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Everything posted by donescobar2000

  1. DAY 18 ........I pray for her everynight hoping she will find herself... At the moment...I am married to my music.
  2. Day 16 - Will I ever hear from her again after ignorning her IM a week and half ago? Probably not.
  3. DAY 15 - Yeap...she still pops into my head. Not so much because I have been so busy. Ah!
  4. Day 12 - It has been almost 2 weeks. I am staying busy making moves with my music. She pops up in my head but not like before. I can say I am smiling a whole lot more these days. I still love this dumb broad though.
  5. I am just fed up with the non sense I went through...trying to show her I really did care for her after 2 months after the break up. I have been keeping busy. She pops in my mind but I turn my attention to something else after a while. Day 11 *shrugs again* lol
  6. Day 9 - She continues to pop in my head every now and then...but I am keeping it moving. No matter how much I love her...I will not let her break me down.
  7. Day 8 - I have thought about her today...but I can say I am doing better.
  8. I made it to day 7. At the moment I am sad but remaining strong with NC.
  9. DAY 6 - Yesterday I got an IM from her saying "Hey I wanted to say hello. Is it cool we do that even tho we arent friends?" I simply ignored her. People don't know what they have until it is gone. If she is a WOMAN and has something of more sense to talk about. She will know what to do. I will not entertain confusion.
  10. Me personally...I will not be wishing my ex a happy bday in August...I feel to hurt by her. She took me out for my bday...which I appreciate...but I feel it will be even more hurtful to contact her. Why should I???
  11. Day 5 - Same stuff...woke up to thoughts of her. I have been trying to keep myself busy although hard. Promising things are coming my way musically. I am hoping for the best. I believe my complete happiness lies in my music so I am shifting my focus.
  12. Judging from our last IM I get the feeling she does not care either...I'll probably never hear from her. But now I am a Ghost to her. My Myspace page is a little out of control. I am a recording artist...and I get A LOT of attention from women. Wonder if she looks at it...
  13. Day 4 - Woke up sad again...thinking about her. Last night I was thinking of the good times...wish she could just be a distant memory.
  14. This is how I feel at this point...I feel my ex was the same as mentioned above...smh...
  15. Back in NC... Day 3 I have truthfully given up. I feel betrayed by her...she let me down. I love her but I am now dead to her.
  16. Broke NC - I did it...I still would like to work it out with her. At this point all I know is she is mad because she feels I stopped talking to her. She said to me she never wanted to move on...but at this point she said she no longer has the same goal as me (getting back together). Maybe she is speaking out of anger...I don't know. At this point. If she wants to talk I am open to it...but as far as asking her out I am not doing that. I am not talking about relationship anymore either. All she needs to do is realize that I do care. I have made it clear to her that I no longer know what to do to help us. I am working on myself with my therapy and my reading. I will be going out to clubs, lounges, etc. to keep my mind off things. I have no intentions on dating or anything...It is about ME and being a better person and not worrying about the relationship like I did before. She went out of the country to the Dominican Republic for the weekend...she said she talk to me when she returns. We shall see what happens thereafter.
  17. Day 6 - Yesterday I took off...I was feeling down. Today I am back at work. Yesterday evening I spent it talking to friends. They kept my mind off things and I am planning a night of clubbing this friday with a bunch of my female and male friends. I am trying to keep busy. I feel better than I did yesterday morning.
  18. Day 5 - It has been 2 months since the break up and I still am not over the break up. As noted I am walking away from it all as of Wenesday from "seeing where it goes." I called out today from work I am just down. However I intend on going to the gym with my friend later.
  19. Day 4 - I went to a Lounge last night with a female friend. Low and behold I found out my ex is coming too. I can not escape this girl. Once I told my friend about it she said danced with me more. Come to find out she did not see me. Now I am at work pissed off...just thinking of how my ex how confused my ex has left me because she does not know what she wants (although she probably really does).
  20. Day 3 Everyone...I have not been motivated to do much of anything but I somehow manage to pick myself up. A NOW mutual friend said she spoke to her and told her "He and I are friends right now and that is working for the best now." Not much hope there...
  21. Day 1...we got into an argument yesterday which I told her not to respond to me if when I asked if we both have a commong goal(working it out). I responsed 20 minutes later or so saying...Do not answer me...it is cool. Reason for the argument...she asked how would I break it to her if I told her I was likeing another girl. Made me feel like she is fishing for something or wants me to move on. Off of this we argued and she said I took her words out of context! I told her I was not activly looking for anyone and do not intend on it. Have not heard from her since 11 am yesterday. I refuse to contact her...I feel I kissed up to her to much. I would like to do something today...but I do not know what to do...I may just do some writing and recording of music.
  22. I swear I need to go back to the gym...and I love it...lol. lost my motivation...I am going tomorrow!!!
  23. DAY 4... I am going to the gym with my friend. I am back at it after a 3 month break.
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