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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    7 Texts to Send Your Ex After No Contact

    If you're reading this, it's likely you're considering reaching out to your ex after a period of no contact. First off, know that it's completely normal to still have feelings for someone you've been deeply involved with. Relationships are complex, full of ups and downs, joys and heartaches. A part of you might be yearning for closure, while another might be longing for a fresh start. Either way, it's important to approach this with a level head and clear intentions.

    It's crucial to note, however, that the aftermath of a breakup isn't always the best time to reconnect. Hurt, anger, confusion—they can all cloud your judgement. That's why the 'No Contact Rule' is often advised as a first step post-breakup, allowing both parties to heal and reflect on the relationship. This rule is not about ignoring or forgetting your ex; it's about finding yourself and reassessing your needs and desires. Remember, it's okay to think about your ex, but reaching out should only come after you've given yourself time to heal and reflect.

    As a man who's been in your shoes, I've navigated the troubled waters of breakups and the No Contact Rule. It was a painstaking journey—filled with countless mistakes and self-discovery—but it also led me to some profound realizations about relationships, communication, and emotional well-being. And so, I bring you this guide—not as an all-knowing guru, but as someone who's experienced the confusion, pain, and uncertainty that comes with a breakup.

    The No Contact Rule: Breaking it Down

    Before we delve into the texts you should send your ex after the no-contact period, let's first understand the principle behind the No Contact Rule. In essence, this rule entails completely cutting off communication with your ex for a specific period, usually around 30 to 60 days. The main aim is to allow healing, reflection, and personal growth.

    It's important to remember that the No Contact Rule isn't a game or a manipulation tactic. Instead, it's a time to focus on yourself, rebuild your life, and redefine your goals. When used correctly, it can serve as a bridge between your past relationship and a potential future, whether that's with your ex or with someone new.

    The aftermath of a breakup can leave you feeling like an emotional wreck, making it difficult to think rationally about the situation. The No Contact Rule allows you the time and space needed to gain perspective. It's also a test of resilience and determination. If you can resist the urge to contact your ex during this period, it signifies your readiness to take the next step—reconnecting.

    Reaching Out: A New Approach

    Once the no-contact period is over, the urge to reconnect can be powerful. But before you pick up your phone, remember that how you reach out is as important as the decision to do so. In the following sections, we'll explore seven surprising texts you can send your ex after the no-contact period, providing an insight into why these messages can be effective.

    Text #1: The Memory Jogger

    This text involves sharing a memory that you both cherished. The goal isn't to invoke feelings of regret or nostalgia, but to remind your ex of the good times. It's a subtle way of communicating that you're not stuck in the past, but rather, appreciate the moments you shared. This can be something as simple as: "I walked past the old cinema we used to visit today. It reminded me of our film marathons. I hope you're doing well."

    Text #2: The Growth Acknowledgment

    Let your ex know that the break up has been a learning experience for you. Show them that you've grown and understood the issues that led to the split. Be careful not to make it sound like a plea for them to take you back. Instead, express gratitude for the growth. For instance: "I've done a lot of thinking and realized how much I've learned from our time together. I've been working on being more understanding and patient, qualities you always embodied."

    Text #3: The Apology

    If you were in the wrong during the breakup, now might be a good time to apologize. However, this needs to be done without expecting an apology or even a response. It should be an honest admission of your mistakes. A simple, "I'm sorry for the way things ended between us. I now realize where I went wrong and I'm truly sorry." can go a long way.

    Text #4: The Catch Up

    After some time has passed, it's okay to show interest in their life. This shouldn't be intrusive, but a casual catch-up, a text that opens the door for them to share if they feel comfortable. For example: "I was just wondering how you've been. I hope everything is going well for you."

    Text #5: The Casual Invitation

    Once the conversation is flowing, you may want to suggest meeting up. Keep it light and non-committal, like: "Hey, there's this new café in town that I thought you might like. Would you like to check it out together?"

    Text #6: The Feel-Good Message

    Send a message that will bring a smile to their face, even if it's something small. An inside joke or a link to an article or video you both would enjoy can do the trick. For example, "Remember how much we laughed at those cat videos? I just saw one that you would love."

    Text #7: The Emotional Check-in

    Lastly, let them know that you're there for them. But remember, you should only send this if you genuinely mean it, not as a way to get back together. "Just wanted to say that I'm here if you ever need to talk. We've been through a lot together, and I still care about your well-being."


    Reaching out to your ex after the no-contact period can be a daunting task. However, by employing the right strategies, you can effectively communicate your intent and pave the way for a healthy conversation. Remember, every relationship is unique, so take the time to reflect on yours and choose the approach that fits best.

    The goal should not necessarily be to reignite the romance but to establish a healthy connection, whether as friends or perhaps something more. Either way, always respect your ex's response or their decision to not respond at all. Keep in mind that reconciliation is a two-way street—it requires both parties to be willing and open.

    Breakups are tough, and so is the journey that follows. But remember, the path to growth often begins with a single step—or in this case, a single text. So go ahead, take that step.

    Further Reading and Resources

    1. "Getting Past Your Breakup: How to Turn a Devastating Loss into the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You" by Susan J. Elliott
    2. "Reigniting Romance: 5 Reasons to Consider Reuniting with Your Ex" - Psychology Today
    3. "How to Fix a Broken Heart" - TED Talk by Guy Winch

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