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Everything posted by Dilly

  1. Good point. I just want to have something to use when I take the baby to WV. WOW! You really are thorough. I never gave spillage a thought. THANKS!!!
  2. You can't start disappearing like this BTR. We are going to think you have gone into labor. Really, could happen anytime, right???
  3. Nice food for thought!!! I like this mental jewelry (borrowed lyric from Live)....alot!!!
  4. I was thinking of getting a pack-n-play since I will want to travel to WV often to visit with my family. The pack-n-plays come with the table.
  5. Great idea. I wonder if there is a correlation to leaking with ease of breastfeeding. I haven't leaked at all and am fully filling my old bra's, but not really THAT much bigger, just overflowing, you might say.
  6. link removed One more site for you (see antihistamines). Note: warning over 50 mg doses for pre-term labor. Sorry, I like medication questions, couldn't resist and as always, the qualifier: be sure to consult with your doctor/pharmacist.
  7. Lots of times, when clinicians don't understand the nature of a warning, they will say generically that it may "effect the baby" but that's not real helpful, is it? Can't believe you are 37 weeks!!! Adding: one other thing, since the antihistamine is thought to cross the placenta, it may cause effects in the baby... but these are not expounded upon. In young children, antihistamines actually sort of do the reverse to mood/energy level of that in adults. They can cause children to be more excitable and irritable. Not sure how this might manifest in the fetus.
  8. Check out table 3 of the following link. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) does cross the placenta and my cause oxytocin-like effects according to this source, but I've read that it is commonly used in pregnancy, but not long-term. According to another site (second), this may result in uterine contractions when you are near term. link removed link removed
  9. BTR, I'm getting worried... what's up???
  10. Glad to see that you two are being brazen about the stereotypes. Like sports, business and fashion have their followers and it may have a certain demographic, but who cares?! Anyway, I think the guy asking her if she's into his money is similar to a woman asking the guy if he would be into her if she a) didn't have striking blonde hair b) a nice toosh c) big boobs? I mean, in a way, we all use each other for whatever gratification we can derive.
  11. Ha, feathers are fluffed and preened again! THANKS! BFF!!!! It certainly seems like we all have at least one R- in our lives at some point in time and those guys really help us help others get accross the rocky roads. BTR, what's new?
  12. Hi BTR!!! I know you are thrilled with the outcome of the shower and are getting so excited - TIME IS FLYING!!!! A girl here just went into premature labor in the upstairs restroom (she was only 20 weeks ). We were locked out for like three hours. It just dawned on me how ready you are right now and how lucky!!! Anyway, I think you are handling R- well! To address Hope's comments earlier in this thread, I think your biggest issues with R- tend to be unspoken boundaries. You're firm, but not clear enough with him and in a way, I feel like you have been sort of coaxing him along without completely shutting the door because you love him. Knowing this, I know you would not have wished to have stranded him in California. You also know what Hope has told you repeatedly that he hasn't saved a dime, has acted like a complete turd the entire time you've been pregnant, and has only himself in mind. Nonetheless, part of me feels that you have always wanted to keep a part of him in your life, to salvage something or keep something sacred for the distant future with your little boy. I think that's noble enough. Hope, I wish you would not have confronted me the way you did. I respect you, but reserve my right to politely disagree with your firm persective on handling the child's father. This is a relationship that will last forever, like it or not, and I feel that it's so easy to overlook this fact. Look, lawyers are even divided in terms of how they advise clients. Some tell them to be aggressive and hard-nosed. Others tell them to be conservative and just take care of yourself - establish and abide by boundaries. I feel that the latter option is fair enough. If BTR can retain her senses and keep him at arm's length, he doesn't have a chance. I frankly feel she hasn't been completely cold with him because she knows this relationship is life-long and that's why she couldn't answer his mother when she said, "what's going on with you and R-". No offense you BTR, but that's my perspective. If you knew you didn't want him in your life or you absolutely wanted him out, you wouldn't be dealing with him at all at 8 months. You wouldn't be dealing with his mother either. You still have feelings for him but are unable to reconcile those. Anyway, shoot me down if I'm wrong. I've got a strong back.
