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Would you date a man without a car?

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Just like the thread title says, would you date a man without a car?


I personally just turned 19 years old and I don't have a car at the moment for a few reasons, them being that I don't like going out alone, I work and go to school from home, and so I don't feel like paying hundreds of dollars a month just to take up some space in a parking spot. I've been talking to a few girls from dating sites and it seems like majority of them are very hung up on a guy not having his own car at this age. Majority of the girls once they find out about my situation, they drop the ball on me. Some even went as far as to start ranting about it or even block me from the site and AIM a minute after! While I could definitely get a second job to be able to afford a car, I rather not. Not to mention, I would rather have a girl date me for who I am and not for what I own, but what do I know. Though I have set a goal for myself, where if I start dating someone for at least four months months, I will go and buy one.


Either way, was it just the girls I have talked to or is it just generally expected for a guy to have a car? Opinions, thoughts, etcetera.

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My most recent ex and my current BF do not have cars. I, on the other hand, worship mine. It's not been an issue in either of these relationships.


It's not a problem that these guys didn't/don't have cars. Then again, we lived in places where it's walkable and public transport is good.

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Isn't it a little hypocritical for someone who doesn't have a car to expect that a potential date should have one?


Yes, it would be.


I honestly don't care if a girl has a car or not, because I can get rides from parents or friends, get on a bus, take a taxi, or even walk if I need to get somewhere. In fact, I would actually feel bad about asking a significant other to give me rides to buy groceries or something.

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ive always had a car. gotta have my own way around. i dont like to rely on other people.


It all depends on where you live. If you live in LA then you need a car. If you live in San Francisco then you most definitely don't need a car.


On my street I have a....


- grocery store

- Greek grocer

- post office

- 3 taquerias

- 2 greek restaurants

- 2 thai places

- 1 indian place

- 1 cuban restaurant

- 2 middle eastern restaurants and a hooka bar

- a hardware store

- 6 bars

- Jazz club

- prescription glasses place

- about 20 clothing stores

- 4 shoe stores


I'm sure that I'm leaving a lot out, but it's not like I'd ever have to drive anywhere. I do travel for races, and I do rely on my friends for that however.

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I actually get around Los Angeles great W/O a car. I do work and live along the light rails in Central Los Angeles. I dont WANT a car and if a girl does not want to date me because I dont have a car she is not worthy. It is kind of shallow I think. Lots of cute girls on the subway anyway. if had a car I'd be broke all of the time too.

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