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What if you died, never having a gf or relationship?

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Why do you perfer to be single?


Because I have complete control over my independence, and have become (or am becoming) fulfilled doing the the things I love, rather than trying to find that happiness in a person. Not saying that I would never date -- as it would be nice to know what it feels like, but I don't feel as though being single leaves a gaping hole in my life that inhibits me from feeling complete in mind, body and soul.


It is a hard place to get to, but once you find it, you'll understand.

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The price of love can be pretty severe.

I'd hoped to die without feeling that part.


Unlike Batya, I never pursued it as a goal, yet it found me.

So many young men here lament their sadness, as I did.


It's no comfort, but love occurs even to us losers, and those women are angels to us.

When it comes, throw your heart into it.


I know old men who never had a date.

That's heartbreaking.

Keep some faith in what lies ahead.

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My faith has two possible desinations for every human soul after death. Either eternity in heaven (absolute eternal happiness with a heavenly mansion, and absolute utopia), or an eternity in hell (hot flames, monstrous tall demons ripping you apart where you feel pain but cant die, etc...)


The question I would be more willing to ask is if I were you is, where would I go after I die?


If I had a gf, and she led me away from God, and I ended up in hell somehow, then I'd be cursing every day for eternity in the hot flames of torment that I ever meet her and blasheme God for allowing me to ever meet her.


If I didn't have a gf who didn't lead me away from God, then I will go to heaven, and even if I may not get the best spot in heaven, well, at least I missed hell.


Dont underestimate the power of a woman. King Solomon was a wise king but his wives took him to paganism and he lost it with God. Many a man's downfall has been with a woman. So, in absolute terms, I'd just want to go to heaven knowing this life is an illusion, and want as many people to go to heaven as possible - there is only one way to get there.

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So you see a woman as a temptress toward damnation.

I see them as a positive influence, bringing light and inspiration.


Of course I'm agnostic, so they won't let me into the afterlife.


Adam was a man. He was intelligent. The serpant could not fool him, so it worked on the woman. Adam listened to Eve because his soft spot was his woman, and thus everything went bad after that and that's why we are all messed up and they are both probably in hell today for fixing us all up.


It doesn't matter what you believe as it doesn't negate my faith-constructs, nor the fact that you need to do something in this life to make sure you are in the right place.


Women can also help man. The Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, who can save anyone from going to hell. Deborah the prophetess saved Israel from their evil neighbours in the book of judges. Rahab the Harlot exercised faith in God, and thus was in the line where the Messiah would come from.


Again, the right gf, with the right faith, or it's better for me to have no gf. Thus anyone I date must be true to the LORD and spiritually inclined.

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Whoa, I have faith in God... and even I would never say something so misogynistic.


God saw Adam was lonely, so He made him a woman. If that isn't a recommendation for men and women to get together, I don't know what is! He didn't take woman from man's foot to be trodden under his feet, but from his side, as a joint-heir with him in all that God had for them both.


To see women as evil or as a vice put there by negative forces is a sad, sad thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be honest I pretty much expect at this point to die having never had a girlfriend... Something I'm often in denial about, but if I ask myself do I really think I will find anyone, I say no. More to the point, no-one will find me, cos I'm just one of those guys with no appeal whatsoever. So I can accept my lot, you don't have to be rich to be happy and I guess you don't have to be in a relationship to be happy... Still feels like a big thing is/will be missing though, and it's still somewhat depressing.

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To be honest I pretty much expect at this point to die having never had a girlfriend... Something I'm often in denial about, but if I ask myself do I really think I will find anyone, I say no. More to the point, no-one will find me, cos I'm just one of those guys with no appeal whatsoever. So I can accept my lot, you don't have to be rich to be happy and I guess you don't have to be in a relationship to be happy... Still feels like a big thing is/will be missing though, and it's still somewhat depressing.


I feel the sameway also

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The last two posts depress me. Are you two really so down on yourselves? Do you honestly think there is NO HOPE for either of you?


I don't believe anyone is hopeless. I used to think I was. But then I stopped thinking that way, took a few risks... and I no longer think that way anymore. So, if there is hope for Kevin T, then there is honestly hope for anyone else in that situation.

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Actually, there's a very good chance that's just the way things are going to turn out with me. I'm in my forties now, and never had a girlfriend or even been on a date. I'm still trying, but I'm becoming increasingly discouraged as time goes by.


If I believed in reincarnation, I think I'd just write this lifetime off, wait for it to be over, and hope like heck the next one turns out better.

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Having someone in your life can be a wonderful thing but also at times a harsh thing. It is not the end all be all but it is nice.


We arent by nature meant to go it alone. I dont think I would have wanted to go through my life without anyone.


Relationships have helped make me be the person I am today. Alot of wounds but I wouldnt trade anything.


So yes looking back I would feel bad if I didnt get to experience any relationships. Its nice to make memories with someone..just hope that those memories last a life time with the other person. I think thats really what most of us want anyways.


I think we all can be a positive influence or a negative one (women and men). Its just about honesty and caring. Those people do exist and thats what makes risking a relationship sometimes worthwhile..the chance you may get one of those people.


So not ever having just any old relationship might not be such a bad thing but rather not being able to experience true kindness and caring from another person would be a great loss.

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