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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    10 Ways to Heal from a Narcissistic Mother

    Key Takeaways:

    • Identify signs of narcissistic impact
    • Embrace self-healing and resilience
    • Understand importance of boundaries
    • Seek professional and emotional support

    Understanding the Emotional Landscape

    Daughters of narcissistic mothers often navigate a complex emotional landscape from a young age. This unique dynamic can leave deep imprints on one's emotional well-being and self-perception. Recognizing the nuanced ways in which a narcissistic mother's behavior impacts her daughter is the first step towards healing. The journey of understanding begins with acknowledging the feelings of confusion, loneliness, and the constant quest for approval that may have characterized your upbringing.

    Narcissistic mothers, by nature, tend to focus on their needs and perceptions, often at the expense of recognizing and nurturing their daughter's emotional needs. This can lead to a form of emotional neglect, where the daughter feels invisible or valued only for meeting her mother's expectations. The resulting emotional landscape is one where self-worth becomes intertwined with external validation, and genuine emotional connections may feel elusive or conditional.

    In navigating this landscape, it's crucial to acknowledge the mixed emotions you might feel towards your mother - love, resentment, longing, and perhaps even guilt. These feelings are normal and reflect the complexity of your relationship. Understanding that your emotional responses are valid and rooted in your experiences can help in processing these emotions healthily.

    Part of understanding the emotional landscape involves recognizing patterns of behavior that were normalized in your family dynamic. These patterns may include minimizing your feelings, gaslighting, or conditional love. By identifying these patterns, you can begin to see how they have influenced your relationships and self-image outside of the family context.

    Last, it's essential to recognize that healing from the impact of a narcissistic mother is a gradual process. It involves relearning how to trust your feelings, understanding your worth independently of others' approval, and cultivating self-compassion. Healing doesn't mean erasing the past but learning to move forward with greater awareness and resilience.

    Recognizing the Symptoms

    The symptoms daughters of narcissistic mothers experience can vary widely but understanding common signs can help in identifying and addressing the impact. Awareness is a powerful tool in beginning to heal the wounds of the past.

    One of the first signs is an ongoing search for validation outside of the mother-daughter relationship. This may manifest in perfectionism, overachieving, or a tendency to stay in unhealthy relationships, all in an attempt to feel worthy or loved.

    Another symptom is difficulty in trusting others, stemming from the inconsistency of emotional support or validation received at home. This mistrust can make forming healthy, stable relationships challenging, as there's a constant fear of abandonment or betrayal.

    Excessive self-criticism is also a common symptom, where internalized messages from the narcissistic mother lead to a harsh inner critic. This can hinder personal growth and self-acceptance, as there's always a feeling of not being good enough.

    Emotional dysregulation, including intense feelings of anger, sadness, or anxiety, can be a sign of unresolved emotional trauma. These feelings might seem disproportionate to the situation at hand but are deeply rooted in past experiences of feeling invalidated or unloved.

    Lastly, a significant symptom is the difficulty in setting boundaries. Growing up with a narcissistic mother often means that personal boundaries were not respected, leading to challenges in asserting them in adulthood. Learning to set and maintain healthy boundaries is a critical step in healing.

    1. Seeking Validation Outside of the Relationship


    The quest for validation outside of the familial relationship is a common symptom for daughters of narcissistic mothers. It stems from a childhood where approval was conditional or tied to achievements, leading to an adulthood where self-worth is measured by external validation. This relentless search for approval can manifest in various aspects of life, including careers, relationships, and social circles.

    Such individuals may find themselves constantly striving for perfection, believing that excellence in their endeavors will finally earn them the love and acceptance they've been yearning for. However, this pursuit often leads to a cycle of disappointment, as the validation sought is based on shifting external standards rather than intrinsic self-worth.

    The impact of seeking validation externally can be profound, affecting one's mental health and well-being. It may lead to anxiety, depression, or burnout, as the individual pushes themselves to meet impossible standards. The fear of failure or rejection becomes a constant companion, overshadowing the joy and satisfaction that should come from one's achievements and relationships.

    To break free from this cycle, it's essential to cultivate a sense of self-worth that is independent of external validation. This involves introspection and acknowledging one's value, strengths, and the unique qualities that define them beyond their achievements or the approval of others. It's a journey towards self-acceptance and finding validation within oneself.

