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am just too hot for him!


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I've just started to date this guy who is sweet and charming and totally mature. He is 30 (i am 23) and very well sexually experienced. We have had sex 4 times this week and every time he comes in less than 2 minutes after penetration. He says he usually keeps it up for at least 10 minutes but that with me it is so difficult for him because he is so turned on my me (my body, moaning, the way i talk to him during sex..) and that he finds me so hot that he comes early. I told him to think of something else while we are doing it, but he says he just cant. Is there any way to make him last longer? do guys really come faster if they perceive their partner to be super hot? any solutions that worked with others?? Its starting to annoy me, and he feels so bad about it. He said that if he continues to have the problem for a week, he wants to break up because its unfair to me.

Help from experts appreciated.

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They make climax control problems. Tell him to wear one. However, do NOT try to put the condom on him with your mouth. No one likes numb lips.


I think that a lot of guys, when they start sleeping with someone new that pushes all of their buttons tends to worry about this problem. There are plenty of tricks to combat it though. If he's really talking about breaking up with you over this then I'd be MUCH more worried that he's not right in the head rather then not right in the sack. Geesh. Talk about the worst idea of all time.


Please, bring me a woman who makes me cum to fast. I'll have a great time going through all the motions of fixing my problem.

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I dunno, but I would find it such a turn-on that he is so turned on, I might be able to do without it going on and on. I am not dismissing your frustration -- I think I'd just see it in a different light, but that's just me, I understand. I think I'd get my climax some other way (such as oral), until things settle down to a more "familiar" pace. I think this is just a phase, and the idea of breaking up over this is outlandish. And yet, if you are conveying that "it's starting to annoy you", I don't think that's the best attitude, quite frankly.


I really can't imagine being annoyed to know I was so too hot for him to handle, that he couldn't stand himself. That's HOT!! I can't really imagine telling my bf to think of something else while he's at it, that would actually make me feel pretty alone when that climax hit. Sorry, I know I'm not being very helpful, I just think you have to enjoy this phase while it lasts, maybe you can try the suggestions of posters who know more about numbing devices/gels, etc., but I think this is going to run its course and you should just be patient, appreciative and have him get creative with other ways of getting off.


Don't make this whole relationship about the sex and getting off!!

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The first time me and my GF had sex I lasted about all of 30 seconds. I hadn't had sex for like 5 months before hand.


I find that the less noises she makes, which never happens because she's so noisy, the longer I last. The more I think i'm not pleasing her, the longer I last. But if shes moaning up a storm especially if she tells me shes about to cum I just blow my load.


I last like a half hour to an hour now with her. So just give him time and don't act so orgasmic.

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I am sorry to rain on your parade but what he said seemed scripted. Very well you can be hot and he's pretty much into you. But if a man is wanting to get into your pants only, he will woo you in whichever way he can, even by whispering sweet nothing at all.


Guard your heart. Don't let a man use you as his sexual object only. He's already making excuses to break up with you. I'm afraid if you keep thinking this way and letting him have sex with you, he will break your heart eventually.

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If the girl I'm with is really hot to me and I'm really into her, I usually don't last very long at all.... and if I'm not into the girl that much I can last for a VERY long time... sometimes I wish it was the other way around lol


And I'm kind of against the whole "think of something else" because I'm not just there to have sex with some inanimate object... if I just wanted a girl friend as an extension of masterbating... well.... my hand is a lot cheaper than a girlfriend....


He only said all that so that you'd say "no, I love you regardless of how long sex lasts" as a kind of a test... atleast thats how I see it... I cant imagine he would break it off for that, unless your relationship really is based around sex...


from my own personal experience I dated a girl that I was totally head over heels in love with, and when we had sex in the beginning of the relationship I didn't last long AT ALL, but as we started to do it more and more, I was still equally attracted to her, but I had brought my head back down to earth, and I wasn't sleeping with this "mythological angel", but just a really hot girl

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I am sorry to rain on your parade but what he said seemed scripted. Very well you can be hot and he's pretty much into you. But if a man is wanting to get into your pants only, he will woo you in whichever way he can, even by whispering sweet nothing at all.


Guard your heart. Don't let a man use you as his sexual object only. He's already making excuses to break up with you. I'm afraid if you keep thinking this way and letting him have sex with you, he will break your heart eventually.


That is what Im picking up on as well.

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Weird.. i am 29 my ex was 22.. she was super hot and would always turn me on.. we would have sex 2-6 times a day... because i could never get enough of her... its all pyschlogical.. because she was super hot i would always make it last as long as possible.. anywhere beetween 10min and an hour... when a girl is not super hot then it usally only last 5-10min... so my point if he is really into you.. then he should know how to train his brain to last longer... my body always wants to finish first with her... but my brain would always tell my body to keep going because this is amazing and i dont want it to end... the brain is the strongest sexuall organ we have... he needs to learn how to control it.. because it all done with the brain...

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No he doesnt. I tried that. I think its psychological to him, every time we do it, i feel he is super turned on by me that he comes fast. should i cut back on the way I act during sex? should i act "less hot"? i donno.


LOL sorry, but I highly doubt this has anything to do with your "hotness". He's a premature ejaculator and it's likely he'll keep cumming quickly unless he trains himself not to.

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LOL sorry, but I highly doubt this has anything to do with your "hotness". He's a premature ejaculator and it's likely he'll keep cumming quickly unless he trains himself not to.


Agreed, it sounds like he has always been this way and is trying to cover it up by saying "its cuz ur hot"

true, when a guy is having sex with a new girl the time may be shorter.

But if its been a while then most likely thats just how fast he is.

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