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Everything posted by Color-Is-Blue

  1. OLA, You might be afraid of loving someone too much and end up getting hurt maybe that's why you tend to pull back everytime something good happens in your life. don't be afraid to take risks with your girl especially with a special bond like that i'm sure if you tell her what's bothering you she would be willing to help after all a significant other should not only be your lover but also your partner and your best friend. GOODLUCK!! ----------- I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash. - Sigmund Freud
  2. OLA, What you feel is normal some ppl tend to over react on things and yes it can sometimes emotionally drain you out but that's ok atleast your dealing with it and not suppresing it which is healthy. You should get another haircut and fix it it's as simple as that. GOODLUCK!! ----------- I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash. - Sigmund Freud
  3. Ok here's how it goes everyday is a different day, your mood affects the tunes you play so name a song that your feeling today... Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough by Smyth ----------- I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash.- Sigmund Freud
  4. OLA!! I'm sorry to hear about your problem i've never been married,divorced or even pregnant so i'm just gotta give you an advice based on what I know. Your guy marrying his ex just because she got pregnant is so not a good idea, marriage should be based on trust and love and I don't see any there based on what you've told us. They might end up fighting all the time which would not be good for the child because he/she shouldn't be brought up in an environment like that , that child might blame themself in the end that could happen OR they could end up loving each other again the baby might bring them closer too. I suggest that the 3 of you talk and work things out open communication is still the best. GOODLUCK!!
  5. My advice move on with your life,it seems to me that this guy is playing games with you. a good concerned boyfriend would not leave you alone drunk he doesn't even cares what happens to you. >>We have so much fun together and he's so "familiar and comfy" that I'm not sure I can let him go. ... I think your just so used to him that your afraid of letting go of someone or something so familiar to you if that's the case that's not love sweetie (just my opinion). If you rush him into marriage and he's not ready he just might end up blaming you. talk to him and set things straight if he's still not ready then you should move on and give yourself a chance to be happy. GOODLUCK!!
  6. Set your priorites straight i've been with a guy for 3 yrs and 5 months and we still argue a lot i'm sure you don't wanna end up like that.relationships always starts good at first but messes up in the end.if you can accept him and his flaws then good if not and your still with him then you better start asking yourself why your still with him.You guys should talk and sort things out before you do something that you might regret later on.GOODLUCK!!
  7. Ahh puppy love sweetie you both are so young to get into a serious,committed relationship.Being in a committed relationship means a lot of giving and taking and frankly I don't know if you and your girl have that patience yet to be in a relationship like that.i'm 25 going out with a 23 year old guy and we both still have a LOT of growing up to do.go out there and enjoy your teens because it only comes once in your life,i'm not saying that you are not allowed to love other ppl but you both are so young to be in serious committed relationship.GOODLUCK!!
  8. No matter how much you try to convice yourself or other ppl that you still hate your ex it's obvious to me(anyways)that you still care for her or else you would have been over of your feelings for her by now. What you need is a closure you should meet up with her or maybe just talk to her on the phone whatever works for you and tell her how you feel how much she hurt you,you need to deal with this anger or else it would consume you.why be miserable when you can be happy right?!? GOODLUCK!!
  9. I'm sorry to hear about your ex girl but hey you know what they say let the person go if she/he comes back he/she is yours if they don't then it wasn't meant to be". now for your problem sweetie could it be that your on a rebound maybe you miss your ex too much that you want another one so bad because you might be afraid of being lonely?!? If you really like her though then go for it but I suggest for you to take it slow just because you just got your heart broken i'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen again right?!? Get to know her better and see if you really deserve her GOODLUCK!!
  10. THANKS for all the replies,suggestions and advice it was a BIG HELP!!! and all of you are right he's not all that bad but it outweights the bad more than the good.Last night we had a talk about it and he said that i'm trying to change him which is not true.I told him that every relationship has it's sacrifices and ground rules but he would'nt go for it.I'm still confuse I love him but it's just so hard he even told me that he would kill himself if I ever leave him sad eh!! I had to change my name just in case I don't wanna get in trouble.again THANKS HUBMAN,NAT00,ENADEVOLI.. ----------- I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash. - Sigmund Freud
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