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Everything posted by comets_21

  1. Wadecure, Thank you so much for posting.... Please listen to him. I had it so bad too, please go back and read my posts if you do not believe me. I was dumped for another guy. I was a mess. NC is the only way to go... and you know what, her and her new bf broke up after about half a year and guess who she is emailing... and to tell you the truth I do not want anything to do with her... she hurt me so bad. If you do want them back OR if you just want your life back together please please go NC. Congrats WadeCure
  2. Hi I was recently talking to Smallworld in PM and I thought I would post my situation in hopes of some answers. Smallworld has been giving me great advice thus far. I was hurt in my last relationship after putting more "love" into it then my S.O. I have been afraid to express my emotions since then. I have been talking to this new girl and she has given me mixed signals, and they are really confusing. For example I called her on Sat on her cell and her house to get together and she did not call me back until Sunday night and she was not busy on Saturday night. When I told her that I called she sort of played stupid. I know for a fact that she is not over her ex, because I used to be in the same spot. I can tell she still thinks and worries about him even though they have no contact. I believe I should date other women for now. NC worked amazing for getting over my EX and she did realize she wanted me back. How should I approach this situation without her thinking I am not interested. I know she has seen the signs that I am interested (gone out on dates, I even bought her something small on Valentines) and she has shown very little signs of interest back. She does though act interested sometimes and I can tell she does like me,, we have gone out on dates and she calls regularly.
  3. Thanks for the advice. FCTEX, I would love to be open with her but I think that might take some more time. The reason I wrote this is because tonight she called me and we talked for awhile. She told me innocently that she was going to her ex's house to drop off some stuff she borrowed. I asked if she was just dropping the stuff off or hanging out and she didn't give me a clear answer... I am assuming she will hang out with him for alittle. She is obviously not ready to be truly with me. I will wait and see how and where things go with us because I really like this girl. I'm hoping I will get some signs that she is in fact interested dating me. I was told by a mutual friend that she did want to date me but I asked him when he heard that and he said about a month ago. I am not going to take things too seriously with her right now. I hate dating games but I am also tired of not having the upper hand in relationships. I told her I might call her tomorrow to meet up. I do not think I am going to call... I can't be that available to her, that is how I got hurt in my last relationship. I would love to hear any more advice.
  4. Hi lately I am getting extremely frustrated. I am talking with a girl that I really like. She has all the qualities I look for in a girl. The problem is she is very confusing. One minute it seems as though she likes me and another she blows me off. I have a feeling she is not over her last boyfriend. She was in a long relationship. It seems as though she likes me but is unsure if she really wants to get involved with me. Thats may explain why I get the signs that she is not interested. I do not want to get walked all over by this girl. When I get frustrated and start not to care about her she shows more interest. This is a tough for me. Do you think I should forget about her and wait for someone that is really into me or give her time to become really interested?
  5. Hi, playing hard to get is not my goal. I just want to become more independent and have her know that I am someone that she is lucky to be talking to. When I did not call her for a couple days, then talked to her, she was the one doing all the talking on the phone. She was telling me about what was new in her life and everything. I felt important. I am still waiting for her to be the one to ask to get together, but I may never have that or she may never become that interested in me. BUT, when I went NC with my ex, I did improve myself and did spend time with those who enjoyed my company. That is why I am such a big supporter of NC. I will let you know how it goes. K87... Thanks alot... Feel free to read some of my first posts to see how bad I had it. Now I realize how terrible that girl was for me. I was so low before.
  6. NC helped me so much in getting over my ex I was wondering if it can help you out in the dating scene too. It seems when I start talking to someone I like I become very attached and it lowers my self esteem when they do not show the same interest back. I am usually the one calling them, and trying to make plans. I also feel low and as if I have no chance when they show little signs of no interest in me. In the past when I stop showing interest the female's interest level goes up. When they come to me is also when I feel most confident around them. I am emotionally clingy and I know I need work on that. My guy friends that have success with girls when they let the girls come to them. There is this girl who I am really interested in but she has not shown the same interest level back. I was thinking of trying slight NC on this girl. One day I told myself I need to not be so easily accessible to her. I did not answer her call because I was at a mate's house and she ended up calling my cell phone 3 times. Try not to rip into me about playing games, I am just trying to gain some self control as I did with my ex. My past relationship I was the nice boyfriend and I ended up getting hurt and played with. Also, when the experts tell you that NC works on getting over an EX, it truly does. She has been asking asking about me and has even tried to contact me but I have no feelings towards her anymore and it really has changed my life for the better. I now realize how much she hurt my life. I was really a mess before. Thanks for the support.
  7. Hi dude, I've been invovled with fitness for many years now. I've tried many many products (still natural though). From my experience, it is best to be in your top physical shape. I have tried many types of creatine. You will get bigger with some types , bulkier, put on 5 pounds, etc. But in the end it is just not worth it. Believe me, looking ripped, with hard muscles and a six pack is alot more appealing then having water-weight, bulky looking muscles. I am now on a very very strict diet. Lots of protein... through shakes, chicken,egg whites, etc.... and have smaller helpings 5 or 6x a day. You will get stronger and with creatine and with some types you will not gain much water weight but personally I found (if your going for looks and overal personal satisfaction) creatine is not needed, in fact, I have no desire to use it again. You can still look big by eating right and working out properly. The only supps I am using now are protein, and fat loss stimulators... and believe me its a deadly combo because I am looking more and more like Terrell Owens everyday. The fat loss stimulators are good, but use them safely.
