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Everything posted by sdguy118

  1. I have been trying as hard as I can to go on about my day without her, and honestly, I think I've been doing pretty good. But lately, I just can't stop thinkng about her. Everything I do I think about her. On the way to my physical therapy every other day, I drive past the place she told me she went on a date with some guy greg to, and every time I drive past the place, I think about her with him. It just kills me inside. I hate to think about it but I do. I really can't talk to her, and I told her I don't like to talk to her that much, cuz every time I do talk to her, she always ends up hurting me in some way or another. I always leave the situation feeling really depressed and distraught about life. I always leave the conversation feeling worthless, and that I have lost the greatest thing to me. but at the same time, there are and i know there are SO many red flags about her and the relationship. I try to tell myself she's not the one for me, but it just kills me every time i think about it. I can't eat at all, I'm losing weight fast...I can't sleep well at all, I went out last weekend and drank tooo much, won't do that agian. that didn't solve anything. i just miss her so much i don't know what to do. help please!
  2. Sometimes I don't know what to do, other than to cry. I gradutate college in 11 days...my grandmother past away just 5 months ago, one of her wishes was to see me graduate. Not only that, but also my ex girlfriend just doens't want anything to do with me it seems like. Sometimes it just feels like the whole world is crashing down, and everyone just seems that everyone doesn't seem to care. It's so hard to move on past everything. I miss my ex-girlfriend SO MUCH!!!! I miss my grandma too. I don't know what to do sometimes. I haven't had any contact with my ex-girlfiend in a little while, it just hurts SO much everytime we talk, I figure why talk to her at all? It HURTS SO BAD! sometimes the only thing that I can do.......is simply cry to sleep. Does anyone ever feel this way besides me? or am I the only person that ever feels like this?
  3. ok, SERIOUSLY NOW, i read all these things, and i've gotta tell you....all these things...that is SOOOOOO me!!!!! omg! I mean totally!!! every single one of those all the way up to number 32!! dang, seriously every one of those things, just says my name all over it. Why can't i meet someone like you? i am all about every one of those......just wanted to let you know that...its just tough finding someone like that...
  4. Today is the second day since i haven't called her, and i have to say this is the hardest thing i've ever had to do. its so hard at times i don't think i'm going to be able to make it. I got in a pretty bad wreck few days ago, and i called her to tell her 'hey i got in a bad accident today, just wanted to let you kow about it, and just say that i'm in a lot of pain right now and just need some support..." she replied by saying, 'well im sorry your in pain, but you have your friends and family for support and i'm not giving you support"....i told her i had a docs app the next day and won't be calling to let her know anything...needless to say, i got a call from her asking how it went, and i told her i'm on super strong pain killers, and that i have another docs app where we're running BUNCH of tests the next day...she said she'd give me a call, the next day sometime, and that she'll talk to me later. needless to say, i got no call the next day, which was yesterday, and last night i saw her best friend ashley at a club, and ashley was just like hey how you doing? good to see you...i told her i got in a bad accident, couldn't move much, and that i was in serious pain.....she asked if my ex knew about it and i told her that i called her and let her know, but didnt really seem like she cared that much about it. ashley said she was really sorry my ex never called to see how i was, and that it really sucked she didn't call. ashley also told me that her new boy she's kinda seeng and her are on bad terms, to which i replied 'i dont care'....needless to say, i knew all that would get back to her, i mean, its her best friend...but really i don't care whatsoever...today is day two of no contact, and no call nothing from her. Do you really think she just doesn't care at all? is she really that selfish? i mean, my gosh, my car is smashed - not driveable...which means i must be extremely painful...and still no call. I just don't get it. Maybe she just doesn't care at all. she has made zero attempt to contact me in any way to see how i am. NOT that i'm like upset and want to speak with her, it just hurts that she hasn't made any effort to see how i am after an accident like that. any advice? is she really that selfish?
