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Why do you hate your mother?


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I've been researching about releasing pent up anger- and came accross something that said that people hold in anger to their mother because if they express it they're afraid she will leave- and that is too frightening.


So I want to roll with that-

PLease let me know what you're angry at (if you are,- maybe I'm off base)


NOTE= Nothing too recent in your life- go for the most base anger event you can remember.



I'm angry with my mother for ............. getting overinvolved and taking control of everything creative I ever tried to do when I was young.

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I am really angry at my mother for the way she has been acting for the past 2 years. Even though that is more "recent"- it far outweighs any petty reasons I may have been mad at her about when I was younger. She really was a good mom when we were younger. Not perfect- but good.


However, never once could I ever say I "hated" her, even at the peak of my anger.


I've always loved her throughout, but I'm just not a "big fan" of her behavior.


Hate is a strong word.



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I am angry with my mother for never being there emotionally and restricting me from having a life as a child and teen. I am angry because she has nothing to say that is comforting, supportive, or slightly empathetic. I am angry because she ignored my brother and myself and then showered her affections on our half brother right in front of us.

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I am angry at my mother for being so passive in her life. She takes emotional abuse from everyone just to keep peace.


I love her but that pisses me off. I realized that, in my life, I have learned to be overly passive from her...But now I am asserting myself more and I feel better about it. I just pity her sometimes because she has no desire to change...

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people hold in anger to their mother because if they express it they're afraid she will leave- and that is too frightening.


That is an interesting theory. I'd be curious to see if a difference could be found in people whose mothers actually DID leave.


My husband's mother abandoned his family many times due to drugs, so they already had that horrible fear become a reality. I wonder if according to that theory, whether they would be more likely to express their anger to their mother since she already did the worst possible and "left". There would be nothing left to fear then- they've adapted to life without her many times.



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I'm trying to find this article that I was just looking at then I'll post the link. It was basically a guy plugging his book- and I think it was aimed at men so by all means- express your anger at all family members!!


But he did make the point that its incredibly difficult in our society to ciriticise your mother properly. So give it all you got!! After all- this is the internet- no one's gonna know- noone's gonna sue!!

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I hate that my mother is so religious that she totally denied herself ANY happiness...She stayed in a rotten marraige to a belligerent alcoholic because it was "the christian thing to do." She allowed my malignant siblings to physically and emotionally abuse me because she was scared to stand up to them.

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Im angry at my mother for getting sick with cancer when I was 8 years old


Im angry because she was selfish and only cared about herself.


Im angry because she didnt show me any unconditional love.


Im angry because she hit me.


Im angry because she called me fat when i wasnt even eating to lose weight...


Im angry she didnt care to know why I was so upset when I was raped.


She didnt protect me. Im angry she then kicked me out


Im angry after I had come home and then found I was pregnant in college she kicked me out again


Im angry because shes dead now and i have to find a way to deal with all this damn anger.

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