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Everything posted by BigKillaPoet

  1. Toss her into a wall...choke her, pull her hair... Still not my style...I'm a candle light and silk sheets kind of guy myself...but don't worry some girls want that soft love and some want it hard...so there's your advice...if you want to give her the tough stuff...choke her a little, pull her hair...and well I'm sure you can figure out the rest
  2. Being drunk takes away any thought of what might happen... so when you're drunk you don't fear rejection, you could care less...so you are free to hit on anyone and not care...that's the only reason... I don't think the being drunk and hitting on girls is the biggest problem...I think being sober and not being able to hit on girls is the bigger of the two problems... It's no big deal it's normal for people to be more free when they're drunk...that's why a lot of people call it liquid confidence ;0)
  3. I really shouldn't say anything about this, because I'm usually not very good at reading signs...and I'm horrible at sending them to... That being said, here's what I do...I automatically assume any small sign you get...a look, a smile, anything...I automatically assume she wants me...sometimes that's not the case...but most times I'm right... For what I do in return...is put the pedal to the metal...I just ask them straight up...if the smile I smile back approach them and tell them I think they are beautiful...or some other compliment that's appropriate...it usually puts them in a blushing type mode which makes me feel less nervous and from there you can just talk about whatever...
  4. I can see the point...I unfortunately have to agree...
  5. If you don't trust she will be there for you...I think you should find someone who you will trust will be there for you. She can still of course be your friend...but you need to find someone who will reciprocate your compassion and love...when you do your jealousy will subside, and you'll be just fine...
  6. I just truly feel that equal rights in all...ya know...if a girl can be independent...than a man can be shy and timid
  7. I am the kind of guy that don't call back...and you know deep down it isn't I don't want to be with them again...or forever for some cases...it's that I dont' think they want it so I don't bother I take that good moment we had and I move on...if they call back I think it's on but if not...I just say oh well guess she didn't want another moment... So if that's worth anything
  8. Guys like it when you just stop stare and point your finger...worked almost everytime for my friend Jessica...God I miss her...
  9. I don't even have a "real" job...everyone talks to me like I'm six because of that...I wouldn't leave your job if I were you, but if you don't look you're just making it...and eight bones an hour is garbage...you should definitely look for more...the world is full of oportunity...and you shouldn't always look in the wanted ads... Look on a bigger scope and I'm sure you'll be able to find your niche... I found mine...and it came with working an eight dollar an hour job as a security guard...I would think of that hour bus ride and just read this and that killing time...and it came to me...I tried something different...wasn't paid for it...but I will be getting paid around 100,000 a year in the years ahead...thats why people laugh all the time at me...because I'm broke right now, and struggling and they here that and roll their eyes... so my only advice is (getting back on topic) keep your eyes open an opportunity might just find you as well as you finding it...
  10. What would it hurt...oh why does everyone say that?...rejection is probably the hardest thing to overcome in life... but there is no secret...if you are wondering...you clear that by trying, if it doesn't pan out...hey grit your teeth and move on...you got it like that girl and remember that...
  11. I've been wearing my heart on my sleeve for quite some time...but only recently have I grown sick of it...sick of betrayal and lies and people who just trash my confidence...before I would say to myself don't let it change you don't let it get to you, they just don't know what they are doing. But lately I've been really thinking...you know what Screw them...they won't give a second thought about wiping thier dirt on you...why shouldn't you just not share your love with them...keep it to yourself...let them wish for something they can never get I've done this before and attracted a whole lot of women that way...but it was innevitable that they would be hurt because what attracted them was what they couldn't have...now...they set themselves up for failure...sort of like I am doing now by trying to love everyone...treat them all as angels and princesses...they just walk on you when you do that... so what should I do..should I stick to playing the naive poet role...or go back to the cocky kid at the club saying you wish girl ;0) with a wink and a wrye grin?...
  12. I'm exactly like that, and have gone through the same thing exactly. I was with a girl for five years and then she cheated on me...I've been single for three years now...and it still hurts like heck to try to be with another woman. I fell a little for a friend of mine, but same thing happened I built her up and she moved on to find a "man" so here I sit, alone and trapped in my insane world of thoughts and poetry...it isn't so bad you know...the world...get out there...and I could take some of the same advice... But always remember this...to help someone out should never require a back payment you help them because you love them...that's it...nothing in return they don't have to love you back...don't let that change you...ever...someday we'll meet women who can appreciate what we do have to offer...and that affect of jealous will be reversed...it sorta happened already for me to brother...but eventually you'll get over your crush and then they'll want you...it works like that...by then you'll be laughing...
  13. Against the common opinion I think that you should wiegh your options more thoroughly...if you think you have a shot with a good woman, what are you waiting for?...what's a job?...big deal you can usually find a job a heck of a lot easier than a good woman...so I say take the risk...but you know her better than I do, as you know how good or bad your job is...so weigh it out...but don't blame unhappiness on "she's your boss" don't listen to those who tell you to do that either...do whats in your heart...nobody seems to listen to that anymore... that's why us poets are going out of business ;0)
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