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Would you date a man without a car?

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i was dumped by a girl in high school. i didn't have a car. she told me she wasn't ready to date. i saw her with her new bf the next week riding around in his honda. that sucked. but i ran into her a couple years later with my custom truck. her and her brother were in a car that broke down at a store. she was so excited to see me. i said 'that sucks' and told her i had to get going. dam that felt so good.

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i was dumped by a girl in high school. i didn't have a car. she told me she wasn't ready to date. i saw her with her new bf the next week riding around in his honda. that sucked. but i ran into her a couple years later with my custom truck. her and her brother were in a car that broke down at a store. she was so excited to see me. i said 'that sucks' and told her i had to get going. dam that felt so good.


haha awesome


I think a better question would be "would you date a 19 year old without a car? (when you were around that age?)"


I agree with the poster that said that you should just meet your dates somewhere on the first date (Starbucks etc) and then take it from there. If she asks though whether or not you have a car obviously tell her the truth but if you can get that first date in and it's successful, I think it's MUCH more likely a girl will give dating you a chance, whereas when you're just exchanging IM's it's easier for the girl to turn you down over petty things like not having a car since they're not dealing with a real person, just text on a computer screen and have no emotional investment in you.


You shouldn't have to be apologetic about not owning a car, but at the same time you should try to convey that your situation is temporary and you're working on getting your licence or w/e so that she knows it's not going to be a forever thing of her driving you.


It's too bad really some girls your age wouldn't date a man without one, given insurance for young women costs much less then insurance for young men so a car is a much steeper cost for a young man then a woman.

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i was dumped by a girl in high school. i didn't have a car. she told me she wasn't ready to date. i saw her with her new bf the next week riding around in his honda. that sucked. but i ran into her a couple years later with my custom truck. her and her brother were in a car that broke down at a store. she was so excited to see me. i said 'that sucks' and told her i had to get going. dam that felt so good.

Hahah! Priceless!

Your right, it sucks when your younger and just cause of that some girl dumps you.

Like someone said. If a 19 yr old doesn't have a car it's OK. But mid 20's it becomes a bit of a must. Not that i would dump a guy for not having one, but I would hope he was working towards getting one at least so I wouldn't have to keep driving us places.

Like you said ghost, I like picking my man up sometimes but sometimes I would prefer just meeting him or having him pick me up.

do you think that the car is the one issue that is making girls block you? i doubt that it's the ultimate turn off - i wonder what else is happening here? how long do you take to suggest meeting? when i did online dating, we traded a few e-mails about our hobbies, summer vacations, etc.... and then after 4 e-mails or so, the guy would say, 'let's go get dinner sometime,' I'd suggest a downtown restaurant, and then we'd meet there. i never asked a single guy if he had a car. some asked me where was a good place to park, if they didn't know the area so well, so then i knew right away they had a car.


Sadly annie there are some (younger mostly) girls out there who are more "attracted" to guys with cars (but of course you will get women who will judge a guy on no having a car who are in their 20's). Heck.. Great catches aren't easy to find so I wouldn't let a car get in the way if he didn't have one temporary. But alot of girls will judge a guy with no car and I believe it is possible that may be the only reason girls are blocking him.

But lot's of girls see a guy with no car as a "loser" maybe(?) Which is in no way true. But I'm just saying how some think. In a way I would be glad they blocked me if I where you Generic.

Saves you from later realizing that they where just with you for what you possessed (car, etc).

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exactly. you shouldn't be dilly dallying. get ride of the situation altogether.


When I bring up the topic, I usually tell girls that I'm working on getting a car and that I hopefully will be driving within three or four months. Which isn't a lie, because if I am still talking to them after four months, I would get a car. But until then, I'm not ready for the investment.


The way I look at it is right now, it basically would cost me at least $500 a month to be given the chance to be able to date someone. Considering my college expenses, that's a lot of money for just a chance. And if I had a car right now and figured out somehow that a girl I would be dating wouldn't date me if I didn't have a car, I'm not even sure what I would think. I mean, that would just sound bad, wouldn't it?

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When I bring up the topic, I usually tell girls that I'm working on getting a car and that I hopefully will be driving within three or four months. Which isn't a lie, because if I am still talking to them after four months, I would get a car. But until then, I'm not ready for the investment.


The way I look at it is right now, it basically would cost me at least $500 a month to be given the chance to be able to date someone. Considering my college expenses, that's a lot of money for just a chance. And if I had a car right now and figured out somehow that a girl I would be dating wouldn't date me if I didn't have a car, I'm not even sure what I would think. I mean, that would just sound bad, wouldn't it?


you are reading into your situation too much. you are working on your car status. good job. that's great. i didn't have one until i was 18. i paid for it myself. but i got a loan with a high interest rate since i had no credit. didn't cost me anywhere near $500 a month though. not even half actually.


but i wouldn't date a girl that wasn't working and making money. does that make me a bad person? nope. just something i look for in a girl to date. just like usually brunette hair. sure it's not a physical trait, but i love independent women.