  5. I know I need to completely stop making any contact with her whatsoever, but I never realized it would be this tough. I am being honest, I never realized it would be THIS difficult. This is by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I gave her a rose yesterday after she got out of class, I dropped by her school and gave her a rose and a card, just saying something like "hey, I'm really sorry things have gotten to this point...we have had so many good times together, and I just want you to know that I still think of you and miss you, just happy with the time we did share"...ok, I now realize how stupid that was. I should have never given her that rose and flower. After I gave her the rose and card, I just said, "I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but just wanted to let you know how I'm feeling"...she replied "if Greg and I do get together, which I'm really thinking we will, you can't be upset or jealous and have to be happy for me." i have to say, well that kinda sucked. wasn't expecting that. needless to say, after I got done talking with my personal counselor about life and how this all has affected me, i get in my car to drive run couple errands, and got in a bad car accident. I'm a very emotional guy, and at this point, I'm crying bad. I just couldn't keep it together...and the one person, the one person I wanted the most, she wasn't there. I called her later that night, and told her just thought she might want to know about the accident, and just told her i needed some support and care from her...she told me that she cannot give me that anymore...I told her "I JUST GOT IN AN ACCIDENT, GET OVER YOURSELF AND BE A DAM FRIEND"..."please!!!"..........then we hung up. I actually ate all my food last night, for the first time in 2 months!!! i know, good job ryan!! today, i called her and said you know, you seriously can't even call me to ask me how i'm feeling today, after yesterday's accident?? she said that i call her too much and want too much out of her. I just can't believe that. Just another sign saying how mean she can be to me! why do nice guys finish last, always?? she sent me some pictures of her new "special friend", that she's been kinda seeing, and seriously, the guy looks like he'd be a cool guy, but even HE deserves better looking girl than her! I feel bad for him. she and I looked SO much better together than they do...i can't believe she's making this decision. I'm like SO over this, but at the same time, It's SO hard not to contact her. I still love her, and it absoultey kills me to think she's out with some other guy! any advice for getting over cutting contact? any advice for me? i'm totally stressed out with everything! why is she being SO mean??
  6. Thank you so much for writing me back. I seriously don't know how I'm going to make it through this. This is what's weird. I remember so many times looking at her thinking to myself, my friends are right, there are defenitely a lot better looking girls out there, but the thing is, i'm SO IN LOVE WITH HER, she's what i want. I know she didn't treat me right all the time, but what we had together was great, it seemed like she was the one. I have to tell you, i'm a very emotional guy, I find myself just crying all the time over this. She told me today that she never really loved me as much as i loved her. she said that she always felt timid saying "i love you" even though she said it ALL THE TIME. i told her i seriously love her, and she said she knows. omg, i can't believe she said this...i seriously love her! it's just not fair at all. i mean, she's going out and she's all fine and everything, and here i am feeling like i've lost out big. I seriously can't eat anything, i try hard, but have no appetite and a desire for no food. I can't sleep, been waking up every morning at 530, and can't fall back asleep, cry myself to sleep and get to the point where my body just naturally falls asleep i get so tired. i can't concentrate on anything at all, i just don't know what to do. I'm scared because i finish college in a month and a week!!!! i'm trying so hard to pass all my classes and it's just so hard. I just feel like there's no hope in anything. NICE GUYS FINISH LAST. and what's funny, my she even told me that on the phone. she always used to tell me it wasn't true, but now, now she is telling me, you know it actually IS true "i'm sorry you're feeling like this". I'm like, thats it? you're sorry? I told her for the first time in my life, i'm in love, and i know that it's too late. she says she's yeah, she's sorry i feel that way. all i can think about is her getting close with this guy, her doing the same things with this guy as we did, not just physically but more just being with her holding her than anything. I am a Serious cuddler...i love cuddling, i loved being with her. i can't believe this is happening. i feel like a total loser. I know i'm a nice guy, i love being me. I told her i would always treat her better than anyone, and she even said, "i know". why would she not want that?? this is killing me...........