  8. Hi PocoDiablo. Thanks for the quick response. I have asked her out. We went to a movie and she has also been to my place 3 or 4 times. She does seem interested. I would really love if she asked me to get together sometime instead or even better, bust out and tell me how much she wants to be with me.
  9. Theres this girl that I've been talking to, becoming more close too, etc. Right now we call each other very often, almost everyday. Today I just talked to her for an hour. Our chemistry is great. We've got together a few times and I drive her to university. She seems pretty shy and does not have many friends. She is an extremely good looking person though. To most she would come off obnoxious. I can tell she really keeps her emotions and feelings inside. I can also tell she is begginning to feel more comfortable around me. I still do not know how to tell how interested she is and where she wants things to go. She has not shown any sign of affection or said anything. But neither have I. Although I know I have done more opening up then she has (for example, I'm the one always asking to get together). Other then talking everyday and hanging out here and there there is no relationship material yet. Some days I think she is really into me, for example grabbing my arm, calling me the first day after she arrived home from her vacation, etc. She is not a flirtatious girl at all. How should I proceed without blowing my chances. Should I just keep showing interest but not be desperate and see where things go? Or should I ask her? I really like this girl. Sorry if I rambled on, I just wanted to give you a good picture of the situation. I would love if she initiated the relationship with me. I think I ruined my last relationship by being too desperate. -Comets
  10. Hey.. here's some tips I use Always.. always smile when your on the phone.... your happiness comes off in your conversation Do not babble on... it will show you are nervous.. just say smart things that will interest her, do not talk to much about yourself either. If she can do most of the talking it is a good thing, but you might need to do some talking to make her comfortable with you. Also since this is your first call, don't be upset or down if it is short. I'm short for time, but best of luck. Just keep it cool and calm.
  11. Hey, I was wondering if those in relationships could help me out here. There's this new girl I have been talking to alot lately. How do you think I should go about pursuing a relationship with her? I'm really into her. She's very attractive and we're becoming close. We have been talking and seen each other more and more often. Should I try to show some affection? Or just let things keep flowing? How is the right way to start a relationship?
  12. How do you think I should go about pursuing a relationship with her? I'm really into her. She's very attractive and we're becoming close. We have been talking and together more and more often. Should I try to show some affection? Or just let things keep flowing?
  13. Hey, Thanks for the responses... Things went well today. Before I picked her up for morning class I bought few valentine's chocolates. I bought some for my sisters but she figured out that I bought some especially for her. She didn't take it weird at all, she actually was thrilled and I could tell she really liked it. We talked throughout the day but never ended meeting up. Tonight before I left to a friends, she asked if I want to get together this weekend if she can finish her papers before then. I can tell things are slowly going well... but really slowly. It seems we are both afraid to act to strongly. We both had a tough last relationship. Thanks for the responses!
  14. Hi, I recently been talking to this new girl. We decided to take a class together this semister, and I now drive her to school almost everyday. We talk on the phone and have long fun conversations. Here's the problem... I can't tell if she's interested in me. It sure seems like it.. but I can't tell where she wants things to go. I do not know how to move things forward to that next stage without blowing my chances. I asked her to hang out Friday night, and we went to see a movie. Tonight I asked her to come over and she did. I want things to move forward but I don't know if I should just let things flow or actually try to persue her or talk to her. I hate persuing someone because it often leads to low self confidence. We talked about Valentines day a couple times tonight. We have not shown any signs of affection yet. I was thinking that I could possibly casually ask her to do something for Valentines on Tuesday morning when I pick her up for school. Any thoughts?
  15. Hi, Just wanted to give everyone an update. I have stuck to NC since I told her I did not want to talk to her anymore. She obviously has not tried to contact me either. The last thing we said to eachother was very nice, saying never to forget our memories and what we had. In a sense I feel like I am slowly getting my dignity back but I am also realizing that it is over. It has been tough but I know I must stick to NC.
  16. Hi, This is actually sort of exciting for me because for the past few months I've been slowly getting over my ex. I am currently staying really strong with NC and it has helped. Well I've started talking to a girl that I'm into. She is very attractive and nice but I am still questioning how into me she is. We started talking a little a few weeks ago and decided to take a class together at the university. We have been hanging out at school and talk via text message pretty often and phone once and a while. I did hear from a mutual friend that she was interested in me but I am not sure how strong of a vibe I get from her when I'm with her. Although things seem to be going very slow, do you think I should just back off and see how interested she is, keep playing it cool or should I do the perusing? It's really difficult to be in this stage because I think I still expect or am looking for that relationship. I haven't been in this position in a while and am looking for advice. Feel free to ask me any questions. Thanks.
