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An odd feeling.


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I'm well-regarded at the temp job, and get on well with everyone.

I have plenty of tech and interpersonal skills, and hustle all day to get things done. I don't like to take breaks or lunch.


"Barney", a FT employee, seems to lack motivation and screws up everything he touches. A nice fellow but very dimwitted. Whenever his name is mentioned, folks shake their heads. I named him after Barney Fife, a similar character.


I'd love to be offered FT employment, but I know Barney would have a rough time if he was canned. This might not happen, but I'm wondering if I should accept if it comes up.

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Of course you should accept it if it comes up? Why wouldn't you? You are sensitive to Barney and other people's welfare, however, you need to concentrate solely on you and your advancement.


If you are the better man for the position, well then the discussion is over. People want competence and if that is what you offer, well, if you were the customer wouldn't you want someone like you in the driver seat?

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I think you should. It's not like this guy is a good friend of yours and you owe him anything. Barney doesn't seem right for the job, whether it's because he's unable to or lacks a good work ethic.


Do you think if the tables were turned, he'd turn down a promotion for you?

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If you deserve the job, Dako (and I have no doubt you do) then you should take it if it is offered.


You're not responsible for 'Barney' or his welfare - he is.


That's something I've learned (rather late in life) in a grown up work environment: we are only responsible for ourselves and our own work. It's every man or woman for him/herself in the workplace.



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I'm well-regarded at the temp job, and get on well with everyone.

I have plenty of tech and interpersonal skills, and hustle all day to get things done. I don't like to take breaks or lunch.


"Barney", a FT employee, seems to lack motivation and screws up everything he touches. A nice fellow but very dimwitted. Whenever his name is mentioned, folks shake their heads. I named him after Barney Fife, a similar character.


I'd love to be offered FT employment, but I know Barney would have a rough time if he was canned. This might not happen, but I'm wondering if I should accept if it comes up.


if barney's going to be canned, it will be regardless of if you take this job or not. if they don't want him there, and they would rather have you, or someone of your caliber, he will be let go either way. not taking the job won't mean barney will keep his job.


personally, i would take the job, especially if you like it. if you are concerned, maybe you can talk to barney. i know this can be a sensitive area. but if he approaches you first to talk about his career problems, maybe you can offer some suggestions.


i don't think there is anything wrong with taking breaks or lunch though. i need to do so to clear my mind!

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Not sure there is much to add, as the others have stated what I believe as well. I appreciate your concerns about Barney, but I very much agree that Barney has to look out for Barney, you have to take an opportunity that would afford you greater stability and pay where it's offered, and the company is certainly looking out for themselves. What is your altenative? To turn it down, say thanks but no thanks, and eventually they find a replacement for Barney anyway, when you could have had that position?


I'm not sure this is the kind of job where Barney might be put in a different position instead of canned, but this is probably not up to you to figure out either, or suggest.


I am not usually an "every man for himself" or a "it's all about me" person, but work is something we all need to just do the best at for ourselves, and the rewards come with the kind of effort we put in. You said Barney isn't very motivated. If he was trying harder than anyone else, and just not garnering the respect he deserved, I'd feel more bad about someone like that being canned (though it wouldn't change my advice), but it doesn't sound like he has much of a work ethic and that's not your problem to bear.

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Y'know I don't think taking Barney's job would mean that Dako was an "every man for himself" kind of person. It would just mean that in this particular situation, balancing the benefits of the "I won't take the job because I want to help Barney" against the benefits of the "I want this job" the answer even from a "let's help each other" would still be to take the job. It's not helpful to enable someone to be a slacker - just continues to allow them to be so. If that means Barney needs to go on true welfare, so be it - that might light a fire under him that he cannot keep behaving this way and get away with it.

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I feel for Barney. His level of intelligence is not his fault. I think the world would be a better place if more people showed compassion for others, not just themselves. That being said, if Barney is going to lose his job anyway, you should take it if offered and then offer to help Barney find another job. That way, good job with no guilt and Barney will hopefully think you are a very caring person, which I believe you are.

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I feel for Barney. His level of intelligence is not his fault. I think the world would be a better place if more people showed compassion for others, not just themselves. That being said, if Barney is going to lose his job anyway, you should take it if offered and then offer to help Barney find another job. That way, good job with no guilt and Barney will hopefully think you are a very caring person, which I believe you are.


It sounds like Barney is a slacker - not an intelligence issue. If intelligence is the issue and that affects his capacity to do this particular job, then Dako could help Barney find a job that is more on his wavelength. Even if it is his level of intelligence, it is not fair or compassionate to expect the employer to pay a salary to someone who cannot perform the job.

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I feel for Barney. His level of intelligence is not his fault. I think the world would be a better place if more people showed compassion for others, not just themselves. That being said, if Barney is going to lose his job anyway, you should take it if offered and then offer to help Barney find another job. That way, good job with no guilt and Barney will hopefully think you are a very caring person, which I believe you are.


I agree completely.

