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Please I Need Your Help


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That is understandable. You will be until you know whether you are pregnant or not. It is a big unknown to not know!


Work on the anxiety with breathing - deeply and slowly - and prayer.


Exercise is good, too. I like to just walk and walk and walk and breathe lots of fresh air when I am worried. It always seems to help.


Keep talking to your boyfriend, as you have been. Tell him you just need him to listen and be there while you go through this worry together.


If it gets too tough your local county or city health department, or PP, should have counselors to help you with the anxiety if your anxiety gets crazy tough to deal with. Make sure they will protect your privacy.

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thanks. I actually went for a walk today and felt better. You guys are all amazing people. Just wanted to let you know that. And yes I'm still freaking out. I will be until I get my period. To tell you the truth ive never EVER looked forward to getting my period, but right now i truly cant wait

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Ok guys heres some new updates...I think I got my period this morning. But im not quite sure. Its about a week early and people have said before that they can still get a period that lasts about 3 days. Im still nervous but this definatly was a relief. I just hope to God that it is my period and this hell is over with.

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Glad to hear it girl.


I hope that in the future this scare will have taught you that you need to protect yourself with condoms and additional methods like the pill or a diaphragm or spermicidal jelly, etc.


There is always a chance... even with protection- so keep that in mind if you are not ready for the possibility that even the best protection sometimes fails!

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Well today is day two of my period....hopefully. Im hope it is. I've never been through this before so im a little worried that its still not....even though it feel like it Its heavy, like always so im actually pretty exited. I just wanted to thank everyone who has been here for me. I dont know what i would have done. I mean its nice to get support from my boyfriend...but sometimes girls are the better advice givers haha Thanks a lot everyone. I will be staying updated with you until I know for sure.


If i still have my period for a few more days does that mean that it is my period?? Just wondering so i dont freak out until next month

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Day 4 of my period i hope. Im feeling so hopeful that im going to be ok. Is it possible that i might be pregnant though?


I really really want to say no, but of course there is always that 0.000000000000001% that you could be. If I were you, I would allow myself to react, and maybe when your period ends you can take a test just to make sure. Honestly though, I would bet 1 billion dollars that you are not pregnant - that's how unlikely it is.


Still, follow up just for peace of mind, and make sure to lay out a plan of action as to what birth control methods you are going to use from now on, and IMPLEMENT it. Going through life worrying about being pregnant every month is no way to live!

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Oh i know the best way to stop that scare. ABSTINANCE. haha. Sounds hard but im willing to do that at least for a few more years until I am ready to handle the possible consequences later on. Well thank you very much Sophie. You just lifted a 3249 pound weight off my shoulder. It just scared me because someone before said that they had their period for 3 months of their pregnancy! That scared the shiza out of me!!!

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Some pregnant women will have light bleeding or spotting in the first trimester, each month around the time their period was due.


If your menstrual flow is moderate to heavy- it would be very unlikely for you to be pregnant. If you want piece of mind, you could take an over-the-counter test.


It sounds like you are going to take further precautions in the future to prevent this kind of scare. I'm glad you learned something valuable from it.


Take good care,



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Ya its pretty heavy, like it ALWAYS is. Along with the painful cramps and everything. But believe it or not. I FEEL AMAZING! I would do this everyday then to have a scare again. Im feeling pretty confident, but i dont want to be over-confident since im still scared. But people are telling me that im ok. So im feeling a little bit better.

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Oh i know the best way to stop that scare. ABSTINANCE. haha. Sounds hard but im willing to do that at least for a few more years until I am ready to handle the possible consequences later on.


Emily I am proud of you coming to this realization on your own. This is so important, especially if you are the type to be 100% against abortion as you earlier said.

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Some pregnant women will have light bleeding or spotting in the first trimester, each month around the time their period was due.


If your menstrual flow is moderate to heavy- it would be very unlikely for you to be pregnant. If you want piece of mind, you could take an over-the-counter test.



I just wanted to throw in that I had moderate bleeding like my normal periods the first 3 months of my pregnancy, its possible to have more than just light bleeding... Sorry just wanted to add that its opssible.


Anyway back to the OP, thats great that you're taking all precautions against another scare. Good luck hun, I agree to be 100% certain run out to the drug store and buy a cheap test... I also like the idea of throwing ice water on your bf, LOL

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