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Everything posted by onyx

  1. Why do people put a timeline on love. You and your ex have obviously been through alot. You will always have a connection with him. There were alot of problems to make you decide that the relationship wasn't going to work. And problems don't get fixed over night. People don't change. They can mature but who they are as a person, that will never change. Don't rush into anything. You need to do what is important to you. If your ex really loves you, he will give you that time and "space" if you need it. There should be no rush on who you decide to be with. Your heart is confused right now, so be fair to yourself and to your current boyfriend and let him know what you are going through. Give yourself time to clear your head and your heart. The one that really does love you will be there when your ready waiting for you.
  2. You want some pointers, the best come from the women, and I am one! My boyfriend does a excellent job of eating me out and he makes me orgasm everytime. He pays attention to every detail of me and listens to my response and reacts to them. When your down there pay special attention to the clitoris and when she really is getting hot and wet, put your finger inside her and try and find her g-spot. Don't be rough about it though, some guys think girls like that, but they don't. Be gentle and go slow!! that is very important! I hope this helps
  3. I've always told myself this "trust your instints"! If you have suspicions or doubt its becuz he has done something to give you those feelings. If the relationship was solid, you would not be worrying. Also remember this, as bad as this may sound, men only want one thing. Sex. And if they can't get it w/ more than one chic they will! If anything you should be using him as a booty call! It's only been a month and a half for you in this relationship, maybe you should take a step back and enjoy the relationship for what it is now. Don't rush into anything serious with this guy. And for god sake I hope condoms are being used, especially if you have suspicions! Always better be safe then sorry! There are plenty of men out there, don't get yourself wrapped up with a guy whos going to make you feel this way....its just isn't worth and and life is toooooo short!
  4. I'm a 30 yr old woman. Married but getting divorced, and I have no kids. I'm at a point in my life where I feel that my purpose on this planet isn't so I can work 8 hours a day to pay off debt that I unfortunatley accumulated. It kills me to go into work and sit at my desk, knowing that I could be doing something better. Something to help this world, to help the people out there that don't have it so great. There something deep inside my that has been stirred. But I don't even know where to begin. I have recently began studying Buddism and found that Dharma is exactly what I have been needing in my life. I would love to find people who feel like I do. Yet I haven't had much luck trying to find information on Dharma. Is there anyone out there that feels the way I do????????????????????
  5. Thank you Maggie18 and Avman for your help. The thing is, is that he starts to cry and then he stops himself. He won't let it out. Then he gets angry. He already considered getting a transfer back to Iraq, which thank God didn't happen. He told me that him and Scott H. had a disagreement and never made amends. He feels guilty over this. This part is really eating him up inside. I don't know what to say to him. I've told him that he would of done things differently if he knew what was going to happen to him. I know he hears me, but I don't think it does much. Since we don't live together and we do live a ways apart, I'm afraid he is going to have a breakdown and I won't be there to help him.
  6. I've had several boyfriends in the past who had the same problem, and what they have done that worked for them, is that they started thinking of something else. Like their to-do list for the next day. Only enough thought to get the climax down and you can continue on. Try that and see if it works.
  7. My boyfriend found out friday that one of the civilians that was killed in Fallujah was Scott Helvenston. They were friends and they had worked together. My boyfriend will not give himself anytime to grieve over this. He just angry. I listen to all he has to say about how he feels about how he feels about his friends death and the world today. When he does start getting upset to the point where I think he will finally cry about it, he stops and goes onto something else. I don't know what to say to him. How Scott died was absolutely horrific! I know there is nothing I can say to make it better, but I feel like I need to say something. I just don't know what. Can anyone help me with this?
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