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Everything posted by Dizziblonde

  1. Sweetie , When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking long and hard after I got to the end of my second long term relationship and I had been treated badly. I thought 'If it takes another ten years to eventually meet and settle down with the right man for me then it will be worth it but in the meantime I will not make the same mistake again' This thought comforted me for a while. Recently I have been back to school and learned some new skills, and with it my confidence has really grown and my self esteem. Set yourself some achievable goals and soon you will have some success and your self esteem will rise again. You will feel happier and this is a short cut to happier times. Trust me , I am talking from experience here. Dizzi
  2. In my experience Girlfriends (Boyfriends in mine) come and go but your friends can be with you for life but then again if you are at the age where you are not long out of school, then you may find some new friends too. Dont ever drop your friends for a partner as they will be around long after the partner has gone. I am not saying she is going to leave you but you should have your own interests,it will keep things from getting boring or stop you from getting fed up with each other as can happen when you spend all your time together,please trust me on this as I have got experience.
  3. I finished with my ex just 2 weeks b4 christmas but he keeps on asking me2 reconsider &even says he found someone else but finished with her after a week as he was thinking of me when he was with her.He misses me but I dont want him back. This is the first time I've been in this position but I am guilty of one thing, I do quite like the attention &2b honest if he did stop suddenly I'd miss him. When he was busy 4a few days I did miss his attention but really dont want 2b with him. We were friends 2start with but he says he cud never b just friends again.I told a friend about him &they said 'Has he no dignity?' I dont want 2b harsh,I just want 2help_hence the honesty. Sorry 4 long message!x
  4. I mean that sometimes a person may feel too guilty to talk if the reason they want to leave is that they have started seeing somebody else behind your back. The odd thing I feel is Benson's ex relied upon him a great deal and then suddenly nothing. I dont know these people but it all seems to be out of character. I mean people dont change overnight and if it was in her personality to lean quite heavily on another person, maybe she got someone new to rely on, and then went from needing B a lot to not at all. Either way I feel she treated Benson badly and he is doing a lot better than he gives himself credit for. All the best B, from Dizzi x.
  5. How long were you together and how old were you both when you met? It may be possible that she came to resent the fact that she relied on you so much and she became independent of you when you werent looking? She may of had help? Whatever it is, if she has lasted 35 days (as well) without contacting you, then it is best to move on with your life(I know,easier said than done!) take it a step at a time but believe me if there was a chance she still cared would she not have contacted you by now to see how things are with you. Leaving without warning is quite a cowardly way out as she really should have sat you down and discussed it first. unless she was afraid to do that for some reason. Guilt maybe? What do you think?
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