    Healing from the need for external validation requires patience and self-compassion. It's about learning to appreciate oneself, celebrating personal achievements without external acknowledgment, and understanding that self-worth is inherent, not earned. Embracing this mindset is a crucial step towards emotional independence and resilience.

    2. Difficulty Trusting Others

    Daughters of narcissistic mothers often struggle with trust in their personal relationships. Growing up in an environment where emotional support was unpredictable or conditional can lead to a deep-seated fear of vulnerability. This fear stems from the concern that opening up to others may result in manipulation, rejection, or abandonment, mirroring the instability experienced in the mother-daughter relationship.

    This difficulty in trusting can manifest in several ways, from hesitancy to form close relationships to sabotaging potential connections out of fear of getting hurt. It might also lead to an over-reliance on self, where the individual believes they can only depend on themselves, further isolating them from meaningful support and companionship.

    Overcoming these trust issues involves acknowledging the root of the fear and understanding that not all relationships will mirror the dynamics experienced with a narcissistic mother. It's about gradually opening up to the possibility of healthy, supportive relationships where vulnerability is met with empathy and understanding, rather than exploitation.

    Building trust is a gradual process that requires patience, both with oneself and with others. It starts with small steps: sharing minor vulnerabilities, observing the responses, and gradually allowing more significant aspects of oneself to be seen and known. It's also about learning to set healthy boundaries, recognizing red flags, and understanding that it's okay to walk away from relationships that feel unsafe or reminiscent of past trauma.

    Seeking therapy can also be incredibly beneficial in working through trust issues. A therapist can provide a safe, supportive space to explore these fears, offer strategies for building healthier relationships, and help in developing a more secure attachment style. Embracing the journey towards trust is not only about healing from the past but also about opening up to a future of meaningful connections and emotional security.

    3. Excessive Self-Criticism


    Excessive self-criticism is a common trait among daughters of narcissistic mothers, cultivated by a childhood environment where expectations were high and praise was scarce. This internalized voice of criticism becomes a persistent whisper, doubting every decision and magnifying every flaw. It's a relentless pursuit of perfection, driven by the fear that anything less will render one unworthy of love or respect.

    This self-imposed scrutiny can be crippling, affecting not just personal aspirations but also one's ability to engage in healthy relationships. The belief that one is never good enough can lead to avoiding new opportunities, relationships, or experiences due to fear of failure or judgment. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy where the fear of not meeting expectations ensures that one never will.

    Combatting this excessive self-criticism requires a conscious effort to recognize and challenge the negative inner dialogue. It involves replacing critical thoughts with compassionate self-talk and acknowledging achievements, no matter how small. This shift towards self-compassion is not about ignoring flaws but accepting them as part of being human.

    Part of this journey also involves setting realistic expectations for oneself and understanding that mistakes are opportunities for growth, not evidence of unworthiness. Embracing imperfection and learning to celebrate small victories can gradually quiet the critical voice, paving the way for a healthier self-image and improved mental well-being.

    4. Fear of Abandonment

    The fear of abandonment is a profound symptom experienced by daughters of narcissistic mothers, stemming from the instability and unpredictability of their maternal relationship. This fear can permeate every aspect of life, leading to anxiety in relationships, the need for constant reassurance, and sometimes, the avoidance of intimacy altogether to preclude the pain of potential loss.

    This symptom is rooted in the early experiences of conditional love, where affection or attention was withdrawn as a form of punishment or control. Such experiences teach a child that love is not guaranteed, that it must be earned or that it can be lost at any moment. This belief system carries into adulthood, coloring perceptions of relationships and self-worth.

    Individuals grappling with this fear often find themselves in a cycle of clinginess and withdrawal in relationships. They may cling to their partners out of fear of being abandoned, yet simultaneously push them away to protect themselves from the anticipated pain of rejection. This push-pull dynamic can be confusing and exhausting for both parties, often leading to the very abandonment they feared.

    Addressing the fear of abandonment involves understanding its origins and recognizing how it affects current behaviors and relationships. Therapy can be an invaluable tool in this process, offering a safe space to explore these fears and learn healthier ways of relating to oneself and others.

