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Everything posted by Blsaphir

  1. Blsaphir

    2nd test

    She should probably take the third test in a day or so, and if you still feel that the test could be wrong, then she should go see a doctor, but those tests are pretty accurate.
  2. I would agree that he is being disrespectful to you, and that he seems to be going through something that is making him feel more self-conscience. I have a few questions, has he just started acting and reacting like this to you just lately? How did he treat you before? What do you know about his past relationships? Has he cheated ever? Does he have the type of job that is very flexible and requires him to take care of when things have a deadline or is it usually a 9 to 5 type of job? It seems to me that he is being very inconsiderate towards you and your feelings, and he is thinking mostly of himself. You brought up some very good examples of his behavior towards you, and I know it's very cliche' but look at his actions, and not what he's telling you. Take a minute and look at how he's treating you. Does it seem like he is tuned into your feelings and considerate of how he treats you? The first question I should have asked is have you told him that what he is doing is emotionally hurting you, and that it is difficult to have a good relationship if things like this continue.
  3. I'm proud that you did the right thing, and are still doing the right thing. The fact that he still saw her, and allowed her to say those things to you proved that he didn't care about your feelings and about his relationship with you. I hope you continue to build your life with understanding of reality and become a stronger person for it.
  4. I'm a girl, and to let you know, there is no way possible to enter the "p hole", unless your penis is the size of a...um...very, very, very small pen, lets just say. If I were a guy, I'd watch and study some porn, and maybe b4 you have sex with someone, go down there and check it out, so you wont be so nervous and it will get easier.
  5. The question is, do you want him for yourself? or do you feel that your not good enough to be with him? or is it that you find your less attracted to him when u first met him and now are pushing him towards her? If you feel that he is a great guy, he cares about you, and you really do want to be with him, then stay with him, and find the things in your relationship that can build it and make it stronger. Have the confidence in yourself.
  6. I saw a similar situation on the Suze Orman show, about a woman who was going to marry her b/f of a long time, and he had financial problems, and she advised to not marry him until he saw his problem, and relized that it will only get worse, and started to be responsible with his money and spending habits. In your situation, I would say that if you do marry him b4 he gets his life in order, it could effect you, and your good/neutral credit, because when two people are in a commitment like that, its hard to stay an individual and have separate bills, accounts, etc., and both of you would be in the same situation. Talk to him about this and tell him your concerned about your future together.
  7. I agree with the above advice. If you stay in this situation, things will just get worst, and that could drag you down emotionally. Think of yourself and dismiss their unfeeling remarks, careless friendships, and your past relationship with your ex. You need to move on, heal with time, and do what's best for you, no one else.
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