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Everything posted by jayjay7

  1. This is exactly what happens to me everytime I give my bf head. My jaw and my neck ache loads. I just get on with it and think it'll all be over soon
  2. Wow, you got fixed in your 20's. I can't imagine anyone doing that, what if you had changed your mind?!
  3. Might be a little weird, this topic, but it just came to me. What does everyone do immediately after sex? For me and my boyfriend, right after (with him still inside me), we have a little cuddle for a bit and say 'I love you' to each other, then I rush off to the toilet! Don't know if many men are like this, but to him it's 'making love' not sex! Aw
  4. That's true. It's not like anyone else is gonna see the bits of them you don't like, just you. And if you can't handle it, you're shallow.
  5. I love it when my boyfriend gropes me all over, especially my bum! Feels great
  6. Yeah he did smoke when I first met him, but it was then that I fell for him, you know, love at first sight kinda thing. You can't really help who you fall for sometimes, can you? He does only smoke about 5 a day, which is a lot better now considering he smoked a packet a day at first. Everything's fine now, it does still bug me but I haven't got the energy anymore to nag him so I'm not too bothered. A couple of years from now, if he's still smoking and if we get serious, like marriage or moving in together, then I'll ask him about it... But until then, I'm fine
  7. I had a kinda similar thing at the start of my relationship with my boyfriend. After a couple of previous flings where they've either left me or not stayed in contact with me, when I started getting serious with my boyfriend, I thought 'mmm, somehow he's gotta leave me eventually, like the others did'. But the longer I stayed with him, I knew he would never leave me and then began thinking that the only way he's gonna leave me is if he dies (!) Weird I know, but I'm ok now! Don't worry, she'll get over it. Hey, and it's only cos she loves you that's why she's feeling like this.
  8. I was almost crying when I read that, I can't believe anyone can be so evil towards their own daughter. The first thing I thought is just move to another country, I know it's not as easy as it sounds, but I think that's the best way to completely get them out of your lives for sure. I really hope everything gets better for you.
  9. Me and my boyfriend say it all the time to each other! If you mean it and know the other really means it too, then there's no such thing as saying it too much! It makes my heart melt everytime he says it
  10. Ok, say she is really 15. You think she shouldn't be dating at all? It is not illegal to date at that age, even for just having fun and spending time with someone else. It is all part of growing up. The more experience she gets of dating and making friends the more headstrong she'll be and she'll know what exactly she wants from a partner in the future. I'm not condoning sex at the age of 15, but in a year she'll be legal anyway.
  11. yes she may be too young for a relationship or sex, but come on, she's only 3 years younger than him. that's nothing. when she turns 16 then they can progress the relationship or whatever. my boyfriend is 5 years older than me and there's no problem at all with that, so 3 years is nothing.
  12. Yes I am going to be very honest and upfront. The thing is, he does want to stop smoking. I have bought him loads of nicotine patches and tried to help him a lot. He promises me that on a specific day, if we're having a day out, he won't smoke at all, but then what does he do? He smokes. He knows I don't like it, and I'm getting fed up of him breaking his promises and wasting my money for nothing ](*,) I realise how hard it is and I'm not forgetting that, but he does want to quit and I want to help, but he won't use his willpower at all. I fear for my health too with all the second hand smoke and I'm going to tell him that I don't want to be near him while he keeps fooling himself that everything's ok. Breaking up with him is out of the question, I'll let you know how it all goes x
  13. Hi, me and my boyfriend love each other dearly, but he smokes. Not as much as he used to (due to my constant nagging) but I'm getting sick of seeing him light up and him not knowing the damage it's causing to his body. We're having a weekend away by the sea in a couple of days and I'm thinking of telling him to enjoy it while he can because he wont see me for a while after that, to make him take me seriously and that it upsets me. I know it won't be long before he comes to his senses and realises that he wants me more than his fags. What does everyone think about this? This is my last resort, I love him too much to lose him to cancer.
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