    Building a strong sense of self is also crucial in overcoming the fear of abandonment. This includes developing interests, hobbies, and relationships that are independent of a romantic partner or parental figure. By cultivating a fulfilling life outside of these relationships, one can begin to see their value beyond being someone's partner or child.

    Practicing self-soothing techniques can help manage anxiety when fears of abandonment surface. Techniques such as mindfulness, deep breathing, or positive affirmations can offer immediate relief in moments of panic, helping to break the cycle of fear and dependency.

    Lastly, fostering open and honest communication in relationships can help mitigate fears of abandonment. By expressing needs and fears without the expectation of judgment, individuals can work with their partners to create a secure, supportive bond that counters the ingrained fear of loss. It's a journey towards trust, security, and, ultimately, healing.

    5. Perfectionism

    Perfectionism, a hallmark symptom among daughters of narcissistic mothers, is the relentless drive to achieve flawless results in every endeavor. Rooted in the fear of criticism or the belief that love and approval are contingent upon success, perfectionism goes beyond healthy ambition, morphing into a crippling fear of making mistakes. This can manifest in professional settings, academic pursuits, and personal relationships, where the individual sets impossibly high standards for themselves and others.

    This unyielding pursuit often leads to significant stress, anxiety, and in some cases, paralysis by analysis, where the fear of imperfection prevents any action at all. Despite achievements, the internal monologue focuses on minor flaws or what could have been improved, overshadowing any sense of accomplishment or satisfaction. It's a cycle that feeds into the individual's self-criticism, reinforcing the belief that they are never good enough.

    Breaking free from the grip of perfectionism requires a conscious shift in mindset, starting with the acknowledgment that perfection is an unattainable goal. It involves embracing imperfection as a natural and valuable part of the human experience. Learning to set realistic goals and celebrate progress, rather than just outcomes, can significantly reduce the pressure perfectionism imposes.

    Another effective strategy is to cultivate self-compassion, treating oneself with the same kindness and understanding one would offer a friend. This approach helps to mitigate the self-criticism that fuels perfectionism, promoting a healthier, more balanced perspective on personal achievements and setbacks.

    Finally, seeking support through therapy or support groups can provide valuable insights and strategies for overcoming perfectionism. Sharing experiences with others who understand the struggle can be incredibly affirming and empowering, offering new perspectives on the drive for perfection and how to find balance.

    6. Emotional Dysregulation

    Emotional dysregulation, characterized by intense, rapidly fluctuating emotions and difficulty managing emotional responses, is a significant challenge for daughters of narcissistic mothers. This symptom reflects the turmoil and unpredictability of their childhood environment, where expressions of emotion were often met with disdain, indifference, or punishment. As a result, individuals may struggle to understand and control their emotional reactions, leading to overwhelming feelings of anger, sadness, or anxiety in situations that others might find manageable.

    This instability can affect various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional environments, where the individual may react disproportionately to criticism, setbacks, or stress. The lack of a stable emotional foundation can make navigating the complexities of adult life challenging, as emotional responses can seem unpredictable or out of sync with the context of the situation.

    Addressing emotional dysregulation often involves learning new coping mechanisms and emotional regulation strategies. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and cognitive-behavioral therapy can be particularly effective in helping individuals recognize their emotional triggers and develop healthier ways to respond.

    Developing a strong support system is also crucial. Surrounding oneself with understanding friends, family, or a supportive community can provide the emotional safety net needed to explore and manage these intense emotions. Being in an environment where emotions are validated rather than criticized can foster a sense of security and self-worth.

    Journaling can serve as a powerful tool for emotional regulation, offering a private space to express and analyze feelings without fear of judgment. This practice can help individuals identify patterns in their emotional responses and triggers, facilitating a deeper understanding of their emotional landscape and how to navigate it more effectively.

    Engaging in regular physical activity is another beneficial strategy. Exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve mood, and serve as a healthy outlet for stress and frustration. Finding an activity that is enjoyable and sustainable can make a significant difference in managing emotional dysregulation.

    Lastly, seeking professional help is often a necessary step in addressing emotional dysregulation. A therapist specialized in trauma and emotional disorders can provide the guidance and support needed to work through the underlying issues that contribute to dysregulation, offering a path towards emotional stability and resilience.

