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    Body Language Tricks to be Immediately Likeable in Relationships


    When you meet someone for the first time, it's natural to want to make a good impression. Sure, we can use words to share our thoughts and feelings, but we communicate much of who we are through body language. Studies have shown that body language is actually a much more powerful communication tool than spoken communication – so when it comes to making an immediate and positive impression on a new acquaintance, understanding body language can be incredibly useful.

    Here are a few body language tricks to follow for being instantly likeable in the realm of relationships:

    Smile Genuinely

    A smile opens the door for forming connection and a sense of harmony between two people. The warmth of your smile helps show that you’re pleased to meet the other person and creates a relaxed and inviting atmosphere. Furthermore, a genuine smile helps come across as authentic and sincere which strengthens trust and helps build a relationship.

    Make Eye Contact

    Eye contact is key when it comes to forming a connection with people. When arriving and during the entire conversation, make sure to keep your eyes focused on the other person's. It shows respect, interest, and enthusiasm and can help create a feeling of mutual understanding and connection between the two of you.

    Stay Relaxed

    Staying relaxed is important because it helps calm your nerves and keep you from giving off an air of being overly anxious or uncomfortable. Make sure to use deep breathing to remain calm and relaxed and try to maintain an open body language. You may be tempted to cross your arms or hug yourself, but this can come across as closed-off or defensive. Instead, sit tall and keep both hands visible and open.

    Don’t Interrupt

    Interrupting someone else while they’re talking conveys to the other person that you don’t think their opinion is valuable or worthy of consideration. Furthermore, it can give them the impression that you’re not really interested in what they have to say and don’t care to foster trust or strengthen the relationship. It’s not worth risking a negative impression, so wait your turn and give the other person a chance to talk.

    Listen Actively

    Nothing shows a person that you’re listening and care about the relationship more than active listening. Show the other person that you’re taking in what they’re saying by occasionally nodding, affirming their statements and asking follow-up questions. When you actively listen, you not only show the other person respect and appreciation, but also have the opportunity to learn more information to build your relationship together.

    Have an Open Mind

    Going into a conversation with an open mind increases the chances of creating a meaningful connection. It may be difficult to stay open-minded if you’ve already formed beliefs or opinions about the other person, but try to set those aside and actively listen to the conversation in order to form a level of understanding. Be aware of the prejudices and judgments you may naturally have, and try to put them aside, focusing on being attentive and receptive.

    Acknowledge Nonverbal Cues

    People don’t just communicate with words, but also through body language, gestures and facial expressions. Pay attention to them as they may provide clues to how you can better interact. If they’re keeping their arms crossed and not smiling then you may need to adjust your approach a bit. Acknowledging these nonverbal cues can help you get on the same page and make it easier to establish a meaningful connection.

    Body language is a powerful tool and utilizing it properly when trying to make a positive impression can be invaluable. Remember to smile genuinely, make eye contact, stay relaxed, listen actively, acknowledge nonverbal cues and show an open mind. All of these things together can help you be instantly likeable and create strong and lasting relationships.

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