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I feel for Barney. His level of intelligence is not his fault. I think the world would be a better place if more people showed compassion for others, not just themselves. That being said, if Barney is going to lose his job anyway, you should take it if offered and then offer to help Barney find another job. That way, good job with no guilt and Barney will hopefully think you are a very caring person, which I believe you are.


well, if it is his level of intelligence, he should find a job more apt for it. let's face it, we can't all be rocket scientists! do you really want a doctor who was giving passing grades in his classes just because his professors felt bad for him? or having an air safety bag in your car designed by a guy who was kept on at his job despite not being good at calculations? no, not really. it would be better for barney to find a job more in line with his skill/education level and then let someone like dako take the other job over.


if barney does get canned, dako could always maybe suggest some other jobs or other people he can talk to. but at this stage, it's not even clear if barney will get canned or if dako will get a new job offer, so i think they should cross that bridge when they get there.

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I feel for Barney. His level of intelligence is not his fault. I think the world would be a better place if more people showed compassion for others, not just themselves. That being said, if Barney is going to lose his job anyway, you should take it if offered and then offer to help Barney find another job. That way, good job with no guilt and Barney will hopefully think you are a very caring person, which I believe you are.



I also feel sorry for the man, but sometimes you have to go that extra distance if if doesn't come naturally to you. I had to study my butt off to get decent grades in certain subjects. It sounds like Barney is a bit lazy and deflated and not willing to go that extra mile. At least that is the gist i get from Dako's words.

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Helping Barney find a new job, or refusing a job offer because it'd put him out of work, isn't your responsibility or concern. He is the one who hasn't been performing to standard, and it is up to the company whether or not he keeps his job - not you. I don't see it as being appropriate to help someone you don't really know to find a new job. This isn't a friend - just someone at work.

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Helping Barney find a new job, or refusing a job offer because it'd put him out of work, isn't your responsibility or concern. He is the one who hasn't been performing to standard, and it is up to the company whether or not he keeps his job - not you. I don't see it as being appropriate to help someone you don't really know to find a new job. This isn't a friend - just someone at work.


definitely, good points. i think if barney were fired and barney came and cried on dako's shoulder in a way, the best dako could do is give him the phone number of the temp placement agency and maybe suggest he call them. above that, it's not really dako's responsibility.

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I guess I just believe in helping people in spite of whether they "deserve" it or not. I could not in good conscience take another's job unless I knew that they and their family would be ok. It's just the way I was raised. I'm not saying you all are wrong, I just could not feel good doing that, personally. I'm such a bleeding heart, I know.

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I guess I just believe in helping people in spite of whether they "deserve" it or not. I could not in good conscience take another's job unless I knew that they and their family would be ok. It's just the way I was raised. I'm not saying you all are wrong, I just could not feel good doing that, personally. I'm such a bleeding heart, I know.


but dako wouldn't be 'taking' his job. if barney is not performing up to par, that is the company's call. it's not as though dako is going to HR and making up crazy stories about what a nutjob barney is. i mean, if barney is not doing a good job, they will replace him, irregardless of dako's existence.

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I'd love to be offered FT employment, but I know Barney would have a rough time if he was canned.


Is that he only alternative? You get the job he goes?


I'd love to be offered FT employment, but I know Barney would have a rough time if he was canned. This might not happen, but I'm wondering if I should accept if it comes up.


I get how you would have mixed emotions but I guess you have to rationalise it, you are not responsible for the way he has performed and if they are going to can him, they eventually will whether you take the job or not I am thinking.

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Sometimes people are just not suited for their jobs... good managers will try to help someone improve to rise to the job, but if it is a bad fit, they will frequently try to find some other job in the company the person can do. If there is no such job, then the manager has to do what is right for both the company and employee, which is inform the employee they are being let go, with reasons for the termination.


i read some research that said that people who were let go from jobs they weren't succeeding in almost always are in a better position for them (and their skills) within 18 months. and if they are lazy etc., they will 'lower' to the level of their own effort. no reason a lazy and surly person should be taking a job that is better suited for someone else.


so don't feel guilty... a good job match is the responsibility of management and the employee, and if it doesn't work out, the person needs to move on. if they don't give the job to you, they will be looking for someone else to fill it.


my only suggestion is that you try to interact as little as possible with Barney while he is still there, so he doesn't get the idea that you are 'after' his job. he may sink to sabotaging or lying about you if he feels too threatened by you (to try to get rid of you and protect himself if he feels threatened).


so just do a good job, avoid him when possible, and if they decide to let him go, you are in a good position to have a fulltime job.

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Well Dako I have nothing new to contribute to this thread. I agree with the others. If Barney isnt up to the task, then its better for the company that he is not there. If you are feeling guilty about it, how about this for a positive spin: getting let go may be the kick in the pants that he needs to find a better place suited to his talents. Then he is happier, you are happier and your company is happier. Win win all around.


Not only that, but you deserve this, because you earned it. It would not be like the promotion was handed to you for some superficial reason. You work hard, your are concienceous, and you care. That is the markings of a great employee.


It warms my heart to know that there still are people out there like you Dako. People who take the time to consider the plight of others and consider altering their situation to make things better.

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Aw gee whiz, lady....


Well, My dilemma is solved for me. Tomorrow's my last day at that job because the fellow who I was filling in for returned. Yes, he's Barney's buddy.


I was doing Barney's tasks today since it's his day off. As a karmic gesture, I cleaned up his filthy golf-cart. The guy is a slob, so it'll piss him off.

Yeah, I'm strange.

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