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Everything posted by guitar_grl

  1. So tonight I went out night bowling with a bunch of close friends and my best friend was amung them. The majority of the time we were flirting like crazy for the whole two hours straight. So then when we all get ready to leave, it had snowed (it's rare) so we all went out and got all excited. I noticed she came at me with a snowball and threw it at my back. I chased after her and pushed her against a car and we had a moment. We even talked about it after we had gone home. I don't know if some of you know what I'm talking about...but it was just like nothing mattered and all I wanted to do was kiss her right then and there and not have anything matter. But she ran and told me she regreted it and she hopped that I would have got her again... and again because of this "moment" I'm still confused.
  2. ksdreger69...trust me I've thought about it..=/ JAmes005...the thing is that everything that I have already said, I've already told her all of that and how things were and how they are now adn what not...I tried to talk with her face to face yesterday in my car and once we got to her house she just got out and walked away... Jinx...I don't know what drives the thought of "hurting" her. I just have a feeling that if someone's going to get hurt it'll be her. Whenever I've shared feelings with friends or what ever, I end up loseing my friends. I've gotten rather distant with three of my friends because of it over the past two years...I don't want to lose this friendship if that's what's going to end up happening. I honestly don't see an actual serious relationship happening here...but at the same time I want to be there for her...if that makes sense. I go crazy when I'm with her with wanting to kiss her...wanting to just hold her if that's all I can do...hell even make her just smile. I just don't see a relationship...and maybe I don't want one with her cause we already have a friendship..and want to keep it at that. i don't know. I guess in a sense by talking to people on here I was hoping that I could clear up what was in my head as well...cause I really don't know what to do. I don't have much more time, but if i didn't answer anything that would help...point it out and I'll answer when i get off work. I really apreciate you all trying to help me out here. Thank you.
  3. I recently learned from my best friend that she has a huge crush on me. For about a year now. The thing is, is that I used to be crazy about her and then I forced myself to believe she was straight so eventually got over it, cause I was too much of a chicksh*t to ever say anything. So now she says that she likes me and she can't stop it. I'm not sure of what i want anymore with this, cause it took me so long to get over the idea. My biggest thing is hurting her, cause that's the last thing I want to happen. I really don't want to take the chance in ruining the friendship. I get an uneasy feeling about it, cause it's really hard and complicated. Nothing should be THIS hard... I don't really see her and I together...but I want to be the one who she wants. Whenever she's flirting with me a lot I can olny think of kissing her... I'm so confused with what I should do... anyone's imput is greatly apreciated.. Thank you. guitar_grl
  4. I don't do it to necasarily "escape" reality...but it just relax for a bit and take a break. I think Kamue explained it rather well. I have no intentions to ever smoke it exsessivly or abuse it. I've also promised myself to be safe with it...like never to drive under the influence. It's just nice sometimes to be able to step back from the stress of being a senior in high school, the choices of college, and two jobs...it's just nice to "take a break" from all that weight and just put it down for a moment.
  5. I do it because I just want to...cause it's a way to, in a sense, forget about what's going on and step out of reality for a little while...and in a sense a form of rebellion.. my mom is 40
  6. my parents found out I was stoned last night. My mom said that she just didn't want it in the house, that as long as it didn't affect my school work and job, and that I shared with her... is it just me or is she going really easy on me here... When she came into my room, she said, "hi, i'm just going to talk in here with you so it seems like i'm yelling at you" I was so shocked. I also get this weird feeling, like i'm paranoid about it or something...like being stoned in the house again, i'm affraid to be...shouldn't I be happy that she's ok with it?
  7. Thank you Ballys, Lilkat21, and Tigris. I really apreciate your input. I'm glad that one of you could relate to the situation, it makes me feel not so "out of my head" on this. All I ever seem to get from my friends is comments about how crazy I am for concidering myself "taken" for some girl accross the country. Thanks again. anyother input is greatly welcomed... -guitar_grl
  8. I wasn't sure weather or not to label this under an internet relationship or here. Cause it files under both. Well I guess I should start with the fact that we met on link removed back in the beginning of june. She e-mailed me and we just started talking and hit it off really well. I wasn't planning on anything more than a person who I could converse with. It turned into more rather quickly. I know that people say, "well you're rather young, or that people are different once you meet them" and that may be true, but I have this amazing feeling when I'm talking to her. We've been "together" for about three months. Talking on the phone, instant messaging, and writing letters on occasion. I'm so crazy about her, and I can't wait to meet her. The thing is, is that it's extremely hard casue we're both very physical people and that's pretty much the one thing we can't have. The distance that holds us apart, is the one between california and pennsylvania. We've been planning on getting her out here for a week after christmas so we could spend new year's together. I'm the kind of person that believes in being completely faithful to one another. Her friends tell her that I'm asking too much. am i? I've told her that I'm willing to wait and willing to pretty much do anything. But I've also been trying to remind her that we still haven't formally met yet. But we're both at that stage where so much is going on in our lives right now, with the transition of high school to college adn what not. So I'm trying to take it step by step, but we're also trying to think what if this happens... like if we don't end up liking each other as much as we thought... or what if we are completely in love with eachother and we want this to work... But again it's hard to wait, but I'm willing to do that. I know I probably sound crazy, and if that's all you want to say then please don't bother. I only wanted to vent here and hopefully get some insight on other peoples thoughts, cause I've always gotten really great advice from other members here. I know what I feel, and I feel nothing but love for her. thanks for listening, -guitar_grl
  9. thank you all for your opinions. I really want to be up front and honest with her, but it all comes down to the jepordizing the friendship. Or in this case, two =/ I'll let you all know what happens. If there are anymore people who would like to respond, please do. It's greatly apreciated ~geetar~
