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High intelligence.

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I have been taking loads of intelligence tests recently and they are all giving me high results. My highest so far is 135 and my lowest 130, from this I would place my iq at about 133. Now that would place me in the "very high to gifted" category. I've always known that I had a high intelligence but now that I've seen it on paper it seems odd to me.


From a very young age I had a deep interest in academic subjects. My best subjects in school were always history and english. I also have a huge interest in music and was always very good at painting. I'm also extremially mature for my age, often I'm told that I'm 20 going on 40 lol.


This might seem a bit big headed but there is a point to this. I've never found entertainment in things like socalising, drinking, partying or pretty much anything like that. In fact, things like that are stressful to me and what seems to be populaur (entertainment wise) is so dull to me. For example, my mother is fond of reality shows but they are almost painful to me to watch.


Now here's my problem. Some people (for some reason, mostly women) think that I'm arrogant or big headed. I really don't think I am, I like to have some confidance in myself but I never put someone down cause they can't do something. I don't like coming accross as mean but i just seem to be. I have never really had this problem with men but girls seem to find me arogant. I like being intelligent, I like the feeling that I understand thing that are beyond most but I don't think that I'm more important than anyone else. Am I arrogant or are they jealous or is this all inside my head??.

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girls seem to find me arogant. I like being intelligent, I like the feeling that I understand thing that are beyond most but I don't think that I'm more important than anyone else. Am I arrogant or are they jealous or is this all inside my head??.


Has anyone said "Man, you are one arrogant SOB" or are you assuming that this is the reason they are uncomfortable around you? If so, then isn't it a bit arrogant to assume that they're jealous of your intellect?


(BTW, it's arrogant with two R's my smarty pants ;-) )

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Has anyone flat out told you that they think that you are arrogant, or is that just something that you sense but don't really know for sure? Often times it is just inside our heads, and they may be put off by you for different reasons.


By the way, I am 20 also, and act much older than my age.

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Has anyone said "Man, you are one arrogant SOB" or are you assuming that this is the reason they are uncomfortable around you? If so, then isn't it a bit arrogant to assume that they're jealous of your intellect?


(BTW, it's arrogant with two R's my smarty pants ;-) )


Cheeky, lol. Yeah my spelling was never wonderous.




Has anyone flat out told you that they think that you are arrogant, or is that just something that you sense but don't really know for sure? Often times it is just inside our heads, and they may be put off by you for different reasons.


By the way, I am 20 also, and act much older than my age.


No-one has ever said it to my face but one of my friends in college told me that her friends, who have met me only twice, have said that I'm full of myself. Although I should say that her friends are, I'm sorry to say, as thick as the wall.

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I really don't think I am, I like to have some confidance in myself but I never put someone down cause they can't do something.


Denial is the first stage...j/k!


Seriously though, I was in the same boat as you. I tend to think of myself as confident and intelligent, however, when quite a few people saw me as "cocky," "intimidating," and "conceited," then I knew something must have been up, eventhough I failed to see it.


Whom do you have to prove that you are smart? On exams or maybe in an interview and a few other instances, however, the key for me was learn to be gentle and very kind and friendly with people. I know I have some smarts and other good qualities, but being complemented on them and fully knowing them was a quick path towards arrogance for me. Nowadays, I'm actually repelled by people who claim they want to have an "intelligent conversation." I look at them and wonder " * * * are you talking about." I've also come to learn that I don't know as much as I thought I did. It might not be your case, but either way it's good you caught it. While it may not be arrogance per say, you mentioned that you might make people uncomfortable. Maybe focus on that part then.

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You can't seriously think that two thick girls can accurately represent an entire gender's opinion of you. If you don't appeal to the survivor watching, bar hopping, crushing over Justin Tiberlake type of girl what's the problem? You'd be bored to tears if you actually landed a girl like that.


Plenty of smart sexy women out there. I say leave the rest to the Chuck and Hanks of the world.

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Just by the way you asked the question, you sound kinda full of yourself. Sorry, just being honest. Theres fine line between arrogant and confidant. I think arrogant people assume others dont know as much as them. Confidant people dont compare themselves to others so much, they are just comfortable with who they are.

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I have been taking loads of intelligence tests recently and they are all giving me high results. My highest so far is 135 and my lowest 130, from this I would place my iq at about 133. Now that would place me in the "very high to gifted" category. I've always known that I had a high intelligence but now that I've seen it on paper it seems odd to me.




This might seem a bit big headed but there is a point to this. I've never found entertainment in things like socalising, drinking, partying or pretty much anything like that.


Now here's my problem. Some people (for some reason, mostly women) think that I'm arrogant or big headed.



Ist, Sorry to burst your bubble but 135 is not high, it's just 15 points above average and is at the low end of "gifted".



I've always been a party animal, easy to talk to, down to earth AND I don't flaunt my IQ like you apparently try to do. (evidenced by this post)



You are letting it go to your head w/o any valid reason and "arrogant" would really be an understatement.






The basis for my comments is the fact that I scored a "158" on my military IQ test and those are the most accurate, way back when I was getting drafted. The 158 is also the "raw" number and still needs to be scaled......

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This might seem a bit big headed but there is a point to this. I've never found entertainment in things like socalising, drinking, partying or pretty much anything like that. In fact, things like that are stressful to me and what seems to be populaur (entertainment wise) is so dull to me. For example, my mother is fond of reality shows but they are almost painful to me to watch.



How does this paragraph fit in with the rest of the post? Do you think that people who enjoy socialising are less intellegent? There are different kinds of intellegence - some more useful than others - and social intellegence is one of them. It can't necessarily be measured on paper, but the ability to understand and relate with others is important in life. Do you assume that watching reality t.v. is correlated with low intellegence? I would be careful about making such associations, because you will be unpleasantly surprised when you find exceptions to your simplistic generalisations.


