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Love my boyfriend but he makes me feel sad


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I love my boyfriend to death and he is a really good guy, don't get me wrong. We all have our flaws. But one thing that has really been bothering me these past few days is how he's been saying that I am a liability and that I've never done anything for him or I'm never there for him.

The reason for him to be saying these things is because I can't make it to a job interview with him on Friday as I'm going to my sisters birthday meal which I have already planned for weeks before he found out he had an interview. I even tried to make it to his interview even though it is in another city(we live in different cities) which means I would have to catch a train to his city then we catch another train which is another one and a half hour journey long. I've not even mentioned to him about how difficult it would be to travel all the way there and back at all, all I have been asking him about is which time he think he will be done there so I can book the right train journey back so I'm not late for my sisters birthday meal. He just starts having a go at me saying I him off for everyone else when that's clearly not the case and I just feel like he doesn't see my efforts.so it really hurts me when he says these things. He then said that I shouldn't expect him to make any effort with me back when I'm always the one who goes down to see him in his city and was even going to go to his interview but now he's really put me off because he keeps putting me down saying I'm ignorant and don't put him first. I just feel really sad and upset and like I'm not good enough. He's not been speaking to me properly and to be honest I don't want to speak to him but I feel like I need to say something to him I just don't know how to.

I would really appreciate some advice, thank you.

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....Ummm....is he 12 years old or something? Who on earth brings their gf/bf to a job interview with them? How utterly juvenile and ridiculous.....


You say he is a good guy, but then he is always putting you down, making you feel bad, calling you stupid, acts like he is a child who needs a babysitter, attacks you over prioritizing your sister's b-day ( you SHOULD prioritize that, btw). I don't know what to say to you really - a good man doesn't act like your bf, not even close.

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It’s better that you don’t do with him to an interview! Any manager would see that as a major red flag and not hire him. It’s expected that adults are able to do certain things alone (go on job interviews, go to the dentist’s office, etc....)

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The best advice I can give you is - don't be like me and stick around for 9 years. Trust me on this - it WILL get worse.

Cancel your plans for your sisters birthday and not only will your family be annoyed at you, but he will know he can control you. Soon you'll be putting him & his family before yourself & your family, and thats not right.

I've made plans to see my sister 3 weekends in a row but his family wanted to come over. If he'd said no, we already have plans, his family would have been fine with that. But he wouldn't, I have to cancel instead. And the controlling behaviour will not stop there.

Get rid of him before you end up living my life, its not fun.

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The best advice I can give you is - don't be like me and stick around for 9 years. Trust me on this - it WILL get worse.

Cancel your plans for your sisters birthday and not only will your family be annoyed at you, but he will know he can control you. Soon you'll be putting him & his family before yourself & your family, and thats not right.

I've made plans to see my sister 3 weekends in a row but his family wanted to come over. If he'd said no, we already have plans, his family would have been fine with that. But he wouldn't, I have to cancel instead. And the controlling behaviour will not stop there.

Get rid of him before you end up living my life, its not fun.

This. All of this.
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OP, none of what you described is normal.


Sadly, I get the sense you now think it is because it's how he always treated you, so you've learned to jump to attention when he makes absurd demands.


This is no "flaw." It's controlling and should be unacceptable to you. No truly good guy would put you in a such a difficult position.

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