  7. Thank you so much for writing me back. I seriously don't know how I'm going to make it through this. This is what's weird. I remember so many times looking at her thinking to myself, my friends are right, there are defenitely a lot better looking girls out there, but the thing is, i'm SO IN LOVE WITH HER, she's what i want. I know she didn't treat me right all the time, but what we had together was great, it seemed like she was the one. I have to tell you, i'm a very emotional guy, I find myself just crying all the time over this. She told me today that she never really loved me as much as i loved her. she said that she always felt timid saying "i love you" even though she said it ALL THE TIME. i told her i seriously love her, and she said she knows. omg, i can't believe she said this...i seriously love her! it's just not fair at all. i mean, she's going out and she's all fine and everything, and here i am feeling like i've lost out big. I seriously can't eat anything, i try hard, but have no appetite and a desire for no food. I can't sleep, been waking up every morning at 530, and can't fall back asleep, cry myself to sleep and get to the point where my body just naturally falls asleep i get so tired. i can't concentrate on anything at all, i just don't know what to do. I'm scared because i finish college in a month and a week!!!! i'm trying so hard to pass all my classes and it's just so hard. I just feel like there's no hope in anything. NICE GUYS FINISH LAST. and what's funny, my she even told me that on the phone. she always used to tell me it wasn't true, but now, now she is telling me, you know it actually IS true "i'm sorry you're feeling like this". I'm like, thats it? you're sorry? I told her for the first time in my life, i'm in love, and i know that it's too late. she says she's yeah, she's sorry i feel that way. all i can think about is her getting close with this guy, her doing the same things with this guy as we did, not just physically but more just being with her holding her than anything. I am a Serious cuddler...i love cuddling, i loved being with her. i can't believe this is happening. i feel like a total loser. I know i'm a nice guy, i love being me. I told her i would always treat her better than anyone, and she even said, "i know". why would she not want that?? this is killing me...........
  8. i don't know what to do. My girlfriend of 11 months, whom i still am in love with, i love her SO MUCH, just told me she went out on a date with another guy, and she thinks she's into him. ok seriously, we've only been broken up for like 3 1/2 weeks. last week she told me that she didn't love anymore and that she wanted to start seeing other people, i told her she didn't mean that and we could work things out. omg, i can't believe this is happening. so tonight, stupidly i called her, and she told me she went on a date last friday night. i was like "WHAT"???????!!!?!?!?! it really hurt to hear that. turns out the guy is going to UCSD nearby, wants to become a lawyer, and is tall dark and handsome with little more muscle than me, is what she told me. omg, i can't breathe, i seriously feel like i'm about to pass out. how could she do this? it seriously hasn't been that long at all. she told me she's interested in him, and she wants to go out with him again. i just can't believe this. i told her she made the biggest mistake of her life, and she's with a mediocre guy...and she told me, well you don't even know him, he's a really nice guy, i like him alot. omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what should i do? what can i do? why does this hurt so bad?
  9. Hey, please keep me posted on how things are going for you. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, I'm actually going through the same pain right now...I can't believe this is happpening, but it is....let me know, sorry i can't be more help.....just know...YOUR NOT ALONE!!!!!!!
  10. Thanks for replying to my message. I have to tell you, I'm really surprised people actually cared enough to reply. That makes me feel really good, people must care for me. Over the past 30 hours, I have seriously been absolutely numb. It's almost like it hasn't hit me yet fully, it's coming in small spurts. I sent her an email telling her I found out through a friend that I know about her "little date". This was last night, and she tried SEVERAL times to call me, left few voice mails, and left instant messages. I was SO hurt and upset at the whole situation, I didn't reply to anything. Now I feel SO guilty for not calling her back. I did everything I was supposed to, I honestly lived for her in every way, I always strived to be the "perfect boyfriend". And I thought I was. but guess not. it's TRUE WHAT they say...nice guys finish last. Funny, she's calling me right now as we speak, but I can't answer it cuz I KNOW i'm going to get hurt. I'm a very emotional person, and a very affectionate person. I need someone very affectionate. This is killing me not to call her back, but I know it's going to hurt worse. Thanks again for replying...
  11. I've been dating this girl on and off for about 11 months. She is my first real girlfriend. We went for 8 months, then broke up, and I was ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE!!!!! It was extremely tough. I felt like I lost the greatest thing ever. Meanwhile, all my friends and family were telling me that this was for the best, and she wasn't right for me. I was in a serious rut. We got back together eventually, and only for 3 more months. I knew I had to break it apart, because no one liked her except for myself. My closest friends told me she was out for money, and they didn't like her one bit. We broke up, and have been in and out of communication for some time. Then about a week and half ago, she told me she never loved me, she was going to start dating someone soon, and that there was nothing I could do about it. She told me she was going to start dating someone i know, and that she wanted to move on to bigger and better things than me. It CRUSHED ME, i was still in love with her. I haven't eaten anything in days, can't sleep at all, can't concentrate on anything at all, anything. I feel like a zombie! THEN, today, i found out that she went on a date with some other guy she met while bar hopping, She NEVER wanted to go to a place like that with me. This is KILLING me, What do I do?? I still have feelings or her, but i know she is trying to hurt me...help[/u][/i]
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