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Everything posted by Crazyscottie

  1. We've known each other for about two years now. We've hung out a few times (mostly at youth group events), and we're friends. Not BEST friends, really, but certainly not strangers.
  2. I like a girl who is: -Intelligent -Kind and considerate -Funny and fun to be with -NOT concerned with sex -A Christian -A non-alcoholic, non-druggie She must also know how to balance her time, not be too concerned with PDA (but also know when to be wild ), and NEVER lead guys on or cheat on them.
  3. A girl's hair color has no bearing on her personality. You should apologize to your ex, first of all. Was he angry with you before that, or only because you said that?
  4. First of all, how long has this whole thing been going on? If it's only a week or two, I wouldn't go crazy over it just yet. You've probably heard this a dozen times, but I'll say it again - It's probably just stress and/or problems with his girlfriend or family. On the other hand, if he's been avoiding you for several months, something could be up. Either you may have inadvertently said something that upset him, or he might think your e-mails were too much (that you're smothering him), or (to put this in a better light), maybe his Internet's just been screwy. If he went from DSL to dial-up, that'd reduce his online time quite a bit. I hope I've helped. Good luck!
  5. She'll probably give the same general signs that a girl gives when she's not interested in a guy. For example, if you tell a joke or make a funny comment, she won't laugh a bit. She may not even smile. She might also look away a lot, like she's trying to evade your eyes. She could even begin walking away from you (rude, but very obvious). Overall, just keep your senses peeled and stay cool. Do you like this girl at all, or are you just flirtatious by nature?
  6. Tell you what... I have a friend who went through something very similar to this (including the cutting). You know what she learned? She learned that being angsty and inflicting pain upon herself got her nowhere. Nowhere at all. She got loads of attention, believe me. But in the long run, all it really did to her was leave a bunch of scars (both physical and emotional), and believe me, you don't want that. Your first step should be to come to the realization that she isn't the girl for you. You practically admitted that already: "i know shed probably cheat on me shes been with all my friends more than once maybe its not her i love i just like having some one hug me and let me know im cared about". If you just love having someone hug you and let you know that you're cared about, why does it have to be this particular girl? You've probably heard this before, but I'm saying it again - There are plenty of fish in the sea. I don't care how popular or unpopular you are, what you look like, how much money you have, or any of that crap. There is someone out there for you! And that someone will treat you as you deserve to be treated! Don't settle for a girl just because she flirts with you. There are better rewards to come down the road.
  7. To keep this short and sweet, I'll just answer your three questions. 1) I read a statistic somewhere, but it's lost now. It was something like 80% of people end up cheating on someone at least once (don't quote me on that; it's from memory). As far as guys specifically, I would guess that the percentage is higher than what it is for girls. Unfortunately, I can't give you much of an answer on this. Looking at a guy's past will definitely help, though. 2) A resounding YES. A lot of things can happen in a few months. You don't want to break up with your boyfriend now only to discover in August that you could have stayed together easily. Give it a chance. 3) I hate to say this, but no. No, no, no, and definitely NO. (That doesn't just go for guys, though - remember that.) Sure, people change. Many people change. Most people change a little bit, and a few people change a lot. But disloyalty is such an elementary personality trait that it's almost ingrained for life once someone is unfaithful the first time. I would give him a chance, but don't fall into a trap. That's about it. Good luck.
  8. Let's use common sense here. If she cheats on her current boyfriend, what makes you think she wouldn't cheat on you? Think of your long-term plans before you jump into anything. There are names for girls like her. (But we have to keep it clean in the forums.)
  9. In my opinion, you're looking at about an 80% chance that she does like you. The key here is in this sentence: "She told my friends and other ppl that she doesnt have interest in me." She told your friends that she has no interest in you? That could very well be a lie. It'd be different if she had told her friends that. The reasoning is simple: If you were head over heels for someone but wanted to keep it on the DL, would you tell all of her friends? Of course not; you know they'd probably slip the secret to her. But would you tell your friends? Yes; they just might be able to help with the hookup. I bet that's what's going on in her mind. Women rarely wear their hearts on their sleeves; more often than not, they will send you some sort of signal, or not even any signal at all. If you approach her, she'll likely respond favorably. You might try talking to one or two of her friends about the situation and see what they're willing to disclose. But in any case, if you really like this girl, you should make an attempt to become closer to her. Trust me; it will be worth it. Good luck. [/i]
  10. No matter how you slice the cake, you're going to have to confront your girlfriend eventually. One thing that might help is deciding whether or not her cheating means the end of your relationship. IMO, it definitely would, but I can't speak for you. Deciding this will prevent you from not knowing what to say when you finally do confront her! Other than that, the answer is probably to just do it. You should talk to her face-to-face, but the phone is another possibility if you can't bring yourself to do otherwise. Whatever you do, do not go through e-mail or a friend. Friends can twist her words (and yours), and with e-mail, you may never receive a reply! Good luck with this.
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