  17. It happened... So new years eve I get a text message at 11:45 pm saying "aw I miss you so much... It's the first year in so long that we haven't been together but have a good night hun" we ended up talking that night on the phone but both had drinks in us. Anyways I called her this morning and told her everything. How she's playing me and that she'll never take me serious. I said it's not fair to this other guy she's seeing either. I then went on to tell her I don't want to talk to her or see her anymore. She asked if I was going to start something with this one good looking girl that I talk to alot. I told her no, not until I'm over her. We both said how much we mean to eachother... we have been talking for over 3 years. I ended things even though I like this girl so much. Right now I feel like I just want to see her and talk to her but I know for my sake I need to go NC and move on. The anxiety is really getting bad today. I really feel terrible, especially now that I'm out of the picture I feel that she might get pretty serious with this other guy. Now it's time to go NC again and for good...
  18. Sorry I got cut off. Anyways I feel alot better now and am not going to respond to her drunk text message. I know she's going to feel like an idiot about it tomorrow. How does she expect me to act? Especially after seeing that picture. Any comments from anyone?
  19. Here's an update... pretty interesting, it's only been 2 days. I went NC after my post. Later I seen a picture on her AOL pictures of her and the rebound kissing! I was so hurt. I Didn't say nothing to her, just decided I need to stop hurting and move on. Anyways, she tried talking to me on AOL and I kept it polite and short and signed off. I got 2 text messages from her just asking what I was doing later that night? I was going out with some friends and didn't reply to the next day just saying "Hey I just got your message now? sorry." She didn't write back. Tonight she was on AOL again, I think she was drunk because it was her best friend's birthday. Her away name had a song quote in it about losing the one you love. I didn't write her and signed onto invisable after 20 minutes of being online. I then seen in part of her name "Yah right... thanks alot". 5 minutes later I received a txt msg saying "Yah..cya later comets_21"
  20. Along with this forum, sometimes music gets me through some tough times when I can't get my mind off of my ex... I listen to just about everything. Feel free to add your songs. Aqualung - Good times gonna come (anything by aqualung is good) Destiny's Child - Survivor Alice DJ - Better off alone Gangstar - Take it personal Shania Twain - Whose bed have your boots been under Rise Against - Paper Wings (really good song) Rise Against - Blood to Bleed Face to Face - Complicated Face to Face - Disconnected Face to Face - Walk the Walk These are just some songs off the top of my head. But they are good songs and have powerful lyrics. Also, from my experience... NC.
  21. Do you think I should just go back into NC or tell her how I feel?
  22. We are finally starting to get back together, but she is still talking with the rebound guy. She has been down for the holidays and I have seen her three times. She is starting to act like she was when we were together. I seen her rebound's car at her house a day after the first time I seen her. I then went NC and she pulled me back. I have seen her twice since then (she asked to get together). Things have been going good but I do want her back and am still hurt that she is talking with her rebound guy. A part of me wants to just stand up for myself and tell her that I don't want to get played with and that I don't want to talk with her. For example, last time I went no contact she was calling me, and texting me more then ever. On the other hand a, my best friend thinks I should just play it cool, such as not asking about the rebound. Basically act as though she doesn't matter that much to me and keep letting things progress how they are. Tough call for me?
  23. Hey guys, Today I got a Christmas card from my ex. Before I share it I want to tell you about her. She's very attractive, comes from a very wealthy family and basically gets whatever she wants. This is one reason I believe NC worked before. I'm sure you know the basis of my situation. AThe card said; hey! just wanted to write to make sure that you're in the chirstmas spirit. I definatly am and cannot wait for this semister of death to finally be over. I hope your studying is going well, but I know that you'll do great on your exams! :smile: Well, I hope we'll be able to go see that game!! (her dad has NBA box tickets for her.. she wants to bring me) It would be such a good time! xoxoxo I plan on staying in NC and if she happens to txt msg me or call me I will just say Thanks for the card.. it was cute. (she made nice decorations with it) That is all I am going to say. I am not going to ask about her new man or tell her how much she hurt me. Do you have any suggestions?
  24. Hey guys, Today I got a Christmas card from my ex. Before I share it I want to tell you about her. She's very attractive, comes from a very wealthy family and basically gets whatever she wants. This is one reason I believe NC worked before. I'm sure you know the basis of my situation. AThe card said; hey! just wanted to write to make sure that you're in the chirstmas spirit. I definatly am and cannot wait for this semister of death to finally be over. I hope your studying is going well, but I know that you'll do great on your exams! Well, I hope we'll be able to go see that game!! (her dad has NBA box tickets for her.. she wants to bring me) It would be such a good time! xoxoxo I plan on staying in NC and if she happens to txt msg me or call me I will just say Thanks for the card.. it was cute. (she made nice decorations with it) That is all I am going to say. I am not going to ask about her new man or tell her how much she hurt me. Do you have any suggestions?
  25. Hey, I've been reading your post I just wanted to say I too have decided to go NC once again... taking time to improve myself... Try to gain my self respect back. Feel free to read my last post about my situation. If you need any support or want to IM me I will be there. I am too trying to go to NC throughout the holidays... Even a better effort then before. I will keep up to date with our progress. Way to stay strong when you seen your ex. I'm using your posts as motivation for me! -comets
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