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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    When Wrong Means Right: The Value of Respect and Patience in Love

    It is a phenomenon far too common: when two people so desperately try to understand or, more often, misunderstand one another, only leading to further strife. Such is the story of a young man and woman going through a relationship under strain. She may feel he is too cold, unresponsive, or not devoted enough; he might think she is emotional, erratic and unpredictable. In truth, it can be a number of things. But it really boils down to the basics: respect and patience.

    It is crucial that individuals maintain their composure and dignity at all times, even during heated exchanges. No matter how strongly one believes he or she is being wronged, defensiveness and dismissive language can only lead to further animosity. This disrespect can quickly escalate emotions as people will then assert that their position is the only valid viewpoint, which can be extremely damaging for a person's emotional and mental health, as well as the relationship itself. Instead, it is best to remain considerate and constructive in an effort to build understanding and show sincere interest in your significant other.

    This is just one small example of what countless relationships experience. For many cases there is simply no answer that ‘fixes’ it; however, there are certain values that everyone should strive to uphold to give the relationship a better chance at thriving. And that is the key: chance. No one can guarantee success in a relationship, but it can be given a greater opportunity by exercising restraint, remaining open-minded and being willing to explore the unknowns.

    One thing that really completes any relationship is effective communication. This can help both partners reach compromises and resolutions accordingly. It takes practice, patience and true dedication to exchange feelings and irritations without resorting to anger. Learning to recognize when words become weapons to hurt or control can be challenging, but it’s one of the most important parts of any relationship.

    Additionally, creating a healthy environment for growth is also essential for any relationship. Both parties must be willing to listen and share each other's experiences, embracing different perspectives on similar matters and building on the relationship from there. While occasionally difficult, creating a safe place to express opinions—even if they are vastly different—is paramount. By allowing each to grow and make mistakes, understanding will follow and can boost both the confidence and trust in the relationship.

    Furthermore, investing in yourself is valuable when maintaining a successful relationship. Pursuing hobbies, taking self-care days, taking up spiritual practices—all of these assist in the revitalization process, letting you come back to the relationship refreshed mentally and with newfound perspective. This can represent a new beginning for struggling relationships, as you will continue to become more accepting of yourself and others.

    Recognition is essential. Most of us have had moments where we thought we were right, only to realize our true point was missing from the conversation. Many times, respect and patience can be the bridge between being heard and being understood. It does not guarantee success, but it does provide an avenue to work together toward a better future.

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