  13. He's getting desperate and I would start caving into his pressures now. But it's always a hoop. If it's not a hoop for you to express your insecurities about his move, it's a hoop about seeing you. I probably would allow a brief visit. I don't know WHY I'm telling you this, but I understand what you're going through and I wouldn't be able to say NO... He is the child's father. BUT, as LONG AS IT'S ON YOUR TERMS. He can make NO DEMANDS. He should take you to dinner and spoil you and possibly a movie. But if it's just him about his life, no way. You could ask what he has in mind. If he senses that you are withdrawn, just tell him that you don't need any stress or pressure re: the future and how/if he fits in it right now. You're pregnant and need all the support people that love you can provide, not some parasitic conversation about what's in it for him.
  14. Congrats, Spugly!!! These Are Exciting Times For Real!!!
  15. Congratulations Kt!!! That Is The Cutest Name!!! Soooo Cute I'm Chuckling Out Loud And Picturing A Character In Whinnie The Poo!!!
  16. Brooke, I hope this spotting thing isn't a sign that you are doing too much or are stressed. I don't know though. If the doctor advised you to rest, I would also caution that you take the advice and focus on RESTING when not at work. Theoretically, work is 8 hours a day, right? So what are your non-work hours like, stressful? The best way to make attendance less an issue is to get the rest your body requires when not at work. I would certainly not discount a company's ability to release you for arbitrary and unspecified reasons and legally, they don't have to give you detailed rationale, but must have documentation to provide to HR (which can be a bogus claim that your work lacked quality, ect). The best way to prevent losing your job, is to do your best to show up and perform well when you do. But don't worry yourself because that will only contribute to stress. If your supervisor is approachable and trustworthy, you may discuss your concerns and express that you don't wish to be a burden. Such a conversation may give you insight as to the issues, if there are any.
  17. Me too, Hazey. I can't walk fast anymore without getting a stitch! grrrrrr, shoulda kept running to keep everything tight and firm. Anyway, is that a pic of you in your avatar!????
  18. HORRAY!!! I am so glad your family is surrounding you right now and protecting you! You deserve it!!!
  19. Yeah, he's a jerk, BTR. And worse, a jerk with nothing to offer. A jerk who only jerks with your emotions to see if he is still in the driver's seat. Your brother sounds heroic. I just want him to stick around for awhile and not leave. When does he have to move?
  20. I agree with Hope. He should have been a lawyer. What'd he even ask you that rhetorical question for? It's not like he has a job offer and is considering what to do if he gets it. He just wants you to think he's taking your preferences into consideration for this never-to-come-big-decision he has to make. He isn't gettting the job, period. And even if he got the offer, he'd have to pass the screening and background check and only then, should he be harassing you with these questions. He's only concerned about himself and the fact that he's no longer the center of your world is really making him feel insecure. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  21. I am so excited it's your birthday! You are a star and nothing anybody can do should bring you down! I think you are handling this little challenge with a ton of class and yes, I think it would be best to not answer his calls later. You don't have to be available, just be nice when you choose to be. But don't lead him on, shouldn't be hard. You haven't given him any signs of reasonable hope lately... so KEEP IT UP, GIRLEE!!!
  22. And it's as simple as that. They don't have to have a written record detailing this component of their rationale or anything that could incriminate them for their choice. Often, in order to get the written records from the interview, a court order is necessary anyway. Reasonable cause must precede access. Unless an interviewer had loose lips (very unprofessional), there's little chance of that kind of sensitive information making it full-circle back to the candidate. Really, companies are pretty smart. If one actually told a candidate they turned them away for their myspace postings, ect, then the company's HR department needs to step up its SOP's or at least its compliance.
  23. I don't know, I mean, I think you handled it fine. Just put him off and keep your distance. No need to get ugly. Some people (like R) probably thrive off of making you feel negative emotion. Why go there? Just don't let him get a reaction out of you, whether it's mercy or sympathy, anger, frustration, or hope.
  24. Honestly, though, companies are much smarter than that. There'd be no way to prove that was the reason you didn't get the job. They would simply get the interviewers on the panel to say something derogatory re: a followup interview or some other claim that they didn't like the person's answer or they found someone with better experience. Companies are savvy and know how to keep this stuff off the written record and keep it verbal. Of course, that requires all parties on the panel to agree to this.
  25. I battle with this as well. I don't really like secrets and shame, but there are some things that are better left undisclosed, like my identity, especially being pregnant and unmarried to a family that may pursue custody someday on some bogus charge.
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