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for YOUR experience, and only YOUR experience... How do you know that you truly are in love with someone. What clues do you find that you are in love and not just wanting to be in love, or obsessed, or a crush.. What constitutes being in love FOR YOU!


Please and thank you in advance!!

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I truly knew that I was in love when I saw my boyfriend cry over losing his grandmother. Seeing him cry made me cry, and I knew right then and there that I truly loved him with every inch in my body. I always knew that I loved him, but when I saw him hurting I felt it. I just wanted to take all that hurt away from him. That's when I knew

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The feeling I get around her told me. When I compare the feeling being with her then being around another girl was no where near the same. I also new when I almost lost her, I cryed my eyes out. Now I really know because my first love is is gone at the moment. But I still hope and prey for her to come back because I'm in love with her, so deeply.

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When you feel like you could do anything for that person. You feel like nothing can take your feelings away from you. You see him/her and their mistakes, life, and you love them. Nothing about them bothers you...

Unless they disrespect you, of course. But some people don't even see that..

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For me, I knew that I was truly in love with my boyfriend since almost the beginning of the relationship. However, it was made clear to me when we had to part ways (we go to college together and live five hours apart). When it was time to say goodbye, I just found myself crying because I didn't want to be without him. I felt like I was losing a part of myself, even though I would see him in a month. I've been in relationships before where the other person went away for a while, and I never had that sad reaction. The same thing happened last week when I went to visit him and then had to leave. I hate it when we're apart.

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I knew I was in love right away, everything they said on TV we had a huge connection, we talked about everything and anything and were never bored, and sparks were flying, I felt all warm and lovey dovey inside just sitting on the side of him and I never wanted the day to end. We kissed and it was better than anything ever before and anything I can think now that there will be again. You know I don't think I realized it right then though I didn't realize until after it turned 6 o'clock in the morning and we were still up talking and he had to leave for work. And I got up and left and as soon as I stepped outside and thought about him I threw up. It sounds stupid and I just finally after 2yrs told him about it cuz it's kind of embarrassing I guess. But I threw up because I knew how much I felt for him in just one nights time and it was so overwhelming and overpowering that I just couldn't control myself.


But the other signs, I would go online then see his name appear and all of a sudden my hearts beating a mile a minute.


When I think about the first time he gave me a single rose I get butterflies in my stomach just remembering the wonderful loving feeling.


When I hear his voice on the other end of the phone line it makes me smile without even knowing it.


I can admit to my mother that I look at him with rose colored glasses because my heart just can't see the flaws it sees him as a whole and the one that I love who has problems but nothing really wrong with him.


And because I dreamed of marrying him. They say usually you dream of a faceless man because you are unsure, but in my dream it was him no mistake about it. LOL (I don't know if this really is one, but I like it)


There are so many signs! The one I'm learning now is that I love him so much, that it's cliche, but I love him so much that if he's happier without me than I am happy because he is happy. I'm coming to realize that because I love him so much and he still loves me even being broken up for the time being, not being girlfriend and boyfriend right now doesn't matter, they are just words, we still love each other deeply and we aren't with anyone else. When that time comes, if it comes...then that would be different!

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See what most people are going to say a feeling they had, an event that may have triggered it but i dont believe in that. If you cannot articulate a logical reason why you love a person then you dont love them, you are infatuated with them because you are only relying on the way you feel instead of using your head.

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See what most people are going to say a feeling they had, an event that may have triggered it but i dont believe in that. If you cannot articulate a logical reason why you love a person then you dont love them, you are infatuated with them because you are only relying on the way you feel instead of using your head.

Great post, and I'd have to agree with you.


Real love is founded on a foundation of real benefits, so to speak. When you are really in love, there should be solid reasons and explanation as to why you are really in love.

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I don't think that's true at all. Love is not logical. You don't choose who you love it chooses you. And if you can believe there is a logical reason for who you love, like what they done for you, or themselves, and not just because...well then that's just shallow in my opinion. I would love my b/f whether he bought me one thing or a million things, or nothing.


I mean I dunno love is like...I dunno, me and my b/f fighting and him knowing that I want the 4ft Ernie doll at the carnival that's only on for the weekend. And him hating Ernie but winning me the doll anyway because although we were fighting he knew it would make me happy. And in reverse, it's me borrowing a friends car to bring him to his hockey game on his birthday because he had no way there and hockey is his favorite thing to do, although I don't like sports, I like to watch him, and I support him.


Just love isn't logical at all, it's doing things to make the other person happy and getting the same in return. And I do agree with one thing, you cannot love someone and then have no feelings for them. Real love doesn't fade away. And love has everything to do with your heart (aka your emotions and feelings) and NOTHING to do with your head. That's why it's always so hard to see when a relationship is bad for you.

