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  1. If your boy is the typical one, that likes action, scary and funny sexy stuff I suggest The Italian Job, Identity, Wrong Turn, Matrix Reloaded, etc. and when ever Bad Boyz 2, and American Pie 3 comes out... if renting try Old School lol cant think of any more Hope this helped a lil
  2. Hey, well wait till she gets back and tell her how bad you felt about what you said, and let her know how much her friendship means to you. Dont worry if she is a true best friend she will understand and forgive you. Just be more careful in the future, and think before you speak! Take care!
  3. Hey sweetie, i feel confused too.... Well it sounds like she is either playing games...or just doesnt know how she feels. It sounds like you are giving her all the signals that you want to start a relationship...And it seems she keeps you at the friend level...maybe she is scared she will ruin your friendship by dating..bc once you date and break up...being really good friends is all kinds of difficult and so much harder. I say just continue to be her friend and try to move on. You deserve someone that is going to be clear with you, and knows she wants you. Maybe a few months or years down the road she will know what she wants, and perhaps you can try dating then. Well hope i could help a little. Take care!
  4. I went to tx to see my bf of two yrs, i was planning on staying with my aunt and working until i got my own apt. However my dad came down to visit, and talked my aunt into not letting me stay with her..giving me no place to go since my bf lived w. his parents. I told him about this and he said "maybe you should go back for a month,we have made it two years, we can make it one month". And he had to go. That night I called andcalled his cell bc i was so upset, but he never answered. I also called his private house phone line, and no answer either. Welli had to leave at 9am to drive back w. my dad and i called before i left and still no answer until 3pm that day when i was in TN. Anyway, so he broke up with me last week and says "I love you as a friend..if you were still here we prob. would still be together..but you just left" !!!!!!! Was this an excuse, is he tryin to make me feel guilty? If he really loved me he would have understood what happeneded, and comforted me right? I mean it broke my heart to leave to begin with...andi tried getting in touchw. him.. he also said " well you could have stayed w. me for a few days but you never asked" okay he never offered..andi didnt think that was an option.... Plus I know he has a new gf..but i still feel like all this happened bc i left! but i had no choice...anywho..what do you think? thanks
  5. same here LaurenAngel02 on aim
  6. I understand that tryin to afford a place on your own is hard..Im 19 and im a waitress at Pizza Hut, my bf of 2yrs just broke up w. me two weeks ago, and we were going to get a place, but now i have to try and make all the rent, but luckly my parents are going to help me... But sweetie dont do this to yourself...if you two are room mates bc you dont want to lose him, watching him openly date other girls will tear you apart...I think it's time you let go, as hard as it is, it will be the best thing in the end. You dont need someone that doest want only you. You do deserve someone that will be committed and devoted to you. And show you the love and respect that you deserve, and that are giving but not recieving. Do whatever you can to get out, or make rent, just be strong girl and pray a lot. Dont give in. ~*Lots of love
  7. Hey Ed, the love of my life, ended our two year relaionship about a week ago with the same thing "I realize, i love you as a best friend...Im not in love with you.." And his simple advice was to "get over it"....Anyway, I have done everything to make him happy, and there is no making him fall back in love with me. So i believe that you have done your best, and if she is still saying that she only loves you as a friend..i think you are only hurting yourself in holding on. I hate to..but I have to let go as well, it hurts like hell, and it sucks even more that the other person, the one you are in love with, doesnt have to hurt, they have simply moved on, and it seems like everything you have been through means nothing.... But time will heal all wounds, just make a break and look for someone that will treat you with all the respect and love that you deserve, and have been giving out, but not receiveing. Take care and good luck hun. ~*Lauren
  8. Hey everyone..wow everyone stories seem so close to mine...but i still wanted to share what i am going through. I met this wonderful, amazing man two years ago, and we fell in love hard. I was only 17, now im 19..but we were going to get married, etc etc. but he lived in tx, and i am in nc. So we did the long distance thing for awhile, and i graduated HS and went for a year at college, but decided it was time to move to tx to be with him. So I go last month to set things up, but had to return home to save a lil more cash...we have been on and off before...and i could tell things werent right...and he finally tells me...he loves me as a "best friend". But I know it's because of this new girl he met...whom is so beautiful it makes you sick. So now I know he doesnt care about me, he will call for like two mins. everyday, and it is killing me. But I have a few probs. here. Im moving back there in about two weeks, we WERE going to spend the 4th together, but he is going w. this new girl to Ark. And it sucks bc we were going to move in together, and now i have to pay the $584 rent on my own, and he, and his new girl WORK with me at my job in tx! HELP i dont know what to do, bc i still want to move, and i dont want him to stand in the way of what i want. But i love him so much, i dont think i could stand seeing them together, but i do want him to be happy, sucks that he is...and im terrible! but i dont let him know how bad i am really doing... I cry everyday, and i just can't let go of what we had. He says we will prob. never date again...but when I asked how do you just stop loving someone...he said "You just do." Then how is love real? I dont believe that, bc i love him more than anything, and the pain is so great. I keep wishing i could be more beautiful, charming, just more everything for him, bc i want him to feel like he onced did...but i know he will not..but i dont know if i should just ignore his calls and try to heal so when i do move back i can be over him best i can....grr i dont know, i just dont want to feel anymore, maybe i shouldnt move, but i feel in my heart i need to, bc livng at home is crazy, and I really want to goto a school there in TX. Does anyone have any advice? I know i just rambled a whole lot here, but any advice would be great! Thank you
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