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tina-rocks last won the day on December 18 2009

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  1. I found this fascinating and first read when the series the Thorn Birds aired in the 80s. There are different quotes of this and today I looked again and found this one. Thought I would post it after seeing this thread. Great idea by the way. WRITTEN BY FR. FERNAND CASSISTA, M.S. Recently, I read a beautiful book entitled, The Seven Last Words of Jesus by Fr. Alfred McBride (St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1990, paper, 87 pages). Father McBride begins his book with the legend of the thorn bird: The Song of the Thorn Bird Untitled-1“According to legend, the thorn bird sings just once in its life. Leaving its nest, it searches for a bush with long, sharp thorns. Upon finding such a bush it impales itself on the biggest thorn. At that moment it begins to sing. “The bird out-carols the lark and the nightingale and the world pauses to listen. God smiles with pleasure at the captivating melody. What is the message of this sacrificial music? Life's most satisfying moment can be purchased only at the price of great pain – so says the legend.
  2. It's 6.40am Saturday morning and it's Bank Holiday here in the UK. It's sunny outside, but a frosty morning and the birds are in full song.
  3. The love I feel for you can fill all the oceans of this world, and if you had only stayed you would have seen this. I understand finally what love should be and how another person can complete the part of you that's missing, for when it comes it holds such beauty, and therefore when it's gone can be the hardest to bare. My heart is in pieces, I am torn from the inside out by your leaving me the way you did, but despite my pain you are still my love. My heart belongs to you and I will take this with me when my time comes, for it knows no bounds and will be with me from this life into the next. I love you.
  4. That is a beautiful poem vandalayceo.. you are truly a wonderful husband. Congratulations on keeping your love alive.. Have a wonderful day together. Christina x x
  5. Oooo it's been so long.. Only contact in-between was about my two cats..
  6. I set out on a narrow way, many years ago Hoping I would find true love, along the broken road But I got lost a time or two, wiped my brow and kept pushing through I couldn't see how every sign, pointed straight to you Every long lost dream, led me to where you are Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars Pointing me on my way, into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Yes He did I think about the years I spent, just passin' through I'd like to have the time I lost, and give it back to you But you just smile and take my hand, you've been there you understand It's all part of a grander plan, that is comin' true Every long lost dream, led me to where you are Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars Pointing me on my way, into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Yeah Now I'm just rollin' home into my lovers arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you
  7. I have learned the hard way to just live day by day. It's the only thing we really have as it's consistent. Always a new day around the corner.
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