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People who don't own cars do so (sometimes) by lifestyle choice. So they would be most compatible with someone who has similar values and preferences. Someone who drives their car NEEDS their car daily should not date someone who doesn't care to have one. Major conflicts in their near future.


Personally, I have a car and I generally need to have one, as does my girlfriend. But we also try our best to not use them unless we have to. I commute by bicycle much of the year (12-miles each way) from home to work. Keeps me in shape, keeps my passion for cycling alive, reduces dependence on oil, and is better for the environment.


If I lived in a big city with better public transportation, I wouldn't even own a car.

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i don't have a car, i'm 19 and a student, sure i can afford a car, but since i'm male and young my insurance will be about £2000, now that's alot of money to randomly come up with every year without a proper job, not including tax and everything else, and the petrol! i prefer to go on holiday


you can start driving alot younger than we can too, so it may be a different status over there in america


i don't understand why people are saying they would only date a guy without a car if he was in the city, i'm in britain but our public transport in the countryside is just as good if not better than in the city! and we do have legs! that's why god gave them to us

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I know some girls who only date guys with cars (while they have none), just because it's more convenient for them. Getting rides, getting picked up from school, and so on. What if the girl doesn't have a car and wouldn't be able to meet me at, let's say, the movies? Well, she will most likely just drop the ball and talk with another guy who does have a car. Which wouldn't be too hard, all things considered.


PS: Great avatar.


hahaha, thanks


if that is the case, these girls are not looking for a boyfriend, they are looking for a boyfriend/chauffeur. well, i guess that is their choice. obviously, that's not what i want from a man. i am like you, even if i had a car, i probably wouldn't even use it, i am so used to taking the bus now. sure, i like it when i am dating a guy who drives a really nice car with leather seats and butt warmers. that's great in the winter, far better than freezing and waiting for a bus. but, it's also not the reason i would or wouldn't date a guy. so, consider yourself lucky that they stopped contacting you!

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I really don't care at all about the car thing. In fact, a guy I'm interested in now just has a bicycle. He has roommates with cars if they need to go to the store or something, but otherwise he's just a short bike ride or walk from campus and from work. I also don't mind being the driver, just as long as occasionally there's some help with gas money.


It's just a car. Think of that Shania Twain song "That Don't Impress Me Much"! Haha. If a girl won't date you because you don't have a car, that's just lame. But it is cool that you've resolved to get one once a relationship starts getting serious.

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I'd date a guy with no car. I didn't have one for years but I lived in the middle of the city. Now that I'm living out west in the suburbs I need a car since everything is far and the transit system is crap. I have a car now but I'd still date a guy without a car. Having a car is expensive and everyone just can't afford it or they have other uses for their money that outweigh having a car.


LOL at RayKay's BF's Chevy Sprint. My mom used to have one of those and it was blue too. The engine died after about 6 years.

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I find some of the responses in this thread funny, considering we just had a recent thread on here where women were repulsed by guys who put pictures of their cars on their profile. MAYBE it could be a hint to the women as to why some guys might put pictures of cars in their profile??? maybe..... ????

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  • 6 months later...

I haven't driven in ten years. I live in NYC so I don't need a car. However if I live in an area that needed cars and I had a nice one, I wouldn't date a woman who required her man to have a car-- even a crappy one.


I would consider her immature with very bad priorities.

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I really hope the women in this thread that wouldn't date a guy because he didn't have a car, have a car themselves.


I choose not to have a car. For one, I HATEEE driving. I hate looking for parking. I hate being stuck in traffic. I hate people cutting me off. The list goes on and on and on.


Thankfully, I live in NYC so having a car is not really needed. But if a girl turned me down because I didn't have a car, I'd laugh in her face. lol

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If you want to get laid and if you are not looking for anything long term, you should get a car.


If you want a long term relationship, on the other hand, don't change for anybody.


Let's face it, most women are materialistic and you have to separate the wheat from the chaff. Then you will find a truly valuable woman.

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It shouldn't really matter anyway. If I couldn't afford a car, or if I had a nice one, I wouldn't date a woman long term who needed me to have a car anyway, unless I was borderline in love.


Again, why date somebody if I don't like their priorities? If somebody is too materialistic then no matter how much we might otherwise click, it's a turn off to me. Why do guys worry that every woman HAS to be interested in them -- even if they dislike their values?

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