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Everything posted by Silverbirch

  1. I bet you are their favourite teacher!
  2. I am so looking forward to it opening. It's at a very historical venue in the town which had not been used for several years. Like everyone else, Ive peeked through the windows and they've done a lovely job. Made up of several rooms, each with a fireplace.
  3. We are meant to be having a ?Tapos Bar opening here. I've never had a Tapos before but told they are good.
  4. Oh Yum! Have you tasted black rice. I'd never heard of it but went to Mexican restaurant couple if months ago and had it. I think I will go back there tomorrow now you've made me want Mexican!
  5. Good idea. It's summer here. I've started trying to perfect pancakes. Last night I made a savoury one from fresh spinach and philalphia cream cheese. They are so easy and fast.
  6. It's annoying that these viruses seem to take a while to get over. My sister was off work nearly 3 weeks.
  7. Oh yes me too IAG. I was out yesterday and Ai had 2 cafe coffees made for me and it makes me feel a bit shake your. Definitely notice a difference for the better with having one homemade milkshake and cutting back on coffee. I like the Twinnings Teas - Irish Breakfast and Lady Grey.
  8. Yes, I wish I knew how to turn mine off!
  9. I hope you feel better soon IAL. I bought a milkshake machine a while back, and sometimes when I come home from a long day at work, I have a milkshake instead if a coffee, and that helps me feel better.
  10. You have just done so well Lum. It will be great if I can find a job I love too!
  11. Hi OP, a couple of years ago, I went through similar but less messy. Best thing is not to let yourself answer any of his calls, and after some time, they will stop. This guy was leaving flowers on my doorstep. I had been in lantern relationship. After 10months breakup, he left message on my machine saying he had found his mother passed away. I did answer that one, was kind, but brief. Then he's ringing me wanting me to go in funeral car with him. Said no I couldn't. Rang my from funeral. I managed to stay calm imagining myself talking to an acquaintance who had bee. Through this - kind but emotionally uninvolved. A few days after funeral, Zi went back to not answering any calls, texts, nothing. He got engaged to a woman not long after this who he had been seeing while he wa with me. Full of bull so glad I didn't let myself get roped in for yet another round.
  12. Be annoying after all the work you did, but probably easier for you apart from that.
  13. I would be miserable with a person like that. I suppose in some ways, my ex G was like that as was R. They could be generous with material things, but I wonder if there was anything else.
  14. I was pretty disgusted by his comment about marriage and you sabotaging it. That's his way of throwing crumbs he thinks any woman would fall over herself to catch, and the reference to you sabotaging that means "if you are a good girl and put up with me, I MIGHT marry you" . . . But he wouldn't really - all talk no action. Pffft
  15. Sorry Lum, what do you mean "pull them out" - is that working with them 1:1?
  16. Yes, diagnosing iq is not all that reliable, and something quite important that you don't read about - 2 of my other clients have had their iq assessed at around 70 so they are only borderline. If you met them, you would not know immediately that anything is not right. My clients are all affected with mental illness and that is their primar disability. Two of them have schizophrenia. Anyway, there is this third client who had his iq diagnosed at 30, but I think he shows how deceptive that can be. He is much more "street-smart" than the others. He can do a lot of things the others can't - he has driven cArs and also wants to get a drivers license. He is I. The process of applying for his learners permit. Anyway, he has obsessive compulsive disorder which is believed to be caused by extreme physical abuse before the ago of seven. Then he moved countries and all I know is the relationship with the parent has been troubled and they are no lo gear in contact. He reads newspapers, can read maps, lots I see him do. Anyway, the OCD has played out with him taking serious drugs (heroin) and stealing, especially cars so he has been I. And out of jail since he was 18 years old. I had to go see him at police stTion over a matter and police were initially disbelieving when I told them he is compulsively clean. (He has lots of jail tattoos). He also has a really lovely side to him so we ate all hoping and doing what we can to support him so he doesn't go back to jail. He is in his early 30s.
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