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  1. So apparently I was wrong. Tall guys do loves short girls. So too bad for you short guys out there, even the tall guys are competing with you and guess what? shorts girls prefer tall guys too. So that leaves nothing for you hobbits out there. You can try the tall girls though, if they even bother to take alook at you. LOL
  2. Generally short guys prefer short girls and taller guys prefer taller girls
  3. Well, you can only wait until she no longer has any feelings for her ex. It may take anything from 1 month to 3 years until she no longer cares for the lost relationship. I would not advise you to start a relationship with her until then, or else her ex will always be the 'invisible' third party between the both of you. I personally had a relationship with a girl who could not get over her ex even when they had already broken up for almost a year. And all i remember from my relationship with her, it was a painful experience full of jealousy and hurts. I tried to do all the things I could, but could never heal her. I tried my best to be the best boyfriend, but she was always thinking of her ex. I gave all I can but it never seems to be good enough, and no positive results were showing. I eventually got to meet someone else and start a new relationship and only then I could feel all the love that was absense in the previous gf. So time is the only thing that can heal the girl you like. And do not be eager to enter a love relationship with her or else you will only be as good as the second person in her life, next to her ex.
  4. Yes, true in 'theory'. But most often than not, relationships that have a history of betrayal don't last. Have you considered the possibility of having a better realtionship if you start a new realtionship with someone new? You said you are still suffering from recurring memory of your girl cheating on you. Frankly speaking, this sort of pain will remain for a long long time, more so if you decide to stay in the relationship. You said you can forgive her, but are you able to stop your suffering? No. Now you know she had cheated on you before. Before the incident, it never occur to you that she would do such a thing. Now I am sure you are frequently suspecting her to be doing things behind your back. Is it healthy? No.
  5. Okay, the golden rule is that if she have cheated on you before, there will always be a possibility that she will cheat on you again. Do bear this in mind always. Now because you still love her, you have decided to give her one more chance. You love her so much that you are prepared for the pyschological pain of having to endure the memory of her cheating on you before. You love her so much that you are willing to move in with her. Well, of cos moving in will mean great changes in your life and some sacrifices. But you are not in control of your feelings since you are now in love, right? However you are not totally willing to move in too. But you, being a dumb mule, had agreed on everything she said without even making any compromise. Now you have landed yourself in a situation where you are moving in not all too willingly. Of cos, if she does happen to cheat on you the second time (remember the golden rule), it will only make you appear more like a dumb arse who never learnt his lesson the first time. Only time will tell if your girlfriend is worthy of your forgiveness. So what I suggest what you should do now is to take this relationship rather cautiously, and prepare yourself psychologically that she may cheat on you the second time(remember the golden rule). But you still can enjoy this relationship. I mean try taking things lightly, and enjoy doings things with her like having sex. If you happen to see a better girl, I am sure you will not let the opportunity slip. Do not expect much until you are fully convinced that she can be worthy of your love. However, do not be a paranoid yourself who always think she might be doing something unfaithful anytime. Only time will time. And time will heal.
  6. It will help if you seek professional help with a psychiatrist. Depression is an illness and whatever your reasoning of how 'unjustly' you feel you are subjected to, may not be good reasons at all. This is because when you are in depression, your emotions and feelings are 'locked up'. What i mean by 'locking up' is that you will only see and justified your own perspective of life, and will miss out what's potentially worth living in your life. Of cos, since you are quite young, i would suppose your mother has to pay for the consultation fee of seeing a psychiatrist, and your mother may not be willing to do so, esp if she fails to see there's something wrong with you. So if it does happen, seek help from those teens help hotlines in your area, and hopefully a social worker will help you you in the process. From what I know, seeing a social worker very often is more helpful than seeing a psychiatrist in cases like yours. Take care, and take control of your life.
  7. which type of HPV virus do you have? There are numerous types and the behavior of each virus is different. Treatment of this disease will take months and even years. Given such circumstances, I do not think you will be able to keep this secret to your husband forever. As time passes, he will grow to be suspicious, and one mistake such as discovering your medication will give you away. So I suggest you be honest with him and tell him the whole truth. Telling the truth may be difficult for you, and I understand your fear of destroying your husband's illusion of you, and result in ruin in a supposedly happy family. But then, on the other hand, since this secret is bound to be discovered, and if your husband is to know it without you being honest with him, then I am more or less sure that he will hate you even more. Many marriages fail because of one party being unfaithful to another. But it does not mean that there is no chance for reconciliation. If you are truly sorry, then show that you are remorseful and promise that you will be a perfect wife in the future. Besides this, all you can do now is to seek treatment for your disease and hopefully get recover ASAP.
  8. I advise you to check up on this hypnotist. Report to the police if need be. He may be a con man and your family may already be in grave danger
  9. Okay, I think you will have to pull yourself up together and start to plan for the future. When I said plan, i mean really serious planning. Divorce is inevitably around the corner and you should not think of any chance for reconciliation. The more you think of it, the more you will be reminded of her betrayal and her love relationship with a 'virtual' guy she has never met. If she can love a person she has never met, then I suggest it's time for you to re-evaluate your importance in her life. If you are seriously thinking of divorce, then you should read on. If not, then go for marriage counseling. You have four kids and I am sure you want to be granted custody of them all. What you must do is to be an excellent father from now on, and leave your wife addicted to her online fantasy. By being a good father means you should send them to school personally, enrolled them in other courses such as piano learning and even washed their uniform. Your kids must be your first priority. In short, you must be seen as a good father and your wife, a bad mother who neglect her children.
  10. First, I need to thank all of you who patiently listens and try help to solve my problem. Not long ago, my boy came over to me and asked 'is there anything wrong with you and mummy?' I think he can sense something is wrong in the relationship with my wife. But hearing what he asked also pains me in seeing that he is a innocent victim of his mother's selfish act. I will want to fight for the custody of the child, but this also mean that the divorce cannot give this child what is supposed a happy family. As for the advise on seeking counseling to salvage the marriage, I do not think it will help. If you are a guy, you will know that It is nearly impossible to be the loving husband you once were if you find out your wife had made you a cuckold. In fact, to carry on in this marriage will, in my opinion, only give me constant pain and hatred. And AzurePhoenix, It is true that I desperately want to have revenge, but this is just normal. However, I still refringed myself from losing self- control and having quarrels with this woman; but am harboring the thought of getting rid of her from the house as soon as possible.
  11. Okay, so what do you suggest I should do next? I am still hurt. I have stopped talking to my wife for two weeks and I am not willing to give her a single cent for alimony fee after divorce. As for the kid, I am not sure if he wants to follow me or his mum
  12. How will you feel if you have wasted precious resources on a child that is not yours? How do you feel if seeing the child will always remind you of your wife's infidelity? Yes, it isn't the child's fault but i guess i just can no longer bear to support this child anymore.
  13. I am married to this woman for 10 years and only recently have i found that our only child(8 years old) was born out of wedlock. This is a great shock to me and I cannot forgive my wife. I have made up my mind in divorcing her and get rid of this illegitimate child. I no longer want anything to deal with them, and could not care less if they end up on the street or whatever so. However, the law will require me to give my wife a monthly alimony fee, which i am rather relunctant to give. And i do not know if the fee will increase because she still need to take care of a child. I am now angry but lost
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