  10. I know this story has probably been told a few times here, so I'll make it short. I'm just looking for some help/input. So my best friend, we'll call A, has been dating my other really good friend, we'll call B, for almost a year and a half. But for about five or six months I've been finding myself really attracted to my friend A. She also recently told me that she tends to look at me as more than just a friend, but she knows that it's wrong because of her girlfriend, B, but she can't help it. She knows that I like her, but I don't think she realizes to what extent. Lately it seems that B has been getting rather jealous of me and A hanging out. So B hasn't really talked to me over the past two weeks. What I want to know is.... why would A tell me her feelings for me if she knows that it couldn't happen because of her relationship with B...cause it's messing with my mind and I can't stop thinking about her. and... should I advance on this?...I really don't believe in coming between to people...but my god this is driving me crazy...should I say something?... I don't know what to do. I'd really apreciate it if anyone has any input or if someone was in the same situation, please share. Thanks for listening ~geetar~
  11. thank you Ballys adn passions1, I think that's what I'm going to do, distance myself for awhile. She says she still wants to be friends if anything. But right now I don't tihnk I can do that, cause she's all I can think about. I'll keep you posted. thanks again, guitar_grl
  12. about a week or so ago I posted a topic, "my dilemma"...well everything seemed to be going well. But then last ngiht she sounded weird while I was on the phone with her. I knew something was wrong. Then out of no where, she said that she feels that we arn't going anywhere. That it feels more like a friendship. I just don't get it, where is she planning on it going? What's so wrong with enjoying the time we have together and seeing where it leads us? We're young, why can't we just explore that? she says that she loves me but she's not in love with me. ugh, I haven't slept or eaten. I've cried for the past 24 hours straight. I'm sick of people asking what's wrong, because I start thinking of her and start crying again. Everything reminds me of her. I can't stand this pain, I don't know what to do. Should I call...let it go and try to still be friends? I need advice quick please. thank you, guitar_grl
  13. I know that communicatin is the key in a relationship. I think it might be the 'how to bring the subject up' [/img]
  14. so my girlfriend and I have been together for about 6 months. I'm a lesbian and she's Bi. Neither of us have been with the same sex. I've never had sex. She has been with two guys, as far as I know of. My little dilemma is, that sometimes I'm not sure if she's actually into me. Like for example sometimes we'll start making out and it'll get really heated up. Sometimes I have trouble controlling myself around her. But then I don't know what happens, she'll just slow down, or just stop. But then there are the other times when we're together and we're having 'fun' and it's a little inconveniant of a time, or place. Should I just wait and when it happens it happens...or should I talk to her about having sex. Advice is greatly appreciated.
  15. thank you all for the advice. I'm trying to just approach it as a friendship, but she's been really flirty and touchy feely. thanks again, any other input would be great
  16. there's this girl, (like we haven't herd that one), last year I always wanted to talk to her. I saw her everyday last year and never said hello, not once, and I hated it. I found that she had a girlfriend. And I always noticed that she would look at me adn try to avoid me, so I thought she didn't like me. Fast forward to this year, I found out that she's crazy about me. She always looked at me and avoided me, because she was so shy around me. For the past week I've been talking with her, mainly small talk. She is still pretty shy around me. She still has a girlfriend, they've been together for nine months. The last thing I'd want to do is to interfer with their relationship. My friends have been talking to her and she's been saying things like, that she would date me if she wasn't already with someone. She is always telling people how she thinks I'm cute/hot. She has told a lot of people how she feels about me. She recently told her girlfriend about me. I would love to date this girl, she's amazing I've had feelings for her for a long time. I don't want to screw things up between her and her s/o. What I'm wondering is, is it ok for me to still want to get to know this girl? Should I keep my distance or approch it as a friendship and if it turns into more go with it?
  17. I took these career test at the beginning of sophmore year. These are some of the websites where you can get info and a few of the tests names that you can maybe do a search to find a website for them. -one of the major tests that we took was called the myers briggs, it mainly gives you an idea of what kind of a person you are and tells you what jobs would be best suited for you. stuff like that. some of the different websites that they gave us for other quizes and stuff are - link removed - link removed - link removed - link removed - link removed (pm me and I'll give you the password and the lgin name) There were some other things but I can't remember them all. If you want a few more refferences and stuff I'm sure I can find some for you, just pm me. -guitar_grl
  18. wellswomyn- thanks for the resources and places I can go for support. I have a few gay/lesbian/bisexual friends that i can talk to. We recently had a 'day of silence' to protest against discrimination against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. A friend of mine, who is bi, asked me if I was going silent. I said yes. She asked me if I fancied girls and I told her yes. It felt like a wave had washed over me. It felt good to finally tell someone. She told me that she was happy for me and hugged me. It felt great to tell someone and know that they don't think any different of me. Ash- thank you also for your post. I've never thought of it as a "horrible secret" just a secret, but it's one that I feel that I should tell people. I really hate the feeling that I'm not being honest with poeple about myself. Thnak you again to both of you
  19. I've been lurking for a while now, checking out the board, and getting the jist of it. Now I've decided to post. This is mainly a way for me to vent and I would appreciate it if you would post your thoughts. For the longest time I've known that I've had feelings for the same sex ( I'm a girl). The problem is that lately I've been feeling over whelmed by this horrible secret. Sometimes I feels that one day it's just going to build up inside of me and I 'm going to just explode and freak out. I don't want to suffer and for something like that to happen. I want to be able to be myself. But I'm also scared to death about what people may think of me, mainly my friends/family, if I ever told them my secret. A part of me wants to tell everyone how I feel and be proud of who I am...and yet there is that small piece of me inside that fears what may happen. I know that there isn't any 'real easy' way of coming out, but I was wondering if anyone knows some of the best ways to handle the situation of coming out. Thank you replies -Geetar_grl-
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