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If a man closes his eyes and turns his head away from you during sex..

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...then does that mean he's fantasizing about other (and hotter/sexier) women or porn he's seen or any other kind of fantasy???


Does that mean he doesn't want to see you when you're having sex because he's trying to fantasize about something else so he can get off? Something much more interesting than you?


I ask this because yes I'm insecure and feel like I've gained some lbs recently. I'm not ugly at all (people tell me I am attractive all of the time) but I know my body isn't as great as it was. And I see girls all the time that look so much better, even if their face isn't as pretty.


It kind of seems to me like my guy looks away when we're having sex, even if we're in the dark, which usually we are. But if we do it in broad daylight (which we've done) he still looks away. He puts his face in my shoulder or neck and closes his eyes and does his thing. At night he does the same thing. Last night I was on top and he did look at me a few times but for the most part, he turned his head away from me and closed his eyes.


What does this mean??? Am I overreacting because I'm insecure? I mean, he does try to get sex from me all of the time, but.. still.

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And to add to this query, do men generally fantasize about other stuff when they're having sex with you, or is it all you, and only you?? When they are having sex with you, do most fantasize about porn they've seen or hot celebrities or other hot chicks they've seen?


This is really a question for the guys, females welcome, but I really want men to answer.

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Some may fantasize but some don't. I wouldn't necessarily say that is the case here.

Does he close his eyes throughout the whole act or just at the end?

I know that I used to be embarrassed about my "just about to cum" face - you know the bugging eyes, thobbing forehead vein and tongue lolling out routine. I figured that the girl doesn't need to be subjected to that. I have since gotten over that though.

Sometimes though a guy's gotta put his head down and focus and concentrate on the situation and looking you in the eyes might be a distraction sort of.


On a side note - who fantasizes about porn while being with a real flesh and blood woman? - why not just look at the porn - that is the fantasy after all.

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Hello AM I very recently queried this same issue. My bf either turns the lights out when he is about to come or he will stare at my picture (which is 5 years old) on his bureau over my head...then he will come. I found that the answers that Cardinal gave me on many bf topics were honest and helpful. Something to the effect of men need to concentrate harder when trying to cum. Look him up on this thing. Very helpful. Good luck and it aint you/us(!)

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i dont think you have anything to worry about. i know exactly what you're talking about because i do the same thing with my girlfriend. i often times bury my head in her sholder and close my eyes. it's not that im thinking about anyone or anything else but her, but it's just all the sensations of having sex and the moment are sometimes too great to keep my eyes open and be staring at her. it's probably because it just feels that good and he's just enjoying the experience to the fullest. that's how it is with me anyway. my GF tells me all the time not to hide my face, but i usually do anyway. she often times rears her head back and closes her eyes too. it's just all from the amazing sensations.


as for when you're on top. i personally keep my eyes open most of the time when she's on top because i enjoy the view i have of her when she's like that. however closer to orgasm i usually have my eyes closed tightly. i think it's just a personal thing, everyone's different. it's kind of like if someone screams or not during sex, some do, some dont. but it doesnt necessarily mean the one that screams enjoys the sex more though.

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Maybe after reading these posts, you can ask him about it? It's always nice to have open communication in a relationship.


Well, you said he did it even in the dark, so I don't think he does it simply to think of someone else. All someone has to do for that is close their eyes. But in the dark, you can't see the person, or barely, so closing your eyes or turning your head is not needed, but he does it in the dark anyway. So, I'd lean toward thinking he does it just to concentrate more.

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Thanks for the responses guys, I do appreciate it. L-o-l at Mikeca.


But I'm just wondering, what do you guys mean when you say he might just be concentrating? What does he need to concentrate on if feels great?? I don't know if you all mean he needs to concentrate to get off (implying it's hard for him to do so and he's struggling to do it, or at least in my paranoid mind) or you mean he has to concentrate to make it last and not orgasm. Someone please clarify.

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I close my eyes and turn away from guys during sex... I feel very exposed and somtimes I just dont want to feel looked at.


Are you staring at him to see if he turns away? Try just looking at him occasionally... he might feel a bit on the spot

Guys get paranoid about thier ugly sex faces and things, just like chicks...

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Thanks for the responses guys, I do appreciate it. L-o-l at Mikeca.


But I'm just wondering, what do you guys mean when you say he might just be concentrating? What does he need to concentrate on if feels great?? I don't know if you all mean he needs to concentrate to get off (implying it's hard for him to do so and he's struggling to do it, or at least in my paranoid mind) or you mean he has to concentrate to make it last and not orgasm. Someone please clarify.


Surely even YOU have to concentrate to climax? It builds up on the intensity to think only of the feeling inside us and I think we all do or else we would come within seconds or not at all.


Don't see it as a problem, it's not one. And its nothing to do with struggling, its just a fantastic feeling that we WANT to think only of it.

If you don't believe it...Relax, close your eyes, turn away and concentrate... see how it feels for him.


I think your right, you ARE paranoid. If your man didnt want you, he wouldn't want to have sex with you. Period. Stop worrying.

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Surely even YOU have to concentrate to climax? It builds up on the intensity to think only of the feeling inside us and I think we all do or else we would come within seconds or not at all.


Don't see it as a problem, it's not one. And its nothing to do with struggling, its just a fantastic feeling that we WANT to think only of it.

If you don't believe it...Relax, close your eyes, turn away and concentrate... see how it feels for him.


I think your right, you ARE paranoid. If your man didnt want you, he wouldn't want to have sex with you. Period. Stop worrying.



^^^^ Agree


I close my eyes when i am concentrating on my climax....and i hold my breath.


i think its because at that moment it feels so amazing, and you need to 'block' out everything else.


i would say IMO that if a guy was to be fantasising it would be at the beginning of sex not at the point of climax....as for me, when i am building up to cumming my mind goes absolutely blank.


I think you need to CHILL out. Work on your issues, as they are affecting you - and if yo udon't sort them....they will affect your relationship too.

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Me and my bf do that.


Sometimes its hard to kiss considering all the motion going on. So resting our faces near each other is comfortable and close.


Maybe he closes his eyes to block out his sight and concentrate on his other senses... like how great everything feels.


I also find it hot to have someone's face buried in your neck. The neck is sensitive and kisses there are great. It's also close to your ear so you can hear his hot, heavy breathing.


If it worries you, ask him what he's up to or what he's doing.

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lol, that's just like my guy. When he is near his happy moment, he is holding me tight and has his eyes closed. He usually buries his head somewhere between my neck and shoulder, with his arms around me, it's so sweet. But he never turns his head away.


For me it is a bit the same I guess, open eyes take away the concentration and while having no 'visual input' I seem to enjoy my other senses better.



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  • 15 years later...
24 minutes ago, Rai said:

The answer is plan and simple , if they in a position that looks to good they look away so that they won’t cum prematurely. If they are trying to come they might turn on the lights and stare at ur body 

Um, why are you responding to a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD thread? Just curious why you dug this one up lol.

  • Haha 1
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