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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    How To Make Peace With Your Past Relationships And Move On

    Letting go of a failed relationship is one of the hardest and most painful task a person can endure. The roller coaster series of emotions such as anger, sadness, disappointment, despair, and regret make it truly difficult to make peace with yourself and the past. It feels like living with a piece of broken glass embedded deep in your heart. Every time you breath, every step you take, the pain will catch up with you and haunt you for eternity.

    The truth is that life is filled with both bad endings and good beginnings; it's an inherently cyclical process. It is important to acknowledge your feelings and stop feeling guilty for your grief. Give yourself time to heal and remember to be kind to yourself. Grief is complicated and doesn't always have an obvious path or journey.

    One of the first tricks to practice when trying to get over a break-up is to stay present. It's natural to want to relive the past, reminiscing on the times spent laughing, sharing moments, or just being around each other. While reminising is healthy in small doses, dwelling in the past can prevent you from forming new relationships or having a healthy sense of self love. Instead, think of the how distance has allowed you to heal and explore different aspects of yourself that were masked by the relationship.

    Sometimes it can be hard to forgive yourself and the other person involved. However, everyone makes mistakes so it is essential to practice active forgiveness. Take time to reflect on all the positive attributes the other person brought to the relationship, conversely identify your own contributions, both good and bad. What have you not done to leave the relationship amicably? It may also help to have an honest, raw conversation with the other person about things you are both regretful about and talk about some values you learned from the experience that you'll carry with you forward. Listening to the other person's perspective can help put things into perspective.

    The most effective way for overcoming emotional turmoil of heartbreak and managing the aftermath of a failed relationship is to shift focus from the past to the future. Make sure to stay conscious of your progress and accomplishments in your healing journey and recognize every success as a stepping stone along the path of recovery. While easier said than done, focus on the things you can control such as taking care of yourself emotionally, rebuilding relationships, and making changes that move you away from the heartbreak.

    Allow yourself to finally recommit to live your best life. Pour your heart and soul into the things that bring you joy and remove anything that no longer serves your wellbeing. Breakups are hard, but they don't define you or who you are going to be in the future. You still have the chance to gain clarity and find yourself again to even be stronger than before.

    Recognize that life goes on and love yourself enough to make peace with your past relationships and move on. Love does exist and will come your way in due time.

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