    7. Difficulty Setting Boundaries

    Difficulty setting boundaries is a common challenge for daughters of narcissistic mothers, rooted in an upbringing where personal space and autonomy were often not respected. Boundaries, essential for healthy relationships and self-care, become blurred or nonexistent, leading to a life where the needs and demands of others take precedence over one's own well-being.

    This struggle can manifest in various ways, from difficulty saying no, to an inability to ask for help, to feeling guilty for prioritizing one's needs. The consequences of not setting healthy boundaries are far-reaching, affecting mental health, relationships, and overall quality of life. It creates a cycle of overcommitment and resentment, where the individual feels drained yet unable to assert their needs.

    Learning to set boundaries starts with recognizing one's right to personal space, respect, and autonomy. It involves understanding that setting boundaries is not an act of selfishness but a crucial aspect of self-care and respect for oneself and others. This realization is the first step towards reclaiming control over one's life and well-being.

    Practicing assertive communication is essential in establishing boundaries. This means expressing needs and limits clearly and respectfully, without apology. It can be challenging, especially for those used to accommodating others at their expense, but it's a skill that can be developed with practice and persistence.

    It's also important to anticipate resistance. Those accustomed to having their demands met may react negatively to newly set boundaries. Standing firm in the face of pushback is crucial; it reinforces the legitimacy of one's needs and the seriousness of one's commitment to self-respect.

    Seeking support from friends, family, or a professional can provide encouragement and reinforcement during this process. Sharing experiences and strategies with others who understand the struggle of setting boundaries can offer valuable insights and motivation.

    Finally, self-reflection and self-care practices are vital. Reflecting on one's values, needs, and rights can solidify the importance of boundaries. Engaging in self-care reinforces the notion that one's well-being is worth protecting, facilitating a stronger resolve to maintain healthy boundaries.

    8. Struggles with Self-Identity

    Struggles with self-identity are prevalent among daughters of narcissistic mothers, stemming from an upbringing where their needs, feelings, and opinions were often overshadowed or dismissed. This can lead to a profound sense of uncertainty about who they are outside of their relationship with their mother or their role within the family. The quest for a distinct self-identity becomes a significant challenge, filled with doubts and questions about personal values, beliefs, and preferences.

    Developing a sense of self requires introspection and the courage to explore interests, beliefs, and desires that may have been suppressed or ignored. It's about giving oneself permission to discover and embrace aspects of their identity that are authentic and self-defined, rather than shaped by external expectations or the desire to please others.

    Engaging in new experiences and hobbies can serve as a powerful avenue for self-discovery. These activities allow for the exploration of personal interests and talents, providing insights into one's passions and preferences. Such experiences can be instrumental in building a self-identity that is diverse, rich, and uniquely one's own.

    Seeking therapy or joining support groups can also be invaluable in navigating the complexities of self-identity. Professional guidance can offer strategies for self-exploration and dealing with the emotional turmoil that may arise. Meanwhile, support groups provide a sense of community and understanding, reminding individuals that they are not alone in their journey towards self-discovery and authenticity.

    9. Hyper-Vigilance

    Hyper-vigilance is a state of constant alertness to potential threats or criticism, often developed by daughters of narcissistic mothers as a survival mechanism. Growing up in an environment where emotional safety was uncertain, these individuals learn to anticipate and brace for the next wave of conflict or disapproval. This heightened state of awareness can be exhausting, leading to anxiety, stress, and a pervasive sense of insecurity.

    This symptom extends beyond the familial context, affecting social interactions, professional relationships, and personal well-being. Hyper-vigilant individuals may find it challenging to relax or feel safe, even in environments that are objectively secure. They might overanalyze social cues, misinterpret benign comments as criticism, or struggle to trust the intentions of others.

    Addressing hyper-vigilance involves learning to recognize and challenge the automatic thoughts that fuel this state of constant alertness. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be particularly effective in helping individuals understand the link between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and in developing strategies to manage anxiety and reduce vigilance.

    Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can also play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of hyper-vigilance. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help calm the mind and body, fostering a sense of safety and present-moment awareness.

