. Way too much pop today, just didn't eat well at all today, plus did not get a chance to go on my walk again, too busy. And didn't get home til 11pm, so it was too late tonight.

Today was one of them days when I really enjoyed the taste of the food I ate, and that's not always a good thing...it's like a crack addict really enjoying the buzz they got today.


Tomorrow is another day!!

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I'm really rooting for you Kayla.......


Losing weight and keeping it off are one of the hardest things to do. I need to lose a lot of weight. I am not a small girl by any means. Since I rarely have to time to do anything that remotely resembles exercise, I'm kinda stuck. I did however just get custody of my 4 grandchildren and I have found myself breaking a sweat a lot more lately lugging kids up and down the stairs in my house.


Just keep the faith and it will happen for you. It's not going to happen overnight and you are going to have setbacks. The thing to remember is don't beat yourself up because of those setbacks. Just get back on that horse and strive for it the next day.


I'll be following your thread and rootin' for ya.

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kayla - are you eating at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day? aim for that. have a piece of fruit with breakfast, and 2 servings each at lunch and dinner. have fruit for a snack too. i find that the more fruits and vegetables i eat, the less potato chips and fries and burgers i can fit into my stomach!


and don't forget to drink your water! can you put your pills somewhere where you will not forget them? like by your alarm clock, or by your toothbrush?

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okay i have always been "big boned". im currently a size 22 and 5 ft 10.And about 6 years ago i decided enough was enough. I started dieting cutting out sweets chocolate. i went from a size 26 to a size 18 in 2 years i took me ages but since then i have hit a road block. i have been boncing from size 18 to 20 to 22. i lose weight only to gain weight. i really want to get down to a size 14-16. ( sorry im not including my actual weight i havent really weighed myself it only upsets me) im currently a size 22 and 5 ft 10. i really need tips of how to lose the rest of my weight.

One huge let down for me is Sweets and bordum eatting. ive started a diet 2 weeks ago and i have only sliped once eating popcorn while watching tv last night.

Congrats KaylaJoy!!

(i would like to had i am fed up of people sterotyping ie. all women need to be aleast a size 4. Women are women men are men what ever size there are what matters as long as they are happy within them seleves and are healthy)

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Unless it's drenched in butter and salt, popcorn is not a bad choice. I think if you are depriving yourself of the foods you like, it'll set you back. You can have sweets and desserts, but make healthier choices. I just tried this "No Pudge" fat free brownie mix. You can make a whole batch or just a single serving. It's a powder that you mix with fat free vanilla yogurt and it is AMAZING! I topped it with fat free whipped cream and fresh strawberries. Great dessert and I don't feel one bit guilty.


Are you exercising in addition to trying to eat healthy? If not, it could be why you hit a road block.

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well, today once again was a no-walk day. My back ached so bad today that I took 5 Advil, and then about 6 hours later took a Darvocet. I had back surgery for a ruptured herniated disc L4-L5 a few years ago, and I have a bulging disk L3-L4. Most of the time it doesn't bother me too awful bad, but I played baseball with the boys last night out in the yard, and I might have done something to aggravate it, because I woke up in much pain!!

Eating wasn't too awful bad for me, not exactly healthy food, but I didn't really overeat too much. Only about 1/2 a bottle of pop for the entire day! Woohoo! My foot are swollen still so I've been taking it easy this evening...

Fruits and vegetables?? Yes, but not 5 a day...more like 1 or 2.

Sigh...just don't feel good tonight, going to bed...g'nite all...

Tomorrow is another day!

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hey - work your way up to 5, at least. have 1-2 with every meal. really. it helped me a lot with my weight loss. i think weight loss becomes easier when you are focusing on ADDING more healthy foods into your diet as opposed to TAKING AWAY your favorite things. if you eat 5 or more servings of fruit and veggies a day, you probably can't even fit a second serving of cake or chinese food into your belly, know what i mean? and fiber keeps you full longer.


sorry about your back, take it easy, ok? i think as you lose weight, the stress on your back will decrease also. it is very hard on your body to carry around a lot of excess weight.


our leader at weight watchers told us that for every pound you lose, you are taking away 7 pounds of stress off your knees.


good job on scaling back on the pop today!!!

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Try walking at least 20 minutes a day, but aim for 40-60 minutes its like watching a movie or TV show after work but instead go for a walk with an i pod or music.


Its a good start to aim to cut out one sugary product from your diet. Or have a planned junk food stop so that you know when you are eating it and can cut back that way, you get your fix and cravings won't get to you.


When I had a problem eating junk I decided to make it my lunch on certain days. Then I could replace that junk food with something more healthy that provides the fix. So instead of eating KFC I'll bring a big load of pasta to work with cheese and eat that on my break, when usually I have the KFC craving.


Start small, eat GOOD and filling food in place of any junk you might have been eating or anything else particularly bad that is in your diet.

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Did my walking today, but that's about the only thing I did good today. Today was my mom's 75th birthday, so we had cake and icecream, and grilled out...too much food....

2 cans of pop, so better on that. Drank like 3 bottles of water, that was good.

Back still hurting...I've GOT to get this weight off...I feel miserable, and feel as though I'm just dragging this body around every day...

Am discouraged within myself today, it was not a good day for me foodwise...but.....

Tomorrow is another day! (and weigh in is tomorrow.)

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