If you really are highly intellegent, the real question is 'What are you doing to do with it?' What matters is not your IQ, but how you make use of what you've got.

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I consider myself an intelligent person. I graduated college Magna Kum Laude... I don't even know my IQ, to be honest. But socializing has never been a problem. I am very shy, but that never kept me from having a social life. Maybe you are arrogant.


When you talk to women what kinds of things do you talk about? DO you talk about them or do you talk about yourself and how smart you are? Are you serious all the time, or do you have a sense of humor?


Keep this in mind... intelligence is a layered thing. Have you ever met someone who has a PhD, but can't figure out mundane every day things? And then there are people like Dave Thomas who only have an 8th grade education but have the business sense to own a chain of fast food places.

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When you talk to women what kinds of things do you talk about? DO you talk about them or do you talk about yourself and how smart you are? Are you serious all the time, or do you have a sense of humor?



Good questions. Nothing screams Arrogant more than a guy who is trying to teach girls things.. Spewing out random facts, or correcting statements girls make.


Reminds me of this woman in my group at work. She has less education than any of the other 30 people in our division, and doesn't really do anything. But she is a total know-it-all. Today in our staff meeting she kept interrupting our boss to correct him. It was hard to hold my laughter in.

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where are you taking these "intelligence" tests??



Cos - never EVER go by the ones on-line. There's rarely an accurate one to be found out here. And there is much in debate about the actual IQ tests as well.


These tests are not usually accurate measures of intelligence....


I've taken many online but I was given one by a phychologist and the results were pretty much the same as any online ones I tried.

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Good questions. Nothing screams Arrogant more than a guy who is trying to teach girls things.. Spewing out random facts, or correcting statements girls make.


Reminds me of this woman in my group at work. She has less education than any of the other 30 people in our division, and doesn't really do anything. But she is a total know-it-all. Today in our staff meeting she kept interrupting our boss to correct him. It was hard to hold my laughter in.


I don't teach anyone anything, in fact my daily word count to others is probably something between 0 and 5. Although I do have one friend who often asks me for help on college work. I never correct people on anything they say, and I never try to halp any female or male no matter how clear their mistakes are to me. I have the attitude that one is alone in university but like I said, if someone asks me for help I'll never refuse it, so long as I can help.

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Enjoying socializing is actually more common among the gifted than the non-gifted. Of course, this is a generalization, but gifted people tend to enjoy everything more, get more into everything, and find people stimulating. They may be selective about who they socialize with, but they do socialize.


You may be very inner-focused, and people may perceive this as arrogance, when in fact, you just aren't paying attention. Different things can cause this; worry, or fascination with a particular "topic of the week," or a consuming interest in a hobby, like writing. If your mind is always just a little bit on something else, people will discern that lack of attention, and may consider it arrogant. If that's the case, you might want to consider focusing more on others instead of the things in your mind.

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equinox, I think it's a natural inconsistency to talk about how smart you are and to then to sound surprised or afraid of being arrogant. The link to socialising and the implication that it's all beneath you compounds the effect. The very nature of your query and your assumption about what smart people do does seem arrogant, or at the least, naive.


I don't mean to attack you, really. But you need to get a grip. As has already been pointed out, your IQ score is not so high. There are many, many people out there who could get higher scores on those same tests, and some of them may well be the bright, fun, social people you look down on. Many of the smartest people are all the more aware of what they don't know, and would never proclaim themselves to be that smart. They are out living their lives.


As also pointed out, aptitude tests also only get you so far. If a person can't engage meaningfully with others under most circumstances I would suggest their smarts aren't helping them that much.


Err, I have come accross a lot harder than I meant to, sorry. And these things always look worse written down. I guess my advice is to try and forget the matter of your intelligence. Unless you are freakishly talented at one thing and in the top 0.0001% of the population in general, you can probably make the assumption that your intelligence is not dictating your attitude or social life.

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Arrogant or no, I dunno.


But to put so much stock in only one of your qualities is somewhat dangerous.

The old "don't put all your eggs into one basket".


Dude, you should totally go do something way out of your comfort zone. Something you think you are terrible at or won't enjoy.


Apparently, people only hear what they understand. If that is true (test it out yourself if you like), then by your aiming to 'know things others do not know' and focus on that - you are cutting down on social connections by your own hand.

Easy to change that!

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Can I just add some thing,


Its about your spelling, why you may ask, well, I have a big fat high IQ but I'm dislexic (read any of my posts and you can figure that one) so at 20 I was the opersit of you, I felt dumb, stupid, flured, broken and found it very hard to talk to any one. To me any one who could spell was smarter than me, Then at 21 I went back to high school, and this time around they spotted the dislexia, that's when I had my 1st IQ test, I did very well but then the ed-scik told me I head a spelling age of 8, kind of brakes the image of a smarty pants. But for a time after I felt grate knowing I was not dumb any more.


well that was 20 years a go, I now have a smart job, a smart wife and I'm in year 2 of my PhD.


I still can not spell and my gramer sucks but the last IQ test I did was two years ago at Ui in the dislexic reserch dep and I've goten smarter.


For me I would not swop my dislexia for any thing now, I see it as a gift becouse I have ways of doing thing what others find hard, complex 3d thinking is a good one, which is a god send in my job, computer animation.


Truth is its hard some times to remember you have feet of clay when your told ya smart but we all do, just remember this the bigger the brain the bigger the pain.



have you done a street smart IQ test yet, the one where the kid with no education becomes a muti millionaire

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In my opinion, the most esteemable kind of intelligence is not just memorizing information, facts, and dates, but rather... understanding the important concepts and times and seeing how and why it happened and connecting it to other aspects of life, especially its impact on modern society.

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