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I love, and am in love with my boyfriend, not because love somehow magically chose me, but because after spending time to get to know him, I found more and more that I liked the person he happened to be, and that he and I shared a lot of things in common.


People are always saying that love defies reason, but I think that it is not love, but infatuation that defies reason.


I don't know about you, but I choose my mates, and the reason why I chose my boyfriend as a person I could love was due to a variety of reasons, to list a few,


I love him because he, like me, is an independent thinker, I love him because he, like me, is an atheist who loathes organized religion, I love him because he's honest and of compatible intelligence to myself, I love him because he loves me and he treats me well....and the list can go on ad infinitum.


The point is, I am deeply, madly and most importantly, justifiably in love with my mate, whereas many people who claim to be "in love", are not.

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for YOUR experience, and only YOUR experience... How do you know that you truly are in love with someone. What clues do you find that you are in love and not just wanting to be in love, or obsessed, or a crush.. What constitutes being in love FOR YOU!


Please and thank you in advance!!


If I'm willing to die for her. That's the big one.


Aside from that, I 'feel' it. It's in my heart; more than an emotion, more than an obsession. It comes down to wanting to spend all of my life wishing to make her happy, expecting nothing in return, only wanting to put a smile on her face, at any cost of my own happiness. To me, love equals sacrifice. With no sacrifice to oneself, there can be no love.


Obviously, this would entail more than I mentioned; such as her well-being being on my mind all the time, as well as just loving being in her presense.


I disagree about people trying to understand an EMOTION with your HEAD (lmao), but I do think that a conscious decision in your head must follow true love. To love, means to commit to another, not be self-serving and distant.


True love should, if not, must, include physical attraction, romantic intimacy and closeness, as well as a decision to commit to one another.

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His character and greatness inspire me to want to do the best and be the best that I can be.


I always want to keep the lines of comminication open. I am willing to try to resolve any issue to maintain a level of comfort and understanding between us.


I respect what he has to say and seek out his advise; his opinion matters greatly to me, even though he never makes me feel as though I have to do what he says, or believe in his way of thinking.


I never want to be without him. And, when I am, part of me is missing; I feel a physical ache in my heart from the void inside of me.


I feel compelled to constantly touch him when we are together. He is a magnet.


He makes me feel beautiful and that my flaws do not matter.


In my eyes he is the most beautiful man that has ever walked this planet, inside and out.


Since falling in love with him, other men seem nonexistent.


I want to have his babies.


I want to share myself entirely for the rest of my time on this planet.

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I have known when I was in love when all the scary craziness came out and bursted like a big old sunflower all over the place. And it didn't bother me. I knew I could trust him with anything. Fearless.


All of him interested me and I no longer kept count of whose or yours. Give, give, give, give, give.

It was one of the most deeply sane times in my life.


The world felt safe because he was in it.


That may not be beautiful or wise, but it's honest.

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When we were in the car on the way to dinner about 8 months into our relationship. We'd both already said "I love you" but this is when I truly knew. He said "You know, I realized something today. You are my best friend." I realized then that he was mine too. That's when I really truley knew.

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we were at a party and i some how ended up holding this girl's baby when she was doing something. My bf sat next to me and we played w/ the kid.... it felt nice and very natural. it felt right... perfect....i dunno... i kind of knew then. that same day a cousin of his said that he always talks about me and that he has NEVER introduced them to any gf before so i must be very special

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donkeybum has clearly never been in love.


Here's a brief summary of how you know you truly love someone:

You can't stop thinking about them. You worry about their health and happiness. You defend them as you would a family member when anyone dares to put them down. Time spent with them passes by so fast. You hate saying goodbye. You feel their absense and long to see them again when they aren't around. You have eyes for nobody else. Nobody compares to them. The love you feel for that special person fills your every void, basically.


That's how you know.

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donkeybum has clearly never been in love.


Here's a brief summary of how you know you truly love someone:

You can't stop thinking about them. You worry about their health and happiness. You defend them as you would a family member when anyone dares to put them down. Time spent with them passes by so fast. You hate saying goodbye. You feel their absense and long to see them again when they aren't around. You have eyes for nobody else. Nobody compares to them. The love you feel for that special person fills your every void, basically.


That's how you know.


and finally people show their true colours....and all the "love" disappears....to get someone, people will portray themselves as someone else..doing things and acting a part that generally the opposite person likes....but as time passes, they can't keep the act up and start showing the real them.....and then, all the "love" all of a sudden disappears...


yeah, i've seen this thing called "love"....i was once a believer too...emphasis on the word ONCE....

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