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Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel - sequel to Wolf Hall.


So, so good. So creepy and brilliantly written. As someone trying to write myself, there are times when I have to put down the book and wail because she's expressed something so perfectly and how the hell am I ever going to do that.


Firiel, your research sounds interesting!

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"The Ethical ****" - it explains why humans are not meant to be monogomous creatures. I threw it accross the room in anger, yet I'm still reading lol


if there is anything I can't stand, it's cynical narcisists telling me how were really "animals" who "were never meant to be monogomous". I don't know why it pisses me off so much. I'll literally feel a strong urge to punch them in the face if it's a real life interaction.

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Borrowed this book from my dad..


Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World by Barbara Ehrenreich


Powerful and thought provoking...my eyes were so wide open after reading this.


She talks about blind positivity - she mentions the recession caused by the mortgage crisis because people believed they could take out unrealistic loans and everything would be okay...


This book made me think about the saying most of us don't live by anymore - 'Hope for the best but prepare for the worst'. Like to prepare for the worst is to allow negative feelings to enter the brain. (GASP!).


Just a fascinating book and I recommend to all! Will open those eyes But if you don't have cynical bone in your body, maybe stay clear of it lol

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