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Everything posted by donescobar2000

  1. Recently I got a surgical procedure done on myself. I had abdominalplasty. Through my recovery I expected my girlfriend to be there for me. In 2 weeks she has only came to my house 1 time and then there was 1 time in which I wen to her house even though I was in bandages. For the last 1 and a half I have asked her why has she not made an attempt to come see me. Her answer is I don't drive. I admit she work 65 hours a week so that I understand. She also claims she is going through herself. Well she finally told me today what is wrong with her. Her docts have told her she may not have kids and a lot of other complications. Also her father is very sick and she is trying to spend more time with her family. I guess I am adding to her stress. Today we had a big argument, we where on the verge of breaking up but she finally told me all this stuff today. She ask me why can't I understand. But how am I supposed to understand what she tells me nothing that is going on in her life. She says she is not obligated to. To me that seems like it would make things more confusing. Any thoughts from anyone on what I should do?
  2. I went on an out with my family to some casinos. I was upset and feeling down all day because I had not heard from her since Valentine's Morning. I finally get an IM on my cellphone from her saying Hi. So I replied. I said hey. At the time I was upset. So I said hey how are you? She says fine. I go on to ask when am I going to hear your voice? She says maybe when I get finished with my paper. So I go on bickering at her once again. I said. Maybe huh? Then I go on to say. Can't you what I am offering to you? Do you not want happiness? So she answers by saying, "I am getting offline I am upset." She got offline. As soon as she got offline I called her. We argued again about what we argue about everyday. Me and her getting back together. The same issue, in which I bring up the same questions. I ask what do you honestly want from me? Are you playing games? Do you want what I am offering. Everyday that I ask those questions, She gives me the same answers. she says yes I want to get back with you but not at the moment. She says I know what I want, I am not wasting my time. She say yes I want what you offering me. So after a while of argueing, I give her ultimatim. I said, "Crystal if you tell me now to get out of your face right now, I will suck it up like a man and be on my way." "I'm sure you will finde happiness elsewhere, and I wish you goodluck." I also said, "You need to decide now, Take me back now or let me go. She said goodbye. So then she calls me back. We talk like humans again and tells me that she wants everything I am offering. She did not say that she wanted to get back together. But I asked if I could date her at least. She said yes. Before she said yes she said, give me reason why I should. So said everything I have done should show you. I believe she is being hard because I was controlive when I was with her. She feels she wants to be in control now. Please suggest something. I know I left deatail out so ask me please. Ask me what reactions she had. Maybe that can clear things up a little on her true feelings. Feel free to look at my other post t! hanks.
  3. To better understand my situation I suggest you read my other post. Recently I came back to my ex which I walked out on. She begged me for a month and I finally came back. Anyways I have pushed her away. When I came back I was pressuring to get back with me. I kept telling her that if she did not come back I would leave her again. Well I believe she is fed up and now she seems to be making me suffer. I recently was laid off and I needed comfort from her and she was not able to give it to me that made me pressure her as well. Furthermore I have came to her on maybe 4 to 5 occasions saying I am leaving. I have said that many times and I can not seem to do it. Each time I come back and I tell her that I am going to calm down and give her space. Each occasion she has told me that I am lucky. She says I'm lucky because once she is through with her exes she never calls them again or gives them other chances. I asked her what make me different and she says she does not know. Some of those instances I have gotten upset because I have her passwords to an online community of chatting. For some strange reason she has not changed it. Anyway in her messages I have seen that she has been giveing out her Phone numbers out to guys. I have confronted her on it and she tells me that she does not take these guys serious. She also says I should not get mad because we are not together. Although she did catch me doing something like that before while we were together I really can't get mad, but it did still upset me. I believe her to some degree about not taking them serious. She goes to school full time and she works fulltime as well. Should I worry about this? Furthermore I purchased her a promise ring. She declined it saying that she would rather have it once we are together. I took the ring from her and now it is in my possesion. I told her the ring was a sign of my devotion and commitment to her and a sign of better things to come. Recently I have been tired of the way I feel. On two instances that I saw her I said to her that I am not going to be her friend forever. I aslo said that if she does not want happieness from me to find it eleswhere. I told her that I am guaranteeing happieness to her. I told her that on two occasions. When I said that to her her attitude seemed different towards me. She seemed