    Establishing a routine that includes regular self-care activities can reinforce feelings of stability and predictability, counteracting the chaos often experienced in childhood. By prioritizing activities that promote physical and emotional well-being, individuals can gradually build a foundation of internal safety.

    Finally, building a support network of trusted friends, family, or professionals can provide the external validation and security needed to challenge the necessity of hyper-vigilance. Knowing there are people who understand and support them can help individuals feel less isolated and more grounded, gradually reducing the need for constant alertness.

    10. Tendency to Self-Neglect

    The tendency to self-neglect, characterized by ignoring one's physical, emotional, or psychological needs, is a significant symptom experienced by daughters of narcissistic mothers. This often stems from learned behaviors in childhood, where the focus was on pleasing or appeasing the narcissistic parent, leading to a pattern of putting others' needs before their own. Over time, this can evolve into a neglect of self-care, where the individual's own needs are minimized or ignored entirely.

    Self-neglect can manifest in various forms, including poor eating habits, neglecting personal hygiene, foregoing medical care, or ignoring emotional well-being. It's a harmful cycle that reinforces feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem, further entrenching the belief that one's needs are not important or deserving of attention.

    Breaking this cycle requires a conscious effort to prioritize self-care and recognize the importance of meeting one's own needs. It starts with small, manageable steps, such as setting reminders for meals, scheduling regular health check-ups, or dedicating time each day for personal relaxation and reflection.

    Reframing self-care as an essential, not optional, part of life is crucial. This involves challenging the belief that taking care of oneself is selfish or indulgent and instead viewing it as a fundamental aspect of health and well-being.

    Seeking professional help can be instrumental in addressing the underlying issues that contribute to self-neglect. Therapy can offer insights into the roots of these behaviors, provide strategies for developing healthy self-care habits, and help rebuild a sense of self-worth and agency.

    Finally, building a support system of understanding friends or family members can offer encouragement and accountability, making the journey towards self-care less daunting. Knowing there are people who care and are willing to support one's well-being can be a powerful motivator in overcoming the tendency to self-neglect.

    Building Resilience

    Building resilience is a critical step for daughters of narcissistic mothers, enabling them to recover from past traumas and navigate future challenges with strength and flexibility. Resilience is not an innate trait but a skill that can be developed over time, through deliberate practice and commitment. It involves cultivating a mindset that embraces challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than insurmountable obstacles.

    One of the foundational aspects of building resilience is developing a strong sense of self. This includes understanding your values, beliefs, and goals, and recognizing your strengths and accomplishments. A strong sense of self provides a stable foundation upon which resilience can flourish, offering a sense of direction and purpose in the face of adversity.

    Practicing self-compassion is another crucial element. Treating oneself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness, especially in moments of failure or disappointment, fosters resilience by reducing the impact of negative self-judgments and enhancing the ability to bounce back from setbacks.

    Maintaining a supportive social network is also vital for resilience. Surrounding oneself with friends, family members, or support groups who offer encouragement, empathy, and understanding can significantly bolster one's ability to cope with stress and recover from trauma. These relationships provide emotional sustenance and a sense of belonging, which are essential for resilience.

    Engaging in regular physical activity and self-care practices can enhance resilience by improving physical health, reducing stress, and increasing overall well-being. Activities such as exercise, meditation, and hobbies not only provide a constructive outlet for stress but also promote a sense of achievement and satisfaction.

    Lastly, seeking professional support when needed is a sign of strength and a proactive step towards building resilience. Therapy can offer valuable insights, coping strategies, and a deeper understanding of oneself and one's experiences, laying the groundwork for a resilient and fulfilling life.

    Navigating Relationships

    Navigating relationships can be particularly challenging for daughters of narcissistic mothers, as their early experiences may have skewed their perceptions of what healthy relationships look like. Learning to establish and maintain healthy relationships is a journey that requires awareness, effort, and sometimes, a reevaluation of learned behaviors and expectations.

    One of the first steps in navigating relationships is recognizing the patterns that may have been internalized from the relationship with the narcissistic mother. This could include tendencies towards people-pleasing, difficulty asserting one's needs, or gravitating towards relationships that mimic the dynamics of the past. Awareness of these patterns is the first step towards change.

    Developing healthy communication skills is essential for healthy relationships. This includes learning to express one's thoughts, feelings, and needs openly and respectfully, as well as listening actively and empathetically to others. Effective communication fosters understanding and closeness, laying the foundation for mutual respect and support.

    Setting and respecting boundaries is another crucial aspect of healthy relationships. Boundaries help define what is acceptable and what is not, ensuring that one's needs and limits are respected. Learning to set boundaries—and to respect those set by others—can significantly improve the quality of one's relationships.

    Building trust gradually and intentionally is also key. Trust is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, but for those who have experienced betrayal or manipulation, it can be difficult to achieve. Trust should be built over time, through consistent, honest, and reliable behavior.

    Finally, it's important to cultivate self-reliance and independence within relationships. A healthy relationship is one in which both parties feel whole and supported, yet independently capable. Balancing togetherness with individuality ensures that relationships are enriching, rather than confining or codependent.

    Seeking Professional Support

    Seeking professional support is a crucial step for daughters of narcissistic mothers in their healing journey. The complexities of navigating a relationship with a narcissistic parent can leave deep emotional scars, and professional guidance can provide the tools and understanding necessary for recovery. It's a sign of strength to seek help, not a weakness.

    Therapy can offer a safe and confidential space to explore the impact of one's upbringing, understand the dynamics of the narcissistic relationship, and work through the associated feelings of hurt, anger, or sadness. A therapist can help identify patterns of behavior that stem from this relationship and guide the development of healthier coping mechanisms.

    There are different types of therapy that can be beneficial, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which focuses on changing negative thought patterns, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), which emphasizes mindfulness and emotional regulation. It's important to find a therapist who is experienced in dealing with family dynamics and narcissistic behavior.

    Support groups can also be a valuable resource, providing a sense of community and understanding. Sharing experiences with others who have gone through similar situations can be incredibly validating and reduce feelings of isolation. These groups can offer practical advice, emotional support, and the comfort of knowing you're not alone.

    For those who may not have access to in-person therapy or support groups, online resources, including forums, blogs, and virtual therapy services, can offer alternative avenues for support. These resources make it possible to access help regardless of location or schedule constraints.

    It's important to remember that healing is a process, and it's okay to take things at your own pace. The journey towards recovery may have its ups and downs, but with the right support, it is possible to navigate the challenges and move towards a place of greater emotional health and well-being.

    Finally, when seeking professional support, it's crucial to advocate for yourself and ensure that the professional you choose is someone you feel comfortable with and trust. A strong therapeutic relationship is foundational to the healing process.

    FAQs on Coping with a Narcissistic Mother

    Q: How can I protect my mental health while interacting with my narcissistic mother?
    A: Protecting your mental health involves setting firm boundaries, practicing self-care, and possibly limiting contact if interactions are harmful. Seeking professional support can also provide strategies for managing your emotional responses and maintaining your well-being.

    Q: Can a relationship with a narcissistic mother improve?
    A: While it's challenging, improvement is possible in some cases with clear boundaries, professional guidance, and if the narcissistic parent is willing to recognize their behavior and work on changing it. However, it's important to maintain realistic expectations and prioritize your own mental health.

    Q: How do I set boundaries with my narcissistic mother?
    A: Setting boundaries involves clearly communicating your needs and limits in a respectful manner. It may require repeated reinforcement of these boundaries and staying firm in the face of pushback. Professional support can help you develop and maintain effective boundaries.

    Q: What should I do if I feel guilty for distancing myself from my narcissistic mother?
    A: Feeling guilty is common, but it's important to remember that prioritizing your mental health and well-being is necessary and not selfish. Therapy can help you work through feelings of guilt and reinforce the importance of setting healthy boundaries for your well-being.

    Recommended Resources

    • Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers by Karyl McBride, Atria Books, 2008
    • Mothers Who Can't Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters by Susan Forward and Donna Frazier Glynn, Harper, 2013
    • The Narcissistic Family: Diagnosis and Treatment by Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman and Robert M. Pressman, Jossey-Bass, 1997
    • Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect by Jonice Webb with Christine Musello, Morgan James Publishing, 2012
    • Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed by Wendy T. Behary, New Harbinger Publications, 2013

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