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Everything posted by Silverbirch

  1. You know, I think the real issue is between S and his best friend. He's spoken with his friend about it, and I think his fiend is playing a competive mind game with him. Personally, I don't think you should allow yourself to get dragged into any of it. I like the term "cut loose". You are giving the other person the opportunity to go or stay, but if they want your attention and affections, they need to behave in a way whereby you will want to be around them. I'm no expert on men's relationships with each other, but despite what most of them say, they can be more complicated than their relationships with women. Thanks for your nice words about my journal. I often think that other people don't read it or especially of late that they don't approve.
  2. Hey Reinventmyself. I've seen your photo nod you are gorgeous. You seem like a very nice person,and I think too nice for this. I think you should just "cut him loose". Enjoy being single and all the good things that go with it. A lot of the time it's possible to give a clear message without saying a lot. I don't like flirty sexy messages a lot myself and I just don't reply to them. I'm sorry you aren't feeling great right now.
  3. LOL. My son used to make me nervous when I would take him for driving lessons. He was a real know it all!
  4. When my son had his motorbike, I had to force myself not to think about it otherwise I would never have slept. Yes, it's unnerving. I get it!
  5. Yes we are having heavy rain here too yay! I got caught in hail storm when I went to ponies.
  6. It's so nice riding around here early in the morning Lum. I can go on quiet country roads or through the township and get la few waves from familiar faces. Early morning is my favourite time - and also early evening just before dark which here often doesn't happen until 9pm. So sorry for your friend. Must be such a disappointment for her. I couldn't marry again because I just couldn't go through that sort of thing. Yes, being on ones own is much easier than being in a relationship. There are so many things I like about living on my own. That would be hard to give up. It's so much better than being in a bad relationship although it takes many of us a long time to realise that.
  7. You have some walking companions? Sounds good. I was outing my bicycle early this morning before it got too hot and it made me feel so good.
  8. Hope you get to rest up soon. Oh, that is an eerie coincidence about Kitty!
  9. O God - sorry, but part of me almost wants to laugh - he's picking up women at bars and he's 72!!!
  10. Oh bummer. fingers crossed for. Your art
  11. Big Hugs Cynder. After reading about kitty, i was reminded of a woman I knew over 20 years ago. She hurt so many people, but there was something charasmatic about her that could feel people back in. I did a major bolt from her crap. Then I heard that she had died suddenly, quite mysteriously. She was only around 40. She stayed in bed with the flu one day, and when her new husband came home from work., she was dead. Apparently, no definite cause of death ever found. It sounds really terrible, but Zi know Ai wasn't the only person who breathed a sigh of relief - she had messed with do many people's heads and emotions. She was definitely a very troubled person with some type of severe personality disorder or SOMETHING. I'm glad for you that she is not in your life and Ai hope you never let her back in.
  12. RIM, personally, why not just appreciate the nice and generous person who he is. I know a lot of people here would disagree with that, but I don't necessarily think it's a red flag. I'd say it mostly means he likes you a lot. I was with someone who pretty much never gave me anything, never a birthday present, and definitely NEVER a Valentine's gift like flowers. For me, that pretty much killed it. The stinginess carried over to other areas. My son has been very generous with girlfriends - because he has wanted to do things for them to make them happy and show he cares about them.
  13. I'm very much like you in my situation and attitude. I like being unattached and have friends, but it's probably my fur family that take up time and provide a lot of companionship. I've never felt "alone"since they came into my life. I will be more than okay without a man in my life. I seem to be meeting ones without teying, but really don't know if Zi could be brave enough to go there again if if it would be worth it.
  14. Congratulations on your home loan Cynder.the Earth Ship sounds interesting!
  15. The house sounds fantastic! It would be hard to rent again after having such a great place! I'm glad I had the experience of living off the grid. It was a rental however and so many things were broken and the landlord was pathetic. It was a lot of work - maintaining the outside. It was on 16 acres adjoining a forest and Ai lived in my own with my pets and the wildlife. Now I live on the outskirts if the town, but firtunately no neighbours who are very close. I'm a shirt walk from an art gallery with lively cafe with amazing food behind it. I'm happy here! Much easier for me to manage.
  16. Yes, that seems to be the usual after holidays. I hate going back to work after the break.
  17. Hi Cynder. I get where you are coming from. Not all that long ago I even lived off the grid for a year - living only with solar power and tank water. Only heating was a fireplace. Then the landlord sold. I'm much older than you and have lived in so many places that it became extremely unsettling. Finally I was able to buy my own home and move into it 6 weeks ago. I'm emjoying the comforts of this home. It's MUCH nicer than anywhere I have ever rented.p If you do want to get in more travel, you could probably rent it out - though I wouldn't want to rent this place out. N some ways, this move was the most difficult for me. I'm was only moving a short distance, but I am so over moving that I don't have it in me anymore. Luckily I was able to buy something affordable. There are now very few rentals here and it's actually better or on par financially. Good luck. Last year I ended up with the landlord from hell. Thank God I shouldn't have to put up with that again. Also, I can clean when I want to clean although I'm more motivated now.
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