more affectionate. She was approved for an apartment recently. Once she got that called I said congrats. As I said it showed an attitude that I did not care. As I was walking to pick someting up, she says youre not going to visit me? I said that is purely up to you if want to have me as your company. She say yeah I do. So I got kind of happy at that point. We went to to stores on that day. She would pull me as if where together again. When we made it to the care I huged her. I asked for a kiss. At first she says no but then gives it to me. Later that day I was taking her to school for a night class. I reach for her hand and she did not fight it. She gave it to me. I ask if I was her baby and she said yes. I ask if she my baby and she says yes. We finally make it to her school and she says I will call you later Babe. That surprised me. Then 2nd time I saw her I said the same to her. I could tell she was bothered. So as we are driveing I ask why she is not talking to me. She says because she did not want to hear what I told her. I said nothing. So then we somehow start talking about me getting my own place. So I ask, would you come over to visit. She says yes. As she is saying yes, I say maybe you'll come by for a min,2min, 3min. Then she says if come over it will be for a couple of hours. I say like what? 2,3,4 hours maybe a night? She says maybe. I ask her if she would consider marrying me one day. She answer I would like that one day when I have my degree and I know everything about you. So I say you know everything about me. I go on to say, I know you know what I am capable of. She didn't say anything. Then she says I know you know what I am capable of. So I say, I know you are capable of a lot, sarcastically. So she question like what? I said, like i know you would be faithful. So she says youre right. We make it to her work place. We are saying goodbye and I request a kiss again. She says no because she says does not want me to get attactched to soon. So I say I'm hurt. I really was not hurt, I did not care if she gave it to me or not. So she ask me, are you mad? I say no I'm fine. So she thinks I am being sarcastic. She gets back in the car and kisses me. As she leaves out the car she says to me, you are spoiled. Then I say I just love thats all. The night prior to these two outings I kinda gave her an ultimatim. I said make your decision now. Do you want me to stay or do you want to say goodbye now. So she say, since you are nagging me goodbye. So I said bye. I was not going to ever call her again. Minutes later I get a text message to my phone saying, "sorry." I text her phone back saying, thats ok. That is life, right?. So 15 minutes later she calls back saying sorry. She says she is feeling irratable because of things that are going on in her house. So I say this is how I feel. I amseroiously afraid to call you because you seem irritated when I call. It makes me feel like its against me. So if you feel irritable it would be best that you communicate that to me so that I do not feel that way. So we come to an agreement that she will notify me if she feels that way. So I go on to ask if we are going to meet the next day. She replies by saying she really does not know because she feels irritable. So she says I will notify you tomorrow. The next day came and she said meet me at 1:30. On this same day is when I told her about finding happiness somewhere else. Someone please answer me. I extremely recommend that my other post are read before there is a reply to this. this way you may see what she feels as well.
  4. I've done that so many times and she tells me she wants to get back with me but not now becasue she is concerned about her health. When I walked out on her the second time she tried to kill herself and lost our baby in the process. All she tells me to do is wait. I told her yesterday that if she wanted to let go of me now just give me the "word" and she would never have to hear from me. She said she did not want that. She said just be there for the time you where not there.
  5. Recently I posted a story about something terrible I did. If Interested to know my whole situation just take a look at my recent post. Anyways A girl that I walked out on states that she needs to with me to rebuild our friendship and eventually we could be in a relationship with her again. I finally have got it through my thick skull to give her space because I was pressuring her to get back with me. Also I bought her a promise ring to show her that I am real about being committed to her and to never walk out on her again. I walked on her twice. But this time it is not peaches and cream for me to get back with her. She did not accept the ring because she said she rather have it once we are together again. I really do love this girl and I do not want to ever hurt her again. My question is how long should I reamain her friend? When will I know to move on if she never decides to get back with me? Also could it be that she is testing me to see if I will walk out on her again? Also I think she is kind of fed up with me because when we do talk it is always about me and her getting back together. I've noticed that she sounds kind of annoyed when she talks to me? Like I will ask her if she can talk, she will respond by saying "yeah but not for long." Should I do the same when she calls me? Or should I just say I will call you back and don't her back for about two or three days? I do know she loves me, but I also want to make her feel like I am not gonna take that crap from her also. Please help I don't want to let it get to the point where we are being cold towards each other.
  6. About a year and 4 months ago I broke up with my ex. Reason being that she was kind of pushy and had an attitude about a lot of thing. I also felt that I needed space but did not communicate that with her. At the time she lived with. I broke up with her and told her it was because I needed to focus on school. A month went by and she still lived with me. I was once again on the dating scene and and online I received a note through an online community. The note was from a girl who stated she wanted to get to know me. At first I was afraid to reply because she actually intimidated me by her looks. After the third note I finally replied to her. We eventually met and even went out on a couple of dates. For two months we dated and my ex was still liveing with me. I never mentioned it to her because I did not want to lose her and did not know how to tell her. I kept telling her that she could not come to my house because my parents did not like me to have company over my house. So we would always chill at her house. Everything was going smooth we where both happy. After the two months of dating I started to feel that I did not like her anymore. Because my ex still lived with me I was affected by her looking unhappy and depressed. I decided to come clean with the girl that I met online. I told her the truth. I also told her that I going to go back with my ex. I hurt her. For two days she would call me crying telling me to come back. We once again went out. We went to the movies. I took her out because I felt sorry for her. The date turned to getting me back with her. I started thinking of the things I did not like about my ex. I broke it to my ex that things where not going to work out. She eventually moved, but contact with her was not lost. Myself and the girl I met online finally became a couple. Everyone was once again going smooth. We did everything together. Go to the movies, shopping, working out, etc. While dating her though I was so obsessed with losing weight because I was obese and because I was not reaching my goals I would become depressed. Reason I was not reaching my goals was because I would eat right. I would take it out on her and even got on her for what she would eat. I felt I needed comfort from her and would not get it when I needed it. I would be reminded that my ex would give met and once again I broke it off with the girl I met online. Again I hurt her. She would call to ask to see me at work. I would reply by telling her that could not happen. She asked me if we could still be friends. I stated we couldn't. My goal was to cut off all communication. I chose this because my ex knew all about her. Myself and my Ex dated for a couple of weeks and once again I was reminded of how she was. I again broke it off. I called the girl I met online and told her I wanted to get back with her. The problem is she doesnt believe me that I will not hurt her again. She says she wants to build the friendship first and then maybe go the next level. She confuses me a lot though. I ask her out and all I get is answers like " I don't know." If I ask if we are ever to get back together she gives me emtpy answers. She totally seems cold. She does call me and sometimes still calls me "baby." My question is how can I win her back. I love her a lot and I really want to show her that I won't do it again. Anyways if you may have any further questions on this please email me or reply I'm pretty sure I left something out but I'm thinkging so much I dont't know what to write. Today I told her I could not let go of our memories. Although we have had bad ones the good ones where beautiful. When I told her to remember the memories she simply stated she did not want ot talk about it. I just dont know what to do. I am so confused I dont know whether to let her be or stay. It seems to me like she is not thinking of any of the goods we had together. But I am so confused. When I ask her If I should really wait for her she gives me empty answers. I ask her if we are ever going to get back together and she tells me she does not know. She also says she would like to get back to me sometime in the futre but the question is when, and to that there is no answer from her. My heart is in pain and buring for her. But I just do not know what to do.
  7. About a year and 4 months ago I broke up with my ex. Reason being that she was kind of pushy and had an attitude about a lot of thing. I also felt that I needed space but did not communicate that with her. At the time she lived with. I broke up with her and told her it was because I needed to focus on school. A month went by and she still lived with me. I was once again on the dating scene and and online I received a note through an online community. The note was from a girl who stated she wanted to get to know me. At first I was afraid to reply because she actually intimidated me by her looks. After the third note I finally replied to her. We eventually met and even went out on a couple of dates. For two months we dated and my ex was still liveing with me. I never mentioned it to her because I did not want to lose her and did not know how to tell her. I kept telling her that she could not come to my house because my parents did not like me to have company over my house. So we would always chill at her house. Everything was going smooth we where both happy. After the two months of dating I started to feel that I did not like her anymore. Because my ex still lived with me I was affected by her looking unhappy and depressed. I decided to come clean with the girl that I met online. I told her the truth. I also told her that I going to go back with my ex. I hurt her. For two days she would call me crying telling me to come back. We once again went out. We went to the movies. I took her out because I felt sorry for her. The date turned to getting me back with her. I started thinking of the things I did not like about my ex. I broke it to my ex that things where not going to work out. She eventually moved, but contact with her was not lost. Myself and the girl I met online finally became a couple. Everyone was once again going smooth. We did everything together. Go to the movies, shopping, working out, etc. While dating her though I was so obsessed with losing weight because I was obese and because I was not reaching my goals I would become depressed. Reason I was not reaching my goals was because I would eat right. I would take it out on her and even got on her for what she would eat. I felt I needed comfort from her and would not get it when I needed it. I would be reminded that my ex would give met and once again I broke it off with the girl I met online. Again I hurt her. She would call to ask to see me at work. I would reply by telling her that could not happen. She asked me if we could still be friends. I stated we couldn't. My goal was to cut off all communication. I chose this because my ex knew all about her. Myself and my Ex dated for a couple of weeks and once again I was reminded of how she was. I again broke it off. I called the girl I met online and told her I wanted to get back with her. The problem is she doesnt believe me that I will not hurt her again. She says she wants to build the friendship first and then maybe go the next level. She confuses me a lot though. I ask her out and all I get is answers like " I don't know." If I ask if we are ever to get back together she gives me emtpy answers. She totally seems cold. She does call me and sometimes still calls me "baby." My question is how can I win her back. I love her a lot and I really want to show her that I won't do it again. Anyways if you may have any further questions on this please email me or reply I'm pretty sure I left something out but I'm thinkging so much I dont